Rogue Fitness

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Monday, May 30, 2016


1 mile run
100 Pull ups
200 Push ups
300 Squats
1 mile run
Time: 52:19

Sunday, May 22, 2016


Clean and Jerk 8 reps total - kept it light and didn't squat, knee is still jacked up.
Clean Grip Deadlift 5 x 1 begin a rep every :60 140#

Didn't do regular programming as I was hesitant to run. I did the following instead:
5 Rounds
5 Hang Power Cleans (85#)
Time: 10:57
5 x 2 Dips
Hollow body hold :30 hold, :30 rest x 8

Saturday, May 21, 2016


I wasn't able to do the split squats, knee is being a bit problematic. But did do the:
3 x 6 DB Bench Press (30#)
3 x 6 Pendlay Rows (95#)
AMRAP 7:00
250m Row
5 Strict Pull ups (a bit of a struggle this morning)
7 KB Clean and Jerks (more like a press 30# each hand)
9 Burpees (subbed for Wall Balls)
Rounds - 1 + 250 + 5 + 7
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 7:00
15 cal Row
10 T2B
5 Wall Walks (tough but actually like these)
Rounds - 2


4 x 6 Push Jerk (did press) 85, 90, 95, 95
20:00 @ 80%
Using 25m end to end area:
Move implements from one end one at a time,
Throw - 20# Wall Ball
Push Prowler
1 arm DB OH Carry (30#)
Sand Bag
Jog back easy to pick up/move next object
8 Burpees before starting the next round
This was a whole lot more fun this week than last, sun was shining and it was somewhat warm.

Thursday, May 19, 2016


Power Clean Cluster 3 x 1.1.1 (light weight due to problem with left knee 95#)
Clean Pull 6 x 1 every :60 (137#)
Lactic Endurance (only did first part)
KBS 53#
Burpees to 8" target
Time: 3:48
Strict Pull ups 3-2-3
Hollow Body Holds :30 on :30 Rest x 8

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Pause Snatch - tweeked my knee on the first one so did Power Snatches and keep it light trying to focus on not pulling too early. Not sure how successful I was.
3 x 4 Box Squats (70#)
AMRAP 7:00
1 CTB Pull up, 1 HSPU, 1 KBS (53#), then 2, then 3, etc.
Completed 4 rounds + 5 CTB Pull ups
1000m Row 4:09
120 seconds FLR unbroken

Saturday, May 14, 2016


Front Squats 2 - 2 -1 - 1 rest 3:00 105, 110, 115, 120#
Push Press 4 x 4 85, 90, 95, 100#
20:00 @ 80%
Using 25m end to end area:
Move all implements from one end to the other one at a time:
Sled drag (140)
Sand Bag
Bar Overhead w/85#
10 Burpees before moving implements back
Cold, rainy day = no fun!


1000m Row 2:05 pace
20:00 Clean and Jerk  55, 65, 75, 85, 95, 100#
15:00 Snatch 35, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75#
400m Run
Box Jumps
KBS 35#
400m Run
Time: 8:58


DB Rear Elevated Split Squat 3 x 10 rest :60 (15# DBs)
DB Bench Press 3 x 8 (25#) rest :60
Pendlay Row 3 x 8 (95#)
AMRAP 7:00 @ 85%
4 Strict Pull ups, 6 Hand Release Push ups, 8 KB Clean and Jerks (alt 16kg), 30 Double Unders
Rounds - 1 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 7
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 7:00
7 Hang Power Cleans (75#), 14 Burpees, 27 cal Row
Rounds - 2


Power Clean Clusters 4 x 1.1 110#
Clean Pulls 6 x 1 every :60 135#
Lactic Endurance Training
Power Snatch (55#)
Ring Dips (w/purple band)
Time: 3:04
Rest 24:00
Thrusters (55#)
Pull ups
Time: 3:16
This SUCKED!!!

Monday, May 9, 2016


1000m Row (from yesterday)
Pause Snatch - missed on most of these but here is one:
3 x 5 Box Squat - rest 3:00
Full"relax" on box so glutes and hamstrings engage to get up. I went super light, 65#, as I didn't feel that at the slightly heavier weight the proper muscle were firing.
HSPU - struggled with these today
KBS (24 kg)
Time: I didn't turn on the timer


Decided to have a little fun in the gym and did a partner WOD with several of the other members.
AMRAP 20:00
Alternating with your partner, starting at 2 reps and increasing by 2 reps each round:
Burpee Box Overs
Clean and Jerks 65#
Wall Balls
Deadhang to inverted
Deadlift 135#

Sunday, May 8, 2016


Went to CF 734 for an Over the Bar Seminar. Got some good coaching on pull ups, butterfly and Kipping. Also, some drills for muscle ups. Not sure I want to do these but will start to include them in my warm up.


DB Rear Elevated Split Squat 3 x 12, rest :60 between sides (15# each hand)
DB Bench Press 3 x 8 rest :60 (25#)
1 arm DB Row 3 x 6 (30#)
AMRAP 7:00 @ 85%
6 Shoulder to Overhead (75#)
250m Row
2 Wall Walks (always surprised at how hard these can be)
Rounds - 3
4:00 Rest
AMRAP 7:00
2 Rope Climbs (ropes are so frayed its hard to slide down, plus tore up my leg)
8 Ring Push ups (love these for some reason:)
8 Wall Balls
Rounds - 3 + 1 rope climb

Friday, May 6, 2016


Front Squats 3-3-2-2 85, 95, 105, 115# rest 3:00 between sets
Push Press 4 x 5 75, 85, 90, 95# rest 2:00 between sets
Ring Dips 2 - 2 -2 - 2 rest 2:30 between sets (no weights, worked on full range of movement)
AMRAP 16:00
3 Stone over the shoulder
25m Stone Carry
1 Stone over the shoulder
10 Box Jumps
10 cal. Assault Bike
Rounds - 5 + 3 + 25m + 1 + 10

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Power Clean Clusters 3 x 1.1 :15/2:00 105#
Clean Pulls 6 x 1 every :60 135#
6 min. Cap
1000m Row (2:00 pace), in remaining time Power Cleans (85#) 15
Rest 5:00
6 min Time cap
1000m Row (2:00 pace), in remaining time Wall Walks (5)

Monday, May 2, 2016


Back at it!!!
Power Snatch (double) 35, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75
3 x 6 Box Squats (with full relax on box) 70#
20:00 AMRAP
2 CTB Pull ups, 4 HSPU, 8 KBS (35#)
Rounds - 10 + 2 CTB + 2 HSPU
Two movements I still need to work on CTB Pull ups and HSPU so pleased with completing the 10+ rounds.  

Sunday, May 1, 2016


Did some weight lifting this morning. Felt pretty good but was a long session.
Clean at the Knee 3 x 3 @ 65# 2 x 2 @ 75#
Squat Clean 2 x 3 @75#, 2 x 3 @85#, 4 x 2 @95#
Push Press 3 x 4 @65#, 4 x 3 @75#
Clean Pulls 5 x 3 @110#
RDL 5 x 5 @110#

4/21 - 4/25/2016

Masters Qualifer
WOD #1
Row (cal)
Thrusters (55#)
Time: 6:49
WOD #2
1 rep max. Deadlift 255#