Rogue Fitness

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Tuesday, March 31, 2015


A. 3 x 5 Back Squats 95, 100, 105# (knee felt good, foot is a bit sore)
B. Snatch - work to a max 80# today (having trouble moving my feet, worked on dropping under the bar)
C. 3 x 6 Push Press (75#) rest :10, 6 ring rows rest 2:00
D. 4 x 8 Power Snatches, 8 Burpees Box Step Overs
Time: 6:41 (worked on maintaining pace, first round completed in 1:30 so a bit off the rest of the rounds)

Monday, March 30, 2015


The last few weeks have been hectic. I am happy to be back posting my workouts and continuing my fitness journey. I am happy to say that over the past 6 months I have mastered several new skills and continue to improve in all areas of fitness.
I. Power Clean (15 minutes to work to max) 110# my legs are still a bit sore from Friday :(
II. 20 Power Cleans (77% of max) 85# - 1:35
III. EMOM 12:00
A) 1-3 Chest to bar pull ups - worked on different grips and got 2 using a reverse grip.
B) 7-8 unbroken Toes to Bar - no problem with these other than the inability to string them together
C) 30 double unders - tried singles and a few doubles foot felt fine but is sore now
IV. 2 x 500m Row pace 1:54.8 and 1:53.1

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


60 OH Walking Lunge Steps 35#
AMRAP 6:00
25 Double Unders, 15 Push Presses (55#)
Rounds = 4
No rest
AMRAP 2:00
Pull ups (still not able to get C2B)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Snatch - build to a tough single 85# (seem to be stuck here)
10:00 Cap
Burpee to 6", Box Jumps, KBS (35#)
Rounds 15
1000m easy row (2:06 pace)

Monday, March 2, 2015


Thruster build to a tough triple - 15 minutes 90#
I was a little hesitate as I haven't done any serious squatting in two weeks due to knee pain. But these felt good and had very little pain. I guess the PT helped and I will continue to do the exercises prescribed to continue to strengthen the surrounding muscles.
3 x 400m Row, 12 Thrusters (55#) unbroken, 12 pull ups (8-4 each round)
Time: 15:00

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Crossfit Open WOD 15.1 and 15.1a
AMRAP 9 minutes (using one bar)
15 Toes to bar
10 deadlifts 55#
5 snatches
Score = 124
My grip started to fail on TTB and was disappointed as I thought I would be able to get through 5 rounds. The weight was fairly easy.
At 9:00 minute mark, 6:00 minutes to establish a max Clean and Jerk.
120# Clean and Jerk which is a PR.
Took 2:00 before first life at 105#, 2nd lift was 115# and last lift was 120#.
I am pleased with the C & J but still need to work on form.