Rogue Fitness

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Saturday, December 31, 2016


Today would have normally been a rest day but decided to jump into a class and did this:
3 rounds
7 Pull ups, 7 Burpees, 7 Hang Power Cleans (75#)
50 Double Unders (did singles)
3 rounds
7 Pull ups, 7 Burpees, 7 Hang Power Cleans
50 Double Unders (did singles)
3 rounds
7 Pull ups, 7 Burpees, 7 Hang Power Cleans
Time: 15:45

Thursday, December 29, 2016


It is always nice to have others join you for a WOD. Definitely pushs me to do better.
4 x 1.1 Split Jerk :10/2:00 (75, 85, 90, 95#)
5 x 1 CG Deadlift + 1 Clean Pull every :90 135#
5:00 TGU with Barbell (25, 35, 40#)
For Time
250m Row
15 Snatches (55#)
25 Burpees
15 Snatches
250m Row
Time: 6:30

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


2 x
25m High Knee Skip
6 Strict TTB
25m PVC OH Lunge Steps
6 Double KB Clean and Jerks (25#)

Squat Clean (worked on Split Clean) to a tough single in no more than 15:00 (65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 110, 115#)
3 x 3 Tall Jerks - technique primer very light (45#)
3 x 4 Clean Pulls 2:00 rest (135#)

4 sets of 3:00 AMRAP
15 AB cals, 15 KBS (44#), 15 TTB
Rest 1:00
Start where you left off in rep count
Rounds - 3 + 15 AB Cals + 10 KBS


3 x 5 Trap 3 (15#)
EMOM 10:00
1 - 8 Butterfly Pull ups
2 - 4 HSPU
For Time
100 Wall Balls
At the top of every minute, 3 Power Cleans (65#)
Time: 5:59


2 x
:45 Nose to Wall Hold, :20 single arm passive Hang
3 x 1.1.1 Snatch Clusters :20/2:00 65, 75, 80#
3 x 3 Strict Press (70, 75, 80#)
10:00 AMRAP
6 Butterfly Pull Ups
10 Thrusters (55#)
20 Double Unders
Rounds - 4 + 6 Pull ups + 10 Thrusters


3 x
:30 HS Hold, Max Double Unders (worked on singles), 10 Back Extentions
7 x 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Snatch (55, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 87.5# - failed)
3 x 5 Back Squats (:04 pause) 75, 75, 80#
8 sets 500m Row/2:00 Rest between sets 4 and 5 5:00 rest
Pace: 2:01

Friday, December 23, 2016


3 x 1.1.1 Split Jerk Clusters 75, 85, 85# felt pretty good 😊
3 x 4 Romanian Deadlift 30x1 Rest 2:00 125, 145, 155#
5:00 TGU with Barbell (35#)
3 Rounds
250m Row
10KBS (44#)
10 Burpees
10 KBS
250m Row
Rest 6:00
Times: 3:44, 3:50, 3:54


2 x
25m Bear Crawl, 6 TTB, 25m Walking Lunges, 6 KBS (16kg)
Hang Power Clean - build to s max (105#)
3 x 6 1 1/4 Front Squat deload (65#)
20 Ring Dips
Time: 3:31
Death by Power Snatch (60#)
Completed 10:00 + 9 Snatches


3 x 6 Trap 3 light 10/15# DB
EMOM 14:00
1 - 7 Pull ups (worked on Butterfly)
2 - 3 Strict HSPU
For Time
15 Dquat Cleans (75#)
20 Wall Balls
10 Squat Cleans (85#)
20 Wall Balls
5 Squat Cleans (95#)
Time: 11:39

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


 2 x
:40 Nose to the wall Hold
:15 passive Hang from the bar
3 x 1.1 Snatch Cluster rest :15/2:00 75, 80, 85 (failed)
3 x 4 Strict Press 70, 75, 80#
For Time
50 KBS (35#)
40 Front Squats (75#)
30 Pull ups
20 Burpees
10 Wall Walks
Every 2:00 - 20 Double Unders, start with Double Unders
Time: 28:00 because I suck at Double Unders 😝

Sunday, December 18, 2016


4 x 3 Split Jerk rest 2:00 (75, 85, 95, 100#)
3 x 5 Romanian Deadlift rest 2:00 (100, 105, 110#)
5:00 worked on butterfly

AMRAP 3:00
Burpees Box Jump Overs
Goal - 30/Actual - 26
Rest 1:00
AMRAP 2:00
Row calories
Goal - 40/Actual - 35
Rest 1:00
AMRAP 1:00
Assault Bike cal
Goal - 20/Actual 16

Saturday, December 17, 2016


3 x
:30 Handstand Hold
10 GHD Sit ups
30 Double Unders

A1  3 x 2 Snatch grip Deadlift rest 2:00 155, 165, 175#
A2  3 x 3 1 arm DB Shoulder Press 35#

6 sets 500m Row, REST 2:00
2:01 pace across sets


3 x
5 Strict TTB, 4/side KB Clean and Jerk (30#), 8 alt. pistols (didn't do Thebes's pistols too hard on my knees)
Hang Power Clean 2RM (5 x 55, 5 x 65, 3 x 75, 2 x 85, 2 x 95, 2 x 100, 1 x 105#)
3 x 2 1 1/4 Front Squats (95#)
Ring Dips - forgot to do these :(.
Every 3:00 for 5 sets
8 Hang Power Cleans (55#)
8 Front Squats
8 Shoulder to OH

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


3 x 6 Trap 3 (15#)
3 x 15 Pull ups
10 Strict HSPU, 10 Kipping HSPU
Time: 2:57
20 x
1 Power Clean (85#)
3 Burpees
5 Wall Balls
Time: 14:19
Skill: 10 minutes Double Unders


2 x
:30 Nose to Wall Hold
:15Passive 1 arm Hang
4 x 1.1 Snatch :15/2:00 70, 75, 80, 85 - failed
3 x 5 Strict Press 65, 70, 75
1000m Row
20 CTB (took forever)
1000m Row
30 Pull ups
Time: 17:16


3 x
:30 HS Hold, 10 GHD Sit ups, 30 Double Unders
A1 3 x 3 Snatch grip Deadlift 2:00 rest 135, 145, 155#
A2 3 x 3 1 arm DBShoulder Press 30, 35, 35#
6 sets 500m Row/2:00 rest
4 sets :15 @ 97% Assault Bike
          :45 rest

Saturday, December 10, 2016


4 x 4 Split Jerk (65, 75, 85, 90#)
3 x 4 RDL :60/2:00 Rest (35, 40, 45#)
3 x 5 Deadhang to Inverted
AMRAP 3:00
10 Snatches (55#), 30 Doubble Unders
Rounds - 1 (sucked at Double Unders)
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 4:00
8 Thrusters (65#), 8 Bar facing Burpees
Rounds -2 + 8 Thrusters
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 5:00
30 cal Row, 15 HRPU
Rounds - 1 + 30 cal Row +  10 HRPU


3 x
8 Strict TTB/4 KB Clean and Jerk ((30#)
3 RM Hang Power Clean (65, 75, 85, 90, 95, 100#)
3 x 1 1/4 Front Squat (90#)
3 x 3 Ring Dips

Every 3:00 x 5
9 Pull ups, 5 Front Squats (100#), 11 KBS (44#), :30 Plank


3 x 4 DB External Rotation 15# :60 Rest
3 x 8 Strict Pull ups :60
3 x 10 HSPU 10/10/10 2:00 rest
20 DB Snatches (35#)
3 x 8 Bar facing Burpees, 30 Double Unders
20 DB Snatches
Time: 9:24

800m Sled Drag (45#)


2 x
2 Strict CTB (probably more like strict pull ups)
2 Rope Climbs (playing around with legless)
3 x 1.1.1 Snatch Clusters :15/2:00 (65, 70, 75#)
3 x 2 Behind the neck Strict Press (60, 60, 65#)
3 x 6 Reverse Lunge Rest 2:00 (35# KB)
AMRAP 6:00
200m Row, 10 OHS, 4 Strict HS
Rounds - 2
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 6:00
10 Deadlifts (145#), 10 Box Jump Overs, 30 Double Unders
Rounds - 2 + 2 Deadlifts
Rest 4:00
3 Stone over the Shoulder, 25m Bear Crawl, 25m Lunge steps
Rounds - 4

Saturday, December 3, 2016


3 x
:30 HS Hold
10 GHD Sit ups
30 Double Unders
A1 3 x 4 Snatch grip Deadlift (125, 135, 145#)
A2 3 x 5 1 arm DB Shoulder Press (25, 30, 30)
4 sets
500m Row(2:05 pace)
Rest 2:00
2 x
20 cal AB
10 KB Swings (35#)
Time: 4:04


4 x 2 Push Jerk (85, 95, 100, failed)
3 x 5 Single Leg Romanian Deadlift (30, 35, 40)
3 x 5 Deadhang to Inverted
4:00 AMRAP
8 Box Jumps
8 Wall Balls
8 Clean and Jerks (65#)
Rounds - 2 + 4 Box Jumps
4:00 Rest
4:00 AMRAP
8 Thrusters (65#)
8 Pull ups
Rounds - 1 + 8 Thrusters + 8 Pull ups
4:00 Rest
2:00 Burpees to 8'
I should have taken the day off. I was really tired and did not perform very well.


3 x
7 Strict TTB
7 each side KB Snatches
4RM Hang Power Clean (65, 75, 85, 95, 100#)
3 x 4 1 1/4 Front Squat (85#)
3 x 3 Ring Dips

For Time
50 TGU (25#)
50 KB Swings (unbroken)
Time: 18:34


3 x 5 DB External Rotation (15#)
3 x 4 Pull ups :10 hold on last one
3 x 10 HSPU (8/2, 9/1, 4/4/2)
EMOM 20:00
1 - 8 DB Snatches (35#)
2 - 7 Bar facing Burpees
3 - :30 Double Unders (19/21/35/24/32
4 - :30 Ring Plank
800m Sled Drag (10:00 +/-)

Friday, December 2, 2016


15:00 Split Snatch (3 x 35, 3 x 55, 2 x 60, 2 x 65, 1 x 70, 1 x 75, 1 x 80, 1 x 85, 1x 90 fail)
3 x 3 Behind the neck Strict Press (55, 55, 60#)
6:00 AMRAP
200m Row, 10 OH Lunge Steps, 10 HRPU
Rounds - 2 + 200m row + 10 Lunge Steps
4:00 Rest
6:00 AMRAP
7 Deadlifts (145#)
28 Double Unders
Rounds - 2
4:00 Rest
6:00 AMRAP
10 cal Assault Bike
10 Burpees
Rounds - 3 + 3 cal.


5 x 1 Snatch + 2 Snatch Balance + 1 OHS (45, 55, 60, 65, 70#)
3 x 10m KB Lunges (30#)
10 sets Assault Bike
:30 on, :30 off
50 cal Row
40 OHS (35#)
30 Box Jumps
20 Bar facing Burpees
10 Wall Walks


After a couple of weeks off it was difficult getting back into the gym. Did a couple of easy WODs before hitting it hard again.

4 x 5 Push Press 75, 85, 95, 100#
EMOM 12:00
1 - 5 Burpees to TTB
2 - 6 Clean and Jerks (75#)
3 - 10 cal Row
4 - Rest

30 cal Assault Bike (2:03)
Rest 2:00
30 cal Row (1:43)

Monday, November 7, 2016


I went into the gym and joined the 9:00 am class for a light workout.
EMOM 8:00
Odd - 5 Strict Pull ups
Even - 5 Kipping Pull ups
4 x
30 Double Unders
20 Push ups
100m Farmers Carry (24kg)

Sunday, November 6, 2016


Older, Wiser, Stronger, Faster - Masters Competition
WOD #1
10:00 AMRAP
5, 7, 9, 11...
50# D-Ball Ground to Shoulder
14' Sled Push (50#)
Box Jumps/Step ups
14' Sled Push
Score: 224 reps + 240' Sled Push

WOD #2
Pick your Poison
3 movements 1:00/:30
Rope Climbs (3 x 100 points)
Goblet Squats (35#) 20 x 10 Points
DB Snatches (35#) 23 x 10 points
Total: 730

WOD #3
Knurling on Knurling
12:00 AMRAP
15 OHS (55#) Score - :31
12 G2OH (65#)
9 Front Squats (75#)
6 Cleans (95#)
15 Deadlifts (145#)
Time: 5:48
Remaining Time TTB = 40

WOD #4
12:00 AMRAP
Part 1 Row for time
425m - 1:35.3
Part 2
15 Wall Balls
12' OH Walking Lunges (55#)
10 Burpee over the Bar
12' OH Walking Lunges
Score: 97 Rep/196' Lunges

Friday, November 4, 2016


4 x 3 Strict Press 22x1 2:00 rest 75, 80, 85, 90# only got 2
1 - 8 TTB
2 - 10 Wall Balls
3 - 15 Burpees
4 - Rest
100 cal. Assault Bike
Time: 9:11

Thursday, November 3, 2016


3 x
2 TGU each arm (25#) felt heavy today
:30 Handstand Hold
4RM Power Clean (55, 65, 75, 85, 90, 95, 100# only got 1)
3 x 3 Front Squat 22x1 (100#) rest 2:30
3 x 3 Strict CTB (more like pull ups)
Every 3:00 for 4 sets
20 Double Unders (not unbroken but getting better, string 3-15 together)
5 Thrusters (85#)
This has to be the worse combination of movements, I suck at Double Unders and hate Thrusters. I was stressing about the weight, which was tough but glad I did it. I definitely had thoughts of going lighter.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


3 x 6 Powell Raises (10#) right shoulder is a bit sticky
3 x 4 Trap 3 (15#)
A1. 3 x 4 Lean away Pull ups (a work in progress) :60 rest
A2. 3 x 3 30x1 Good Mornings (85#)
EMOM 10:00
Even - 3 Wall Walks
Odd - 14Box Jumps
Rest as needed
EMOM 10:00
Odd - 4 CTB Pull ups (no pistols) was able to string 3 together
Even - 8 alt DB Snatches (35#)
400m Sled Drag (45# should have put on more weight)


Power Snatch - build to a max double in no more than 10:00 (65, 70, 75, 80#)
For 5:00 3 Touch and Go Power Snatch @ 70% of above (60#) begin a set every :40
4 x 2 Back Squat 31x1 tempo
8:00@ 85%
200m Row, 8 Front Rack Box Step ups (65#), 4 Strict Press before setting down the bar
Rounds - 2 + 200m row + 4 Step ups
Rest 4:00
8:00 @ 85%
25 Double Unders, 50m Farmers Carry (28kg)
Rounds - 3 + 25m Farmers Carry
This was the secret to double Unders, carry a heavy weight and then jump rope. I was able to string 10-15 double Unders together today for the first time in a along time 😁

Saturday, October 29, 2016


Build to tough OHS from the ground 5@35, 3@55, 3@65, 2@70, 1@75, 1@80#
3 x 15m DB Bear Crawl (30#)
18 sets Assault Bike
:20 hard
:40 easy
3 x
10 Squat Snatches (55#) last round finally felt decent
7 L-Pull ups (banded)
Time: 9:16


4 x 4 Strict Press 21x1 Rest 2:00 75, 75, 80, 85#
EMOM 16:00
1 - 10 Toes to Bar
2 - 12 Wall Balls
3 - 250m Row
4 - Rest
I thought this was going to be an easy day, don't know why I even let myself think this. The row was rough.
83 Double Unders (still suck but determined)


3 x
TGU (25#)
10 GH Raises
Power Cleans 5RM 65, 75, 85, 95# got 3

3 x 4 Front Squats 22x1 Rest 2:30 95#
3 x 4 Strict Chest to Bar (mostly strict pull ups)
00:00 - 3:00 25 cals AB
3:00 - 6:00 20 Clean and Jerks 75#
6:00 - 9:00 60 KBS (35#)
9:00 - 9:45 Plank Hold


Rest Day
20 sets on Assault Bike
:15 sprint/:45 easy

Friday, October 28, 2016


3 x 8 Powell Raises :60 rest each arm
3 x 5 Trap 3 :60 rest each arm
A1. 3 x 5 Lean away Pull ups :60 rest
A2. 3 x 5 Good Morning 2:00 rest (65#)
EMOM 10:00
Odd - 10 Pull ups
Even - 6 DB Squat Clean and Jerk (25#)
EMOM 12:00
Odd - :30 Double Unders
Even - 6 KBS/4 Box Jumps
400m Sled Pull (50#)


Hang Power Snatch - build to a max in on more than 10:00 5 @35, 3@55, 2@60, 2@65, 70, 75#
5:00 - 3 touch and go Hang Power Snatch begin a set every :30 (55#)
3 x 4 Back Squat 31x1 tempo rest 2:00 95, 105, 115, 125
8:00 @ 85%
200m Run, 7 OHS (55#), 7 Bar facing Burpees
Rounds - 3 + 200m Run
Rest 4:00
8:00 @ 85%
40 Double Unders, 4 Stone over the Shoulder
Rounds - 3

Saturday, October 22, 2016


4 x 5 Strict Press (75#) 21 x 2 2:00 Rest
EMOM 10:00
Even - 3 Deadhang to inverted
Odd - 10 Ring Push ups
4 x
8 Front Squats (75#)
6 Burpees over the bar
40 Double Unders (best they have been in a while)
Rest 2:00
Times: 3:26, 3:19, 3:17, 3:22


OHS double from the ground 5 x 55, 3 x 65, 2 x 70, 75, 80, 82.5#
3 x 20m DB Bear Crawl (25#) actually sorta liked these.
20 sets Assault Bike
:15 sprint, :45 rest
3 x
7 Snatches (55#), 7 Toes to bar, 7 KBS (32kg)
Time: 4:23 (omg, my forearms were burning 😁)


3 x
1:00 Double Unders (getting better)
2 Wall walks
Power Clean 6RM 65, 75, 85, 90#
3 x 5 Front Squats 22 x 1 Rest 2:30 90#
Deadlift Double 155, 185, 205, 210#
1000m Bike (suppose to be a run but it was raining)
Max Shoulder to OH 75# - 30
5:00 Rest
1000m Bike
Max Chest to Bar - 13
5:00 Rest
30 Shoulder to OH
13 Chest to Bar Pull ups
3 Burpee Box Jumps

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


3 x 10 Powell Raises (10#)
3 x 6 Trap 3 (15#)
1. 3 x 6 Lean Away Pull ups
2 3 x 6 Good Mornings (75#)
EMOM 10:00
Even - 9 Pull ups
Odd - 6 DB Clean and Jerk (30#)
Rest as needed
EMOM 12:00
Even - :30 Double Unders
Odd - 12 KBS (20kg)

Monday, October 17, 2016


10:00 to build to max Power Snatch (55, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, failed at 90#
4:00 4 Tiuch and go Power Snatches begin every :30 55#
4 x 4 Back Squats 31x1 rest 2:00 90, 100, 105, 110#
8:00 @ 85%
200m Run, 15 Wall Balls, 25m Bear Crawls
Rounds - 3 + 200m Run
Rest 4:00
8:00 @ 85%
3 Power Cleans (95#), 6 Push ups, 9 Squats, 25 Double Unders
Rounds - 3


Playing in the gym

Saturday, October 15, 2016


This was a tough week and I probably should have taken today off.  But was a bit intimidated by the workout and wanted to get it done. The workout was all movements that I am weak at or struggle with so I didn't look forward to doing it.  I probably let this get in my head a little too much and could have probably done a little better had I not let that happen. Anyway here it is:
OHS - build to a triple from the ground (55, 65, 70, 75, 80#) these felt pretty good.
10 Rounds
Run 150m
7 Chest to Bar Pull ups
7 Front Squats (95#)
7 HSPU (2 round I went unbroken on these)
Time cap: 20:00
Rounds complete: 4 + 150m run


3 Rounds not for time
10 Double Unders (single leg, I can barely do them with two legs)
2 Wall Walks
A. Power Clean - Build to 7RM (55, 65, 75, 85#)

B. 3 x 6 22x1 Front Squat rest 2:30 (85#)
C. Deadlift - build to a tough triple (125, 145, 165, 185, 200#)
1000m Row, 15 Squat Cleans (75#)
For any Squat Cleans left on the table, 5 Burpees
6:00 Rest
10 Squat Cleans, 1000m Row
For every second slower on the row, 20m Bear Crawl
Round 1 - Row: 4:09.9, 10 Squat Cleans (25 Burpee penalty)
Round 2- Row: 4:09.8 (no penalty)


4 x 6 Strict Press 21x2 rest 2:00 (70#)
EMOM 10:00
Even - 6 Strict TTB
Odd - 12 HRPU
4 Rounds
8 Deadlift, 6 Hang Power Cleans, 4 Shoulder to Overhead, 30 Double Unders, Rest 2:00
Weight was 80# and done unbroken
Times: 2:54, 2:06 (got 15 unbroken double Unders) 2:21, 2:26
The difference in time is due to my inability to consistently do double Unders. Frustrating!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


3 x 12 Powell Raises (10#) 30x1 :60 rest
3 x 8 Trap 3 (10#) rest as needed
A1. 3 x 8 Lean away Pull ups (not as pretty as the video, focused on staying tight) rest :60
A2. 3 x 8 Good Mornings 30x1 rest 2:00 (55#)
EMOM 10:00
Even - 9 Pull ups
Odd - 6 DB Push Press (35#)
Rest as needed
EMOM 10:00
Even - :30. double Unders (better today, not great)
Odd - 12 KBS (20kg)


Today is normally a rest day but wanted to try out a WOD for an upcoming competition.
With one bar:
15 OHS @ 55#
12 Power Snatches @ 65#
9 Front Squats @ 75#
6 Power Cleans @ 95#
15 Deadlifts (145#)
Time 6:24
In remaining  time T2B = 40


Power Snatch - build to max in 10:00 (55x 2, 65 x 2, 70, 75, 80, 85, 87.5#)
4:00 beginning a set every :30 Power Snatch (55#)
4 x 5 Back Squat (temp 31x1) (85, 95, 105)
8:00 @ 85%
200m Row, 10 Wall Balls, 8 DB Snatches (35#)
Rounds - 3 + 200m Row
Rest 4:00
8:00 @ 85%
9 Pull ups, 12 Air Squats, 27 Double Unders (still suck at these)
Rounds - 2 + 9 Pull ups, 12 Squats

Sunday, October 9, 2016


Front Squat to Split Jerk. Build to a tough 65, 75, 85, 95, 100# sorta liked these once I got the hang of it.
3 x 8 Trap 3:60 between each arm 15#
21 - 15 - 9
Deadlift (155#)
Time: 12:00 - a bit disappointed in my time. Deadlifts were heavy but manageable. HSPU were slow.

Saturday, October 8, 2016


AM - 40:00 Assault Bike
A1. 4 x 5 Push Press rest :60 (85,95,100,100#)
A2. AMRAP 2:00 Strict Pull ups rest 2:00 12/12/12/10
EMOM 10:00
Odd - 8 TTB
Even - 7 Air Squats, 5 HRPU
Rest 4:00
EMOM 10:00
Odd - 3 Power Cleans (95#)
Even - :30 Assault Bike (just when I thought this WOD wasn't so bad)


3 Rounds
8 DB External Rotation (15#) rest 1:00
:30 FLR on Rings
7 reps Squat Cleans build to 85%1RM
Still pulling early 😕
3 x 4 Front Squat (pause at bottom) 65, 75, 80#
3 x 1.1 Clean Pull (125#) :10/2:00
6 sets :30 Row Rest 2:00
Cals: 11/11/12/12/12/12
40 Pull ups
Time: 2:42


A. 3 x 20m Farmers Carry (32kg) ending up doing 4 x 25m
B1. 3 x 4 Close Grip Bench Press (100# felt heavy today)
B2. 3 x 4 Pendlay Row (105#)
4 Rounds
250m Row, 8 Burpees over the erg, 12 KBS (35#), Rest 2:00
Times: 2:15, 2:15, 2:17, 2:24 (Burpees were the difference)


3K Row off the rower every 1K
50 Double Unders (did 100 singles unbroken, trying to reset)

Monday, October 3, 2016


I went to the gym with every intention of completing my workout. Every muscle was sore and after a long warm up decided to jump in on a class and did this:
2 Rounds
800m Run
30 Walking Lunges
50 Russian KBS (16kg nice and light)
Took my time, just wanted to get my body moving today.

Sunday, October 2, 2016


Split Jerk - build to a tough weight in 7 reps (85, 95, 105, 110, 115, 120,125#)
This was decent and felt pretty good.

This sucked, need to commit to dropping under the bar. 

3 rounds
400m Run
6 OHS (70#)
1:00 Rest
Time: 2:54 each round (not fast but consistent :)
Weight lifting Seminar @ 734 CF
Got a lot of good coaching tips on the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. Totally wiped out after 4 hours of lifting drills. 

Saturday, October 1, 2016


4 x 4 Push Press (95,95,100,100#) rest 1:00
4 x 2 Weight Strict Pull ups (10,15,15,15#)
3 rounds
5 1-arm DB Thruster (30#) R
5 Burpees
5 1-arm DB Thruster (30#) L
5 Pull ups
Time: 3:22
2:1 Rest
3 Rounds
5 1-arm DB Thruster
5 Burpees
5 1-arm DB Thruster
5 Pull ups
Time: 3:24
1 mile Assault Bike
Time: 2:34

Thursday, September 29, 2016


2 rounds
:50 nose to wall hold, 8 GHD Sit ups, 8 Back Extensions
14 x 1 Power Cleans (100#) every :30 this went surprisingly well, I was a bit nervous about the weight.
7 x 4 Front Squats (90#) every 1:00
5 sets
4 Deck Presses 25# DB, :55 Row Rest 3:25

35 CTB Pull ups
Time: 7:04(spent too much time feeling sorry for myself for not being able to string these together)


A. 3 x 500m Stone Carry
B1. 3 x 5 Close Grip Bench Press (100#) Rest 1:00
B2. 3 x 5 Pendlay Row (105#) Rest 1:00
Every 2:00 for 10 sets
4 CTB, 6 HSPU, 8 Box Jump Overs, 25 Double Unders (did not get to the double Unders)

Monday, September 26, 2016


Snatch - build to a max in no more than 7 reps (65, 70, 75, 80, 85, failed at 90# disappointed)
3-3-3 Back Squats (:04 descent) rest 3:00 (110#)
5:00 clock: Row 850m, 26 Wall Balls
Time: 4:40 (row - 3:24.6)
5:00 Rest
5:00 clock: 26 Wall Balls, 850m Row
Time: 4:40 (row - 3:30.1)
For every second slower than first row, 1 round of Cindy
Rest 5:00
6 rounds of Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 Push ups, 15 Squats)

1000m Swim (25 minutes, pool was crowded and just wanted to get done)

Sunday, September 25, 2016


10:00 clock
8:00 max Clean and Jerk (115#)
2:00 max Wall Walks (10)
Power Cleans (85#)
Ring Dips (struggle per usual with these)
Time: 6:15

Saturday, September 24, 2016


Morning - 1250m Swim

A1. 4 x 5 Push Press (85, 90, 95, 100#) :60
A2. 4 x 3 Strict Chest to Bar Pull ups (getting closer to being able to do these) 2:00
For time 100% effort
12 KB Thrusters (25#)
12 Burpees
12 Pull ups
Time: 1:48
Rest 2:1
12 KB Thrusters
12 Burpees
12 Pull ups
Time: 1:53
750m Row 97%
Time: 2:57.1

Friday, September 23, 2016


2 x not for time
:40 Nose and Toes to Wall hold
5 Strict Pull ups
5 Ring Dips
A. 14 x 1 @ 75% 1RM (95#) Power Clean every :10
B. 8 x 3 Front Squats @ 73% 1RM (105#) every :60
5 sets 4 Deck Press (25# DBs), :50 Row
1:51.1/225m/16 cals
1:51.1/225m/16 cals
1:48.2/231m/17 cals
1:47.7/232m/17 cals
1:48.6/230m/17 cals
30 Pull ups
Time: 1:56


4 x 35m Stone Carry
3 x 6 Close grip Bench Press rest 1:00 (90#)
3 x 6 Pendlay Row rest 1:00 (95#)
EMOM 20:00
Odd - 3 Chest to bar Pull ups, 20 DU (did 40 single Unders)
Even - 6 HRPU, 6 Russian KBS (70#)

58 Burpees


3K row
Off rower every 1K
4 Wall Walks


10 x 1 Power Snatch 80# every :30
4-4-4 Back Squat (:04 descent) rest 3:00 (105#)
5:00 clock
800m Row, 24 Wall Balls
For every Wall Ball NOT completed in time cap = 2 Burpees over the box
NO penalty - finished with :30 +/-
Rest 5:00
24 Wall Balls, 800m Row
For every second slower than first row 1 round of Cindy
NO penalty - completed row in same amount of time.

Sunday, September 18, 2016


20:00 AMRAP @ 75% effort
5 Tire Flips
8 Dips
4 Stone over Shoulder
:40 FLR Hold
Rounds - 6

Saturday, September 17, 2016


A1. 4 x 6 Push Press 90# :60
A2. 4 x 5 CTB Pull ups (more like strict pull ups) 2:00
100%. Effort
20 Thrusters (55#) unbroken
20 Pull ups  (11, 7, 2)
Time: 1:56
3:1 Rest
20 Thruster (unbroken)
20 Pull ups (7, 7 , 4, 2 )
Time: 2:15
Rest as needed
3 x
8 KB Front Squats with 35# in front rack position
8 KBS 24kg
8 Box Jump Overs
OMG this was tough!
Time: 6:41

Friday, September 16, 2016


A little rowing ...
3 x
350m Row
1:30 Rest
250m Row
1:00 Rest
150m Row
1:00 Rest
3:00 Rest between Rounds
1:52.1/1:18, 1:48.7/:53, 1:48.7/:32
1:47.8/1:15.4, 1:49.5/:54.7, 1:49.7/:32.9
1:51.3/1:17.8, 1:49.5/:54.7, 1:47.3/:32.1

Thursday, September 15, 2016


2 x not for time
:30 Nose to the Wall hold (this wasn't too bad the scary part was getting down)
:10 1 arm passive hang (definitely improved on these as in the past I was able to hang for :10 on both sides)
20m Broad Jumps
A. 14 x 1 @ 75% (95#) Power Clean every :15
B. 8 x 3 @ 70% (95#) Front Squat every :60
5 sets
4 Deck Presses (DB 20#), :45 Row, Rest 3:00
Times for row: 1:52.5/200m/14 cals. , 1:51.9/201m/14 cals, 1:49.2/206m/15cals, 1:47.6/209m/15cals, 1:47.9/209m/15cals

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


I had the do the EMOM first and then finished with weight stuff.
EMOM 18:00
1 - Double Unders (did singles for :40)
2 - 6 CTB (Struggled with these today)
3 - 8 Ring Push ups

A. 4 x 25m Stone Carry
B1. 3 x 8 Close grip Bench Press (85#) :60
B2. 3 x 8 Pendlay Rows (95#) :60

800m Run @ moderate pace 4:06

Monday, September 12, 2016


10 x 1 Power Snatch every :30 77#
3 x 5 Back Squat (deload, last set no more than 65% 1RM, 85, 95, 105#) 2:30 rest
5 sets
HSPU/Power Clean (85#)
Rest :60
200m Run
Rest :60
I didn't time this WOD but I think it took right around 29:00 including the rest time
800m Sled Drag because 400m wasn't awful enough.

Sunday, September 11, 2016


This was probably just as much a mental test as a physical one:
10 rounds
500m Row
15 Burpees
Time: 37:21
I did this same work out on 5/18/2015 and it took 45:30.

Saturday, September 10, 2016


A1. 4 x 5 Push Press (85, 90, 95, 100#) :60 rest
A2. 4 x 4 Strict C2B Pull ups (not quite C2B but getting closer)
100% effort
15 TTB, 5 Wall Walks, 15 Wall Balls
Time: 2:35
Rest 4:1
15 TTB, 5 Wall Walks, 15 Wall Balls
Time: 2:32
3 sets
7 STO (75#), :15 Assault Bike
Rest 2:30

Friday, September 9, 2016


3 x not for time
4 Double Touch (TTB/Pull up)
5 1 arm DB Thruster (30#)
30 Double Unders (urg!)
12 x 1 Power Cleans (90#) every :15
8 x 3 Front Squats (90#) every :60
10:00 Skills - Dips (EMOM 5 Dips)
5 sets 
4 Burpees, :60 Row, Rest 3:30

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Urg! Car wouldn't start this morning so ran the mile to the gym. I am grateful that I live so close and can still get my workout in but getting frustrated with my car.
3 set max reps in :30 Thrusters (65#)
3-2-2-2 Close grip Bench Press (85, 95, 100, 105#)
EMOM 12:00
Even - :40 single unders (watch a Kelly S video on proper body position when jumping rope, so focused on trying to maintain good body position)
Odd - 8 Ring Push ups (:12 - :15 and then held FLR until the :30 mark)
Rest 4:00
EMOM 12:00
1 - 6 HSPU (not deficit but getting lower)
2 - 1 Rope Climb (rope is in very bad condition, frayed)
3 - 6 CTB Pull ups
Shoulders were toast after this 12:00. 


3K Row easy rest day
Time: 13:23

Monday, September 5, 2016


400m Run - 1:41
1 mile Run - 8:49
10 x 1 Power Snatch (75#) every :30
1 - 1 - 1 - 1  Back Squats (115,125, 135, 145#)
3 x every 3:00
10 cal Row, 8 Burpees over erg, 30' Prowler Push
(Each round took about 1:30)
400m Sled Drag

Sunday, September 4, 2016


Did a fun little workout today:
300m Run w/14# med ball
300m Farmers Carry (24kg KBs)
300m Sled Push (50#)
10 Tire Flips
Time: 13:15

Saturday, September 3, 2016


16:00 @ 80%
5 Tire Flips (actually enjoyed these)
8 Ring Dips (struggled after the 2nd round)
6 Front Rack Box Step ups (55#)
25m Bear Crawl
Rounds - 5

Friday, September 2, 2016


A1. 4 x 6 Push Press (85, 85, 80, 90)
A2. 4 x 3 Strict Chest to Bar (not quite CTB)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
15Wall Ball to 10'
Time: 2:07
4:1 Rest
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
15 Wall Balls
Time: 2:00
2 sets
10 STO (65#), :15 Assault Bike


3 x not for time
3 TTB/Pull up (had fun with these)
5 1-arm DB Thrusters (30#)
30 Double Unders
12 x 1 PowerCleans (88#)every :15
8 x 3 Front squats (85#) every :60
10:00 Skill work
4 sets
1:00 Row, 3:30 Rest
1:48.3/20 cal.
1:46.7/21 cal.
1:46.0/21 cal.
1:47.1/21 cal

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


The morning wasn't going so well until the last part of the workout.
3 x 6 Thrusters :40 Rest (65, 70, 75#)
3 x 4 Close grip Bench Press (85, 90, 95#)
EMOM 12:00
Even - Double Unders :40
Odd - 8 Ring Push ups
Rest 4:00
EMOM 12:00
1 - 6 HSPU
2 - Rope Climb
3 - 6 Chest to Bar Pull ups (finally, finally stringing these together 👊)

Monday, August 29, 2016


Very tired today but got it done.
10 x 1 Power Snatch 72# every :30 (these were the best part of the day)
3 x 2 Back Squats 115, 135, 145# (I think my head is preventing g me from going heavier)
Every 3:00 for 4 sets
3 Clean and Jerks 85#
8 KBS 35#
8 Lateral Burpees over the bar
3 Clean and Jerks
First two rounds did 85# on the Clean and Jerks but was really struggling, last two rounds dropped the weight to 75#.
Times: 1:28, 1:40, 1:30, 1:35
400m Sled drag with 70# (I should have kept this to 45#, but got it done nevertheless. It was a real challenge.)

Sunday, August 28, 2016


4000m Row (easy, although I really didn't find this to be easy)
Every 500m off rower 15 Wall Balls

Saturday, August 27, 2016

30:00 Assault Bike Z1 pace - was tough today, legs were tired from the week.
300 calories

Friday, August 26, 2016


1A. 4 x 3 Strict Press :60 rest (75, 80, 85, 90#)

1B. 4 x 8 Strict Pull ups (on the last set failed on 7th rep)
3 sets
10 Burpees, 10 TTB, run to opposite wall and back
Time: 5:04
Rest 4:1
3 sets
10 Burpees, 10 TTB, run to opposite wall and back
Time: 4:56
2:00 max calories on Assault Bike


3 x not for time
2 Burpee Pull ups
5 1 arm DB Thrusters (25#)
30 Double Unders
12 x 1 Power Cleans (85#) every :10
12 x 2 Front Squats (85#) every :60
10:00 Skills
And MU Drills
5 sets :50 Row, 3:20 Rest
18/18/19/18/18 calories

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


3 x 5 Thrusters every :40 (55, 65, 75# screwed up on the weights, thought I had started with 65#)
3 x 5 Close grip Bench Press rest 2:00 (75, 85, 90)
EMOM 10:00
Even - Double Unders :40
Odd - 12 GHD Sit ups
Rest 4:00
EMOM 10:00
Even - 100m Shuttle run (25/25/25/25) with 20#
Odd - 2-3 Strict HSPU

10:00 mobility


30:00 Assault Bike Z1 pace
16,270m/270 calories

Monday, August 22, 2016


10 x 1 @ 70% 1RM (70#) every :30 these are definitely improving and I feel I am finally getting the hang of the Snatch 😊
3 x 3 Back Squats (115, 135, 140 urg! I was ok until I got to 140# and then fell apart.
Every 3:00 for 4 sets
5 Power Cleans (85#)
10 KBS (16kg)
10 Burpees over the bar - lateral
When I saw that this should take about 1:00, I was skeptical.
Times: 1:13, 1:07, 1:07, 1:09
Rest as needed.
3 sets
50m Farmers Carry (32kg KBs)
10 Hollow Body rocks
Time: 3:00

Sunday, August 21, 2016


AMRAP 15:00 @ 80%
25m Sled Pull (70# + a small child 😅)
8 Bar Dips
6 DB Burpees Box Overs (20#)
25m Bear Crawl
Rounds - 4 + 25m sled drag + 25m Bear Crawl + 8 dips

Saturday, August 20, 2016


I coached at 8:00 and then coach again at 10:00 so figured I might as well do something in between.
30:00 on the Assault Bike
30 sets
:30 @ 90%
:30 @ 50%
317 calories/16,900m


1A. 4 x 6 Strict Press (65, 75, 80, 82.5#) :60 rest
1B. 4 x 7 Strict Pull ups
Box Jumps
Time: 6:02
Rest 5:1 (rested 24:00 as was pressed for time)
Box Jumps
TTB (need to continue to work on being more proficient)
Time: 6:22
2 sets
6 Push Press (75#)
:30 Assault Bike

Thursday, August 18, 2016


3 x not for time
2 TGU (25#)
5 1 arm Windmills
30 Double Unders

15 x 1 Power Clean every :10 (85%)
10 x 2 Front Squats every :60 (105#)
10:00 Skill Work
5 sets
Row :45
Rest 3:15
Calories 16/17/17/17/16

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


3 x 4 Thrusters 65, 75, 85# rest :40
3 x 6 Close Grip Bench Press (85#)
EMOM 10:00
Even - 25 Double Unders (the curse has returned) or :40
Odd - 10 GHD Sit ups
Rest 4:00
EMOM 10:00
Even - 100m Shuttle run with 20# Dball 25/25/25/25
Odd - 2 Strict HSPU (not to a deficit but to one AB mat


30:00 Assault Bike
276 calories/16,430m
I love the AB! These 30 minutes ride started horrible, the thought of riding the AB for 30 minutes was incomprehensible. But after a couple of weeks I actually look forward to these rides, plus I am getting faster and the 30 minutes are getting easier.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


10 x 1 Power Snatch 77# every :45
3 x 4 Back Squats (115, 125, 130)
3:00 AMRAP
5 Power Snatches (55#)
5 Chest to Bar Puul ups
5 Wall Balls (20#)
Rounds - 2 + 5 Power Snatches
Rest 5:00
3:30 cap
500m Row
15 Burpees
Time: 3:01
Rest as needed
2 sets
75m Farmers Carry (32kg), :30 Hollow body hold


3K Row
Off rower every 500m
Push ups
Handstand Shoulder Taps
Chest to Bar Pull ups (working on stringing these together, still dropping straight down after hitting one)

Saturday, August 13, 2016


Rest Day (sort of)
30:00 Assault Bike
:30 @ 97% aerobic, :30 @ 50%
307 calories
This is actually getting easier and more enjoyable.


A1. 4 x 5 Strict Press (65, 72.5, 75, 75#) :60 rest
A2. 4 x 5 Strict Pull ups
3 x
6 Hang Power Cleans 75#
6 Burpees
6 Toes to Bar
Time: 3:23
5:1 Rest
3 x
6 Hang Power Cleans
6 Burpees
Time: 3:23
3:00 max cal. Assault Bike
41.0 calories


3 x not for time
2 TGU (30#)
5 1 arm Windmills (25#)
25 Double Unders
14 x 1 Power Cleans (75#) every :10
10 x 2 Front Squats (100#) every 1:30
10:00 Skills
Double Unders
Butterfly Pull ups
5 sets :40 (cals) Row 2:20 rest

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


3 x 6 Stone over shoulder (67# need to go a heavier but next stone is 150#)
3 x 6 Close grip bench press 2:00 rest (85#)
EMOM 10:00
Odd - Double Unders :40 (the curse has returned and it is infectious)
Even - 10 GHD Sit ups
Rest 4:00
EMOM 10:00
Odd - 100m Shuttle Run w/20# Dball (25/25/25/25)
Even - 5 Strict HSPUs

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Rest Day
3K Row
6x 1:00 Plank Hold


10 x 1 Power Snatch every :45 75#
3 x 6 Back Squat 105, 115, 120#
AMRAP 3:00
8 Ground to OH 45#
8 Pull ups
8 Wall Balls to 10'
All reps unbroken
Rounds - 2 +4 Ground to OH
Rest 5:30
AMRAP 3:00
200m Row
10 Burpees over erg
Rounds - 1 + 200m + 1
3 x
25m Farmers Carry (32kg)
:20 Hollow body hold
Time: 2:20

1000m Swim - taking less time, looks like I will need to increase the distance.

Sunday, August 7, 2016


1200m run to warm up
14:00 AMRAP @ 80%
25m Sled Pull 105#
8 Ring Dips (getting better and faster)
12 Box Jumps
25m Bear Crawl
Rounds - 5 + 25m Sled Pull

Saturday, August 6, 2016


30:00 Assault Bike
:30 @ 90% (more like 80%) :30 @ 50%
290 cal.

Double under workshop at CrossFit 734. Got a few tips that hopefully will be helpful in my quest to master the double under.


30:00 Assault Bike
:30 @ 90% (more like 80%) :30 @ 50%
290 cal.

Double under workshop at CrossFit 734. Got a few tips that hopefully will be helpful in my quest to master the double under.

Friday, August 5, 2016


3 x 6 Strict Press :60 rest 65, 70, 75, 75#
3 x 5 Strict Pull up rest 2:00
3 sets
1 rope climb, 8 Burpees, 10 TTB
Time: 6:40 (TTB were slow)
Rest 20:00
3 sets
1 Rope Climb, 8 Burpees, 10 TTB (Did better on the rope climbs, but lost it on the last set of TTB. Hands were killing me)
Time: 7:04
4:00 max Assault Bike (50..1, thought for sure this would be less than last week, but ended up doing better)

1000m Swim - 25:00


3 x 6 Strict Press :60 rest 65, 70, 75, 75#
3 x 5 Strict Pull up rest 2:00
3 sets
1 rope climb, 8 Burpees, 10 TTB
Time: 6:40 (TTB were slow)
Rest 20:00
3 sets
1 Rope Climb, 8 Burpees, 10 TTB (Did better on the rope climbs, but lost it on the last set of TTB. Hands were killing me)
Time: 7:04
4:00 max Assault Bike (50..1, thought for sure this would be less than last week, but ended up doing better)

1000m Swim - 25:00

Thursday, August 4, 2016


3 x
2 TGU (20#)
5 1 arm OH Squat
30 Double Unders (struggling again)
13 x 1 Power Cleans (65#) every :10
10 x 2 Front Squat (95#) every :60
10:00 Skill Work
Snatch, Dips
5 sets
:35 Row, 2:25 Rest (13 cal)

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


3 x 5 Stone over Shoulder :60 Rest
EMOM 10:00
Even - :30 Double Unders
Odd - 10 GHD Sit ups
Rest 4:00
EMOM 10:00
Even - 100m Shuttle Run (25/25/25/25)
Odd - 4 Strict HSPU (finally got the hang of these and was so much easier today)

30:00 Swim - 1000m

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


30:00 on the Assault Bike - nice and easy. Put the bike outside, turned on a podcast and got it done.

Monday, August 1, 2016


10 x 1 Power Snatch every :45 (72#)
3 x 8 Back Squats 100, 110, 115#
3:00 AMRAP
10 Ground to Overhead (47#)
8 Pull ups
10 Wall Balls
Rounds - 2
Rest 6:00
3:00 AMRAP
200m Row
15 Burpeess to 45# plate
Rounds - 1 + 200m
3 Rounds
50m Farmers Carry (28kg)
10 Hollow Body Rocks
Time: 2:38

1000m Swim - 30 minutes nice and easy.

Sunday, July 31, 2016


Much needed recovery WOD.
3K Row - off rower every 500m
3:00 gymnastics movement - worked on Butterfly and Handstand Shoulder taps.

Now off to golf 18 holes (prefer to play 9 but others prefer 18).

Saturday, July 30, 2016


I went to a friends box to workout this morning and did the following:

4 rounds
15 Jumping Jacks
15 Push Presses 35#
15 Front Squats
80 Jump Ropes
Time: 8:12

5 rounds
200m Row
10 Dips
10 Hollow Body Rocks
Time: 14:27

Friday, July 29, 2016


A1. 4 x 10 Strict Press (65, 70, 70, 70)
A2. 4 x 4 Strict Pull up
3 x @100%
10 Burpees, 10 T2B
Time: 4:45
Rest 6:1
3 x @ 100%
10 Burpees, 10 T2B
Time: 4:45 (10 Burpees, 10 T2B, 10 Burpees completed in 2:00 but could not sustain this pace)
4:00 max Assault Bike cals - 47.3
Hard week, feeling a bit beat up, looking forward to a rest day.


3 x
2 TGU (20#)
5 1 arm OH Squat (20#) really struggled with these
25 Double Unders
12 x 1 Power Cleans @ 45% 1RM (65#) every :10
10 x 2 @50-60% 1 RM 85# every :60
10:00 Skill Work
Double Unders
5 sets :30 Row 2:30 Rest (10 - 11 cal. Each set)

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


3 x 4 Stone over Shoulder (67#) :60 Rest
3 x 10 Close Grip Bench Press 65, 75, 85#
EMOM 10:00
Even - :30 Double Unders
Odd - 10 GHD Sit ups
4:00 Rest
EMOM 10:00
Even - 100m Shuttle Run
Odd - 3 Strict HSPU

30 sets :30 Assault Bike 90% aerobic, :30 50% aerobic

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Monday, July 25, 2016


10 x 1 Power Snatch every :45 70#
3 x 10 Back Squats 95, 105, 110#
3:00 AMRAP
10 Ground to OH (45#)
7 Pull ups
10 Wall Balls
All reps unbroken
Rounds - 2 + 2 Ground to OH
Rest 6:00
3:00 AMRAP
200m Row
20 Burpees
Rounds - 1 +140m
Rest as needed
3 x
50m Farmers Carry (24kg KBs)
10 Hollow Rocks
Time: 2:45

1000m Swim

Sunday, July 24, 2016


A1. 3 x 15 Scap Push ups :60 rest
A2. 3 x 10 Shoulder Taps
B1. 3 x 4 1 arm DB Press (35#)
B2. 15' OH Lunge Steps (65#)
CF Games Masters Final
27 Pull ups
2 rounds
12 Deadlifts 105#
9 Hang Power Cleans (failed after 1, dropped the weight to 100#)
6 Jerks
Time: 11:12 (@ 10:00 had completed the second round of Hang Power Cleans)
So much more to work on.

Saturday, July 23, 2016


Rest Day
Slept in today which was awesome. Then headed for the pool for an easy 1 mile swim. This was a great way to stay cool on this warm day.

Friday, July 22, 2016


A1. 3 x 8 Close Grip Bench Press 70, 75, 80# :60 Rest
A2. 3 x 8 Pendlay Row 95#
4 sets :15 Assault Bike @ 97% 2:45 Rest
5 sets 3 Power Cleans (95#), 100m Sprint rest is walk back
Time: 11:03


10x 2 Front Squat every :60 105# (feeling better)
7 x 1 Clean, 1 Push Jerk, 1 Split Jerk 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100#
5 x
2 Strict HSPU (struggled a bit with these, had difficulty with hand placement. Practiced after the WOD and it came together. Another movement that needs a bit of work.)
4 Box Jumps
6 Wall Balls
20 Double Unders
1:1 Rest
Times: 1:55, 1:40, 1:53, 1:53, 1:39

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


3 x 4 Trap 3 (15#)
3 x 4  Powell Raises
8:00 @ 85%
250m Row, 4 Deadlifts (155#), 4 Wall Walks
Rounds - 2 + 250m Row, 4 Deadlifts, 2 Wall Walks
Rest 4:00
8:00 @ 85%
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 8 Ring Dips (1st round went well and then it went downhill), 8 Pull ups
Rounds - 3 + 1 Burpee Box Jumps Overs

Monday, July 18, 2016


8 Hang Snatches from below the knee (55,60,65, 70,70,75, 75, 80#)
1 - 1 - 1 - 1 Back Squats 125, 135, 145, 155# First time wearing knee sleeves which felt pretty good.
4 x
9 Chest to Bar Pull ups (tried to get 2 to 3 in before dropping, still struggling to string these together.
9 Wall Balls
27 Double Unders
Rest 1:00
Times: 3:05, 2:49, 2:39, 2:58
2:00 max Burpees to 8" target
Goal: 40 (😝) Achieved: 26 was hoping to get at least 30.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


A1. 3 x 15 Scap Push ups :60 rest
A2. 3 x 10 Shoulder Taps
B1. 3 x 5 1 arm DB Press (30#)
B2. 20' OH Lunge Steps w/ 60# bar
5000m Row off every 1000 for 40 Double Unders, 3 Wall Walks
My workout partner asked if my coach was trying to kill me. This was somewhat brutal, especially when you think the wall walks were the easiest part of the workout. Felt good to get it done definitely felt like quiting after two rounds.

Friday, July 15, 2016


7 x 1 Pause Squat Clean (55, 65, 75, 80, 85, 90 - failed, 90#)
4 x 3 Clean grip Deadlift 135#
14 sets :30 run (90%), :30 walk
14 sets :30 Assault Bike (90%), :30 Assault Bike (50%)
This majorly sucked, especially the run.

Thursday, July 14, 2016


10 x 2 Front Squats every :60 @ 100#
7 x 1 Squat Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk 65, 75, 80, 85, 90,95, 100#
4 sets
15 cal Aasault Bike, 6 HSPU, 6 Burpee Box Jumps
1:1 Rest
2:42, 2:29 (HSPU went well), 2:38, 2:43

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


3 x 5 Trap 3 (12#)
3 x 5 Powell Raises
3 x 5 Ring Dips (getting better at these)
6:00 @85%
250m Row, 8 KB Front Squats (30# front rack), 8 Push ups, 8 Hollow Body Rocks
Rounds 2 + 100m Row
Rest 4:00
6:00 @ 85%
25m Sled Drag, 35 Double Under (getting better), 25m Bear Crawl
Rounds - 2 + 25m Sled Drag
Rest 4:00
25 Thrusters (45#), 15 Pull ups
Time: 2:39

Monday, July 11, 2016


I had 2 box members join me this morning. Workouts are a lot more fun with friends.

Hang Snatch 45, 55, 65, 70, 75 (failed most because I didn't drop under the bar. This continues to be the challenge as the weight gets heavier)
2 - 2 - 1- 1 Back Squats (115, 125, 135, 140)
9:00 AMRAP
10 Chest to bar Pull up (still working to string these together)
10 Wall Balls
30 Double Under (getting better)
Goal - 3 rounds Actual - 2 + 10 CTB +10 Wall Balls
Rest 5:00
50 Burpees
Time: 3:18

Sunday, July 10, 2016


3 x 15 Scap Pull ups :60 rest
3 x 10 Shoulder Taps :60 rest
3 x 6 1 arm DB Press (30#)
25' OH Walking Lunges (55#)
7 - 5 - 3
Wall Walks, Snatch (55#)
Time: 6:17
30 cal Row
Time: 1:49


Rest Day
Went for a swim. I really enjoy swimming.. I keep saying this, I need to figure out how to make this a part of  my workout routine. I even have a membership to an awesome pool, salt water, that I need to start using more frequently.

Friday, July 8, 2016


7 x 1 Pause Power Clean (65, 75, 85, 90, 90, 95, 95)
4 x 2 Jerk
I was dreading this workout out. It wasn't too bad but was happy when it was done.

12 Sets :30 run/sprint, :30 run @ 50%
12 Set :30 Assault Bike @ 90%, :30 @ 50%

Thursday, July 7, 2016


10 x 2 Fronts Squats every :60 (still feeling out my knee, 3 x 85, 3 x 90, 3 x 95, 1 x 100#)
Clean and Jerks 65, 75, 80, 85, 90, 90, 95#
4 sets
10 Assault Bike cal., 6 Pull ups, 6 Burpees
1:1 Rest
1:33, 1:29, 1:26, 1:21


3 x 6 Trap 3 (10#)
3 x 6 Powell Raise (10#)
3 x 4 Ring Dips (I have really been working on these and these sets went fairly well)
6:00 @ 85%
200m Row, 10 Goblet Squats (35#), 10 HRPU, 10 Sit ups
Rounds - 2 + 200m + 3 Goblet Squats
Rest 4:00
6:00 @ 85%
25m Sled Drag (45#), 30 Double Unders, 8 Back Ext.
Rounds - 2 + 25m + 30 Double Under (definitely have lifted the DU curse :)
Rest 4:00
30 Thrusters (45#), 250m Row
Time: 2:40

Monday, July 4, 2016


I went out to Clocktower CrossFit in Chelsea. A great group masters athletes that came out for the 4th to do a Hero WOD:
6 Rounds
24 Air Squats
24 Push ups
24 Walking Lunges
400m Run (this is the most I ran in a long time)

Sunday, July 3, 2016


Snatch - no blocks so went from hang 55, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85#
3-2-2-1 Back Squats 105, 115, 125, 135#
8:00 AMRAP
1 CTB pull up, 5 Wall Balls
2 CTB pull ups, 5 Wall Balls ...
Got to 7 and actually finally felt like hit my stride with these.
Rest 5:00
4:00 max Box Jumps
Goal - 65, Actual 73


A1. 3 x 15 Scap Push ups rest :60
A2. 3 x 10 Shoulder Taps rest :60
B1. 3 x 6 1 arm DB Press (25#)
B2. 25 ft. OH Walking Lunges (35#)
Wall Balls, Power Cleans (85#)
Time: 8:02

Saturday, July 2, 2016


I haven't been tracking my workouts lately. Mostly, just be tired and mixing it up a bit.

Granite Game WODs
10 Squat Clean And Jerks (55#)
15 Burpees over the bar
8 Squat Clean and Jerks (75#)
15 Burpees over the Bar
6 Squat Clean and Jerk (95#)
15 Burpees over the Bar
4 Squat Clean and Jerks (115#)
15 Burpees over the Bar
2 Squat Clean and Jerks (125#)
Score - 69

17:00 AMRAP
50 Cal Row
50 Wall Balls
50 Shoulder to OH (65#)
50 Box Jumps
Score - 250

12:00 AMRAP
12 Pull Ups
8 Deadlifts (115#)
12 Push Presses (65#)
8 Deadlifts
Score - 182

OH Squats (55#), Toes to Bar
Time: 11:34

14:00 AMRAP
70 Double Unders
7 Chest to Bar
7 Snatches (55#)
Score - 239

Friday, June 17, 2016


10 x 2 Front Squats every :60 (85#)
3 x 1.1 Split Jerk Clusters (85, 95, 100#)
15:00 @ 85%
200m Run, 10 TTB, 2 Wall Walks, 25m Farmers Carry (44#)
Goal - 4 rounds
Rounds - 4 + 200m + 10 TTB


I had to break up today's workout into two sessions. This work thing is interfering with my workouts 😄!
3 x 3 Strict Chest to Bar Pull ups, supinate do grip
Also worked on strict dips and abs.

Not the best idea.  I guess my age is showing as when I walked into the gym the music was so LOUD I couldn't think. Also, had a time constraint so set up the equipment and jumped right into it..
7:00 @ 85%
250m Row, 6 erg facing Burpees, 6 HSPU, :20 FLR on Rings
Goal - 3 rounds (this was pretty aggressive. I felt like I was moving through pretty well, even went unbroken on HSPUs.) 2 rounds + 250m
Rest 4:00
7:00 @ 85%
10 unbroken double Unders (definitely not unbroken but better), 12 Wall Balls, 6 Hang Power Snatches 55# (these felt solid)
Goal - 4 rounds / 3 rounds + 6 double under (I screwed up on this and ended up doing 6:00 instead of 7:00)
Rest 4:00
7:00 @ 85%
200m Run, 25m Bear Crawl, 10 Pull ups
Goal - 3 rounds + run Goal met!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


1 Pause Snatch + 2 OHS 7 reps (60#, still a little nervous about my knee)

3 x 4 Back Squats rest 3:00 (100#)
TGU- 10 (20#)
500m Row (1:56.8)
Rest 2:00
8 KBS (53#), 8 Box Jumps (:42)
Rest 1:30
15 DB Thrusters (25#) (:38 trying to like thrusters, but it is hard)
Rest 1:30
15 Ring Dips (5 unbroken and then doubles and singles 1:33)
Rest 1:30
20 DB Thrusters (1:14)
Rest 1:30
8 KBS, 8 Box Jumps (:42)
Rest 1:00
500m Row (1:58)


Saturdays have normally been a rest day but went into the gym to work on some skills. Warmed up with a couple of other members with a little WOD of:
Hang Cleans (75#)
Pull ups
Time: 7:47
Then worked on HSPU, dips, abs and push ups.


Granite Games WOD #1
10 Squat Clean and Jerks (55#)
15 Bar Facing Burpees
8 Squat Clean and Jerks (75#)
15 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Squat Clean and Jerks (95#)
15 Bar facing Burpees
4 Squat Clean and Jerks (115#)
15 Bar Facing Burpees
2 Squat Clean and Jerks (125#)
Score: 69 I had over 2:00 to complete the round of 4 Squat Clean and Jerks, made 4 attempts but couldn't get it done.


10 x 2 Front Squat 50% 1RM (75#) every :60
4 x 1.1 Push Jerk Clusters
15:00 @ 85%
250m Row
15 KBS (44#)
10 Burpees over erg
Goal - 4 rounds/4 rounds + 250m Row

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Weighted pull up build to a max - 5#, 7.5#, 10#, 12.5#, 15#
6:00 AMRAP @ 85%
100m row, 6 Burpees over erg, 6 HSPU
Rounds: 2 + 100m + 3 Burpees
Rest 6:00
6:00 AMRAP @ 80%
40 Double Unders, 8 Wall Balls, 8 Power Cleans (85#)
Rounds: 1 + 40 Double Unders
Rest 6:00
6:00 AMRAP @ 80%
10 Burpee Toes to Bar, 200m Run, 25m Farmers Carry (24 kg KBs)
Rounds: 2

Monday, June 6, 2016


7 Pause Power Snatch +1 OHS 55#
Back Sauats 3 x 5 rest 3:00 (still babying my knee so went very light 95#)
12 TGU (again light, babying my knee)
500m Row 1:57.6
Rest 2:00
500m Row 1:57.8
Rest 2:00
20 Thruster 55# 1:20
Rest 1:30
20 Thrusters 1:27
Rest 1:30
10 KBS 55#, 10 Box Jumps 1:05
Rest 1:00
10 KBS, 10 Box jumps 1:05
This was tough but quite enjoyed it!


EMOM 10:00
Odd - 4 Chest to Bar Pull ups
Even - 10 Burpees

3 Rounds @ 80-90%
Row 400m, 15 Wall balls, 15 HRPU, 15 Sit ups, 35 Double Unders
Rest 4:00 Change order of movements
Times: 6:20, 6:22, 5:54


Checked out a new gym in the area, Clocktower CrossFit.

Fight Gone Bad
3 Rounds, EMOM
Wall Balls
Box Jumps
Push Press 55#
Row cal

This is usually a rest day, worked at 75%


Skipped the Rear Elevated Split Squat didn't want to push the knee
DB Bench Press 3 x 3 rest :60 35#
Pendlay Row 3 x 4 100#
5:00 @ 95#
15 Power Snatches (45#), 30 Double Unders (yup still suck at these)
Rounds: 1 + 15 Snatches
Rest 8:00
5:00 @ 95%
15 Power Snatches, 30 Double Unders
Rounds: 1


17 sets Assault Bike :30 @ 90% :30 @ 50%
Skill Tall Jerks
3 x 1 BTN Split Jerk + 1 Split Jerk 95#
Row 4K
Off rower every 500m for 2:00 flow work of choice


Back Squat build to an easy and fast set of 10 95#
6:00 AMRAP  @80%
Row 200m, 25m Bear Crawl, 10 Back Extensions
Rounds - 3
Rest 6:00
6:00 AMRAP
100 Single Unders :), 200m Run,:20 passive hang from bar
Rounds -  3


TC CrossFit
Partner WOD Split up evenly
800m Run
Wall Balls
Box Jumps
800m Run
Time: 26:26


Checked out a gym in Traverse City, FML to do some weightlifting. Nice gym, with super nice platforms and equipment.
Worked on Power Snatches, Clean and Jerks and Clean Pulls. Received some decent coaching and help with my starting position.


DB Bench Press 3 x 5 rest :60 35#
Pendlay Row 3 x 5 rest :60 100#
7:00 AMRAP
250m Row, 5 Pull ups, 7 KB Clean and Jerk 30# (two hands), didn't do wall balls today
Rounds - 2 + 250m
Rest 5:00
7:00 AMRAP
15. Cal assault bike, 8 bar facing Burpees
Rounds - 3


Power Clean Clusters 4 x 1.1.1 :15/2:00 (kept it light due to knee 95#)
TGU (skipped these today)
Lactic acid endurance training
20 cal Assault bike, 10 Burpees, 20 cal assault bike
Time: 3:48 (did this with one of the younger members and crushed her time. Felt pretty good :-)
Rest 7 to 1
Max effort KBS 35# - 57

Monday, May 30, 2016


1 mile run
100 Pull ups
200 Push ups
300 Squats
1 mile run
Time: 52:19

Sunday, May 22, 2016


Clean and Jerk 8 reps total - kept it light and didn't squat, knee is still jacked up.
Clean Grip Deadlift 5 x 1 begin a rep every :60 140#

Didn't do regular programming as I was hesitant to run. I did the following instead:
5 Rounds
5 Hang Power Cleans (85#)
Time: 10:57
5 x 2 Dips
Hollow body hold :30 hold, :30 rest x 8

Saturday, May 21, 2016


I wasn't able to do the split squats, knee is being a bit problematic. But did do the:
3 x 6 DB Bench Press (30#)
3 x 6 Pendlay Rows (95#)
AMRAP 7:00
250m Row
5 Strict Pull ups (a bit of a struggle this morning)
7 KB Clean and Jerks (more like a press 30# each hand)
9 Burpees (subbed for Wall Balls)
Rounds - 1 + 250 + 5 + 7
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 7:00
15 cal Row
10 T2B
5 Wall Walks (tough but actually like these)
Rounds - 2


4 x 6 Push Jerk (did press) 85, 90, 95, 95
20:00 @ 80%
Using 25m end to end area:
Move implements from one end one at a time,
Throw - 20# Wall Ball
Push Prowler
1 arm DB OH Carry (30#)
Sand Bag
Jog back easy to pick up/move next object
8 Burpees before starting the next round
This was a whole lot more fun this week than last, sun was shining and it was somewhat warm.

Thursday, May 19, 2016


Power Clean Cluster 3 x 1.1.1 (light weight due to problem with left knee 95#)
Clean Pull 6 x 1 every :60 (137#)
Lactic Endurance (only did first part)
KBS 53#
Burpees to 8" target
Time: 3:48
Strict Pull ups 3-2-3
Hollow Body Holds :30 on :30 Rest x 8

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Pause Snatch - tweeked my knee on the first one so did Power Snatches and keep it light trying to focus on not pulling too early. Not sure how successful I was.
3 x 4 Box Squats (70#)
AMRAP 7:00
1 CTB Pull up, 1 HSPU, 1 KBS (53#), then 2, then 3, etc.
Completed 4 rounds + 5 CTB Pull ups
1000m Row 4:09
120 seconds FLR unbroken

Saturday, May 14, 2016


Front Squats 2 - 2 -1 - 1 rest 3:00 105, 110, 115, 120#
Push Press 4 x 4 85, 90, 95, 100#
20:00 @ 80%
Using 25m end to end area:
Move all implements from one end to the other one at a time:
Sled drag (140)
Sand Bag
Bar Overhead w/85#
10 Burpees before moving implements back
Cold, rainy day = no fun!


1000m Row 2:05 pace
20:00 Clean and Jerk  55, 65, 75, 85, 95, 100#
15:00 Snatch 35, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75#
400m Run
Box Jumps
KBS 35#
400m Run
Time: 8:58


DB Rear Elevated Split Squat 3 x 10 rest :60 (15# DBs)
DB Bench Press 3 x 8 (25#) rest :60
Pendlay Row 3 x 8 (95#)
AMRAP 7:00 @ 85%
4 Strict Pull ups, 6 Hand Release Push ups, 8 KB Clean and Jerks (alt 16kg), 30 Double Unders
Rounds - 1 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 7
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 7:00
7 Hang Power Cleans (75#), 14 Burpees, 27 cal Row
Rounds - 2


Power Clean Clusters 4 x 1.1 110#
Clean Pulls 6 x 1 every :60 135#
Lactic Endurance Training
Power Snatch (55#)
Ring Dips (w/purple band)
Time: 3:04
Rest 24:00
Thrusters (55#)
Pull ups
Time: 3:16
This SUCKED!!!

Monday, May 9, 2016


1000m Row (from yesterday)
Pause Snatch - missed on most of these but here is one:
3 x 5 Box Squat - rest 3:00
Full"relax" on box so glutes and hamstrings engage to get up. I went super light, 65#, as I didn't feel that at the slightly heavier weight the proper muscle were firing.
HSPU - struggled with these today
KBS (24 kg)
Time: I didn't turn on the timer


Decided to have a little fun in the gym and did a partner WOD with several of the other members.
AMRAP 20:00
Alternating with your partner, starting at 2 reps and increasing by 2 reps each round:
Burpee Box Overs
Clean and Jerks 65#
Wall Balls
Deadhang to inverted
Deadlift 135#

Sunday, May 8, 2016


Went to CF 734 for an Over the Bar Seminar. Got some good coaching on pull ups, butterfly and Kipping. Also, some drills for muscle ups. Not sure I want to do these but will start to include them in my warm up.


DB Rear Elevated Split Squat 3 x 12, rest :60 between sides (15# each hand)
DB Bench Press 3 x 8 rest :60 (25#)
1 arm DB Row 3 x 6 (30#)
AMRAP 7:00 @ 85%
6 Shoulder to Overhead (75#)
250m Row
2 Wall Walks (always surprised at how hard these can be)
Rounds - 3
4:00 Rest
AMRAP 7:00
2 Rope Climbs (ropes are so frayed its hard to slide down, plus tore up my leg)
8 Ring Push ups (love these for some reason:)
8 Wall Balls
Rounds - 3 + 1 rope climb

Friday, May 6, 2016


Front Squats 3-3-2-2 85, 95, 105, 115# rest 3:00 between sets
Push Press 4 x 5 75, 85, 90, 95# rest 2:00 between sets
Ring Dips 2 - 2 -2 - 2 rest 2:30 between sets (no weights, worked on full range of movement)
AMRAP 16:00
3 Stone over the shoulder
25m Stone Carry
1 Stone over the shoulder
10 Box Jumps
10 cal. Assault Bike
Rounds - 5 + 3 + 25m + 1 + 10

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Power Clean Clusters 3 x 1.1 :15/2:00 105#
Clean Pulls 6 x 1 every :60 135#
6 min. Cap
1000m Row (2:00 pace), in remaining time Power Cleans (85#) 15
Rest 5:00
6 min Time cap
1000m Row (2:00 pace), in remaining time Wall Walks (5)

Monday, May 2, 2016


Back at it!!!
Power Snatch (double) 35, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75
3 x 6 Box Squats (with full relax on box) 70#
20:00 AMRAP
2 CTB Pull ups, 4 HSPU, 8 KBS (35#)
Rounds - 10 + 2 CTB + 2 HSPU
Two movements I still need to work on CTB Pull ups and HSPU so pleased with completing the 10+ rounds.  

Sunday, May 1, 2016


Did some weight lifting this morning. Felt pretty good but was a long session.
Clean at the Knee 3 x 3 @ 65# 2 x 2 @ 75#
Squat Clean 2 x 3 @75#, 2 x 3 @85#, 4 x 2 @95#
Push Press 3 x 4 @65#, 4 x 3 @75#
Clean Pulls 5 x 3 @110#
RDL 5 x 5 @110#

4/21 - 4/25/2016

Masters Qualifer
WOD #1
Row (cal)
Thrusters (55#)
Time: 6:49
WOD #2
1 rep max. Deadlift 255#

Friday, April 22, 2016


Hang Power Clean (5@35, 3@55, 3@75, 3@85, 4@95, 3@100)
4 Rounds
400m Assault Bike (raining this morning so didn't run)
Power Cleans 55#
KBS 35#
Time: 6:38 (1:33, 1:38, 1:43, 1:40)


Thruster, build to a max. for the day (5@35, 2@55, 2@65, 2@75, 2@85, 1@95, 1@105, 1@110)
2 Rounds
750m Row, 25 Wall Balls, 10 Burpees
Time: 11:49


Squat Snatch 5@35, 5@55, 3@65, 3@70, 1@75
Back Squat 5@75, 5@95, 3@115, 3@125, 2@135
EMOM 18:00
1) 4 HSPU
2) :30 Double Unders (good day for double Unders, was stringing them together better than I have for a long time)
3) 5 Pull ups

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Saturday, April 16, 2016


Rest Day
Started this beautiful day with a long walk with the pups. The rest of the day will be filled with yard work, grocery shopping and cooking.  I love spring and warm weather.  70+ today, perfect!!!

Friday, April 15, 2016


Back Squat 3 x 3 (5@45, 5@65, 5@85, 3@105, 3@115, 3@125, 3@135, 3@145)
12 x 1 Power Clean every :60 (5@105, 7@110#)
3 x 4 Clean Grip Deadlift (145, 155, 165)
9 OHS (45#), 9 HSPU
7 OHS (55#), 7 HSPU
5 OHS (65#), 9 HSPU
Time: 6:43 (way harder then I thought it would be)

I was feeling energetic and decided to hit a class at the gym..
Partner WOD
21-15-9 Thrusters (35#)
Each partner completes a round before switching
21-15-9 Pull ups
Each partner completes a round before switching
21-15-9 cal. Row
Time: 22:09


10 Walking Lunges w/30# KB, 300m Row
8 Power Snatches (45#), 300m Row
6 CTB Pull ups, 300m Row
3 Stone over Shoulder, 300m Row
10:00 Assault Bike

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Front Squat 5@35, 3@65, 3@85, 3@95, 2@105, 1@115, 1@125, attempted 135 failed then 1@130, 1@135
EMOM 14:00
Even - Toes to Bar 9
Odd - Double Unders 10
EMOM 5:00
3 Pull ups, 5 Push ups, 6 Squats
Enjoyed this workout today, even with front squats and double unders, my two nemesis 😛!!!

Monday, April 11, 2016


7 x 1 Squat Snatch  (70#)
3 x 4 Strict Press (75, 80, 80)
7 Rounds
10 cal Row, 7 Power Cleans (75#), 7 Wall Balls (14#) Rest 1:30
Times: 1:24, 1:21, 1:21, 1:22, 1:21, 1:20, 1:23

Sunday, April 10, 2016


Light day today 🙂
30 Pull ups (12-7-6-5)
30 Wall Balls (14#) unbroken
Time: 2:57

Saturday, April 9, 2016


Rest Day
I went to my first barre class. Loved it! Challenging and fun, I will definitely be going back.


3 x 4 Back Squats (5@45, 5@75, 5@95, 4@115, 4@125, 4@130#)
EMOM 8:00 Power Clean (first 4@105, then 6@110#)
3 x4 Clean Grip Deadlift (135, 145, 155#)
250m Row, 8Front Squats w/35# KB in front rack, 6 over the Erg Burpees
Time : 11:16 (front squats were awful)


10 Walking Lunges w/14# wall ball OH + 500m Row (1:56.4)
Rest 2:00
8 Burpees to Plate + 500m Row (1:57.6)
Rest 2:00
6 C2B Pull ups + 500m Row (1:57.2)
Rest 2:00
20m OH Carry (75#) + 30 cal Assault Bike (2:42)
30 Ball Slams 20# (:53)

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Front Squat double (10@35, 5@55, 5@75, 3@95,  2@115, 125 got distracted and dumped this)
EMOM 12:00
Even - Toes to Bar 8
Odd - Double Unders (10,10,11,12,12)
Rested 1:00
EMOM 10:00
Even - 7 Pull ups

Odd - 10 HRPU

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


7 x 1 Squat Snatch @ 85% of last week max. (65#)
3 x 4 Strict Press pause at top (75#)
4 Rounds
250m Row, 10 Power Clean (75#), 10 Wall Balls (really wasn't happy seeing these today :). Rest 2:00
Times: 2:15, 2:10, 2:15, 2:09

Sunday, April 3, 2016


30 Rounds
5 Wall Balls (14#)
1 Power Clean 95#
Time: 32:46 (10 rounds - 9:58, 20 rounds - 20:57, I was hoping to finish in 30:00, HSPUs were my biggest concern. I needed to go unbroken on the HSPU to stay on track but missed it on 3/30 rounds. I was pretty pleased with completing this WOD. I thought they would find me crumpled in the corner crying 😅!

Saturday, April 2, 2016


3 x 5 Back Squats (5@45, 5@75, 5@95 warm up then 5@115, 5@115, 5@125)
EMOM 8:00 - Power Clean 105#
3 x 4 Clean grip Deadlift (130, 140, 150)
4 x
250m Row, Walking lunges with 55# bar in front rack, 30 Double Unders, 10 Burpees
Trying to stay positive about double unders, still struggling but not giving up!
Time: Too long!

Friday, April 1, 2016


4 Stone Over the Shoulder/500m Row (1:55.3)
Rest/Walk 2:00
4 Burpees/500m Row (1:58.1)
Rest/Walk 2:00
6 Chest to Bar/500m Row 1:57.9
Rest/Walk 2:00
4 Stone Over Shoulder/30cal. Assault Bike 2:59/1712m

30 Hang Clean + Shoulder to OH (65#)
Time: 2:35

Thursday, March 31, 2016


Front Squat triples 5@65, 5@85, 3@95, 3@105, 3@115, 3@120 (this is where it starts to fall apart)
EMOM 10:00
Even - Toes to Bar (8)
Odd - Wall Balls
EMOM 10:00
Even - 4 HSPU
Odd - :30 Double Unders (10,15,16,18,18 - finally starting to get these back)

Monday, March 28, 2016


15:00 Squat Snatch (3@35, 3@55, 2@60, 2@65, 1@70, 1@75#)
3 x 5 Strict Press, hold at top (75#)
Row cal./Power Clean (75#)
Time: 6:46

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Deadlifts (125#
Pull ups
Every 2:00 6 Burpee over the bar (started with Burpees)

5 mile Trail Run/walk in Pinckney Rec. with the dogs. Beautiful day!


4 x
10 Burpees, 200m Assault Bike
10 Air Squats, 200m Assault Bike
10 HRPU, 200m Assault Bike
10 Sit ups, 200m Assault Bike
Perfect WOD after 16.5


5 x 10m Bear Crawl forward and backward :60 rest
Squat Snatch (75#)
3:00 cap
30 Thrusters (1:26)
Remaining time Strict Pull ups (7)
REST 2:00
3:00 AMRAP
Box Jumps (55)
REST 2:00
3:00 cap
OHS Triple (80#)

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


1000m Row
20 Hang Power Cleans (75#)
1000m Row
KBS (53#)
Pull ups
Time 5:46


AMRAP 13:00
55 Deadlifts 125#
55 Wall Balls 10# 
55 cal Row
55 Push Presses 65#
Score: 209


15:00 Back Squat (5@45, 5@75, 3@95, 3@105, 2@115, 2@125, 1@135, 1@140)
3 x 4-6 Strict Presses (5@75, 5@80, 4@85)
EMOM 10:00
1 4-6 Ring Dips
2 :30 Assault Bike
EMOM 10:00
1 10 Box Jumps
2 5 Thrusters 45#

Saturday, March 19, 2016


1 Squat Snatch + 2 OHS build quickly to tough set (75#)
EMOM 5:00
Strict Pull ups sets of 3
AMRAP 3:00
10 Box Jumps
Rounds - 1 + 4 HSPU
Rest 5:00
For time @ 90%
21 Wall Balls, 9 Deadlifts (115#)
15 Wall Balls, 9 Deadlifts
9 Wall Balls, 9 Deadlifts
Time: 2:58


AMRAP 7:00
10 Power Snatches (45#)
5 Chest to bar Pull ups
Score : 73

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


5k row off the rower every 1k
15 Deadlifts (95#)
12 Burpees to plate
5 Power Cleans
5:00 + mobility

Sunday, March 13, 2016


Clean Pull Clusters 3x 1.1.1 (135#) Rest 2:00
EMOM 15:00
1 - HSPU 6/5/4/4/4
2 - 3 Thrusters (75#)
3 - :30 AB

Friday, March 11, 2016


Squat Snatch (3@35, 3@45, 3@55, 3@60, 3@65, 2@70, 2@75, 1@80)

2 x 500m Row, 25 Thrusters (35#), 15 Pull ups, rest 1:00
Times: 4:43, 4:37


Back Squats - triples (10@35,, 5@65, 3@85, 3@105, 3@115, 3@125
3 x 12 cal AB, 12 Burpees rest 2:00
Times: 1:40, 1:43, 1:40
2 x 2 rope Climbs, 7 Power Cleans (95) run to opposit wall and back
Time: 3:36


25 Toes to Bar
50 Double Unders
15 Squat Cleans (65)
If completed in 4:00 add another 4:00 and continue
13 Squat Cleans this time 85#

Toes to Bar were good but got hung up on Double Unders.

Sunday, March 6, 2016


A. 16.2
25 Toes to Bar (1:23)
50 Double Unders (23)
15 Squat Clean

B. 15:00 Clean 3@65, 3@85, 3@95, 2@100, 2@105, 2@110# (felt pretty strong)
C. 2K Row, off rower every 500m - 1:00 single Unders (feeling like I need to reset)
D. 125 Sit ups

75:00 Yoga - greatly needed! The focus was on letting go, which is exactly what I needed today.  The practice was challenging and helped me to let go of some of my frustration. Tomorrow is a new day and I will try 16.2 again.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


A. 3 x 15 Scap Push ups :60 rest
B. 8 x 1 Squat Snatch every :60 70#
C. 3 x 10 Hand Release Push ups
D. 3 x 8 Burpees Box Jump Over, 10 Deadlifts (125#), 50 Double Unders (urg!)
Tome: 18:56 (because of the double Unders)
Then 10:00 Assault Bike 5,000m

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


12:00 Strict Pull ups - did EMOM for 12:00 of 3 - 4 pull ups
2K Row - off the rower every 500m 3:00 mobility

Monday, February 29, 2016


CrossFit Open 16.1
20:00 AMRAP
25' OH walking Lunges (45#)
8 Bar Facing Burpees (these slowed me down)
25' OH Walking Lunges
8 Chin over the bar Pull ups
Score: 190 (this was a redo. Did this on Friday morning and score was 185. I was hoping to get at 15 more reps but just glad I go more than I did on Friday. This hurt way more today than it did the first time).

Saturday, February 27, 2016


Power Clean Clusters 3 x Begin rep every :10, rest 2:00 between sets (95#)
EMOM 15:00
1 - 8 KBS (24kg)
2 - :35 Double Unders (sucked)
3 - :30 Row @ 85%

75 minutes Yoga

This was exactly what I needed today. Felt good and was not too sore from 16.1.

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Rest Day
At least it was suppose to be, but spent an hour shoveling heavy snow.  Gotta love Michigan in the winter.  Last Saturday it was 50+ degrees and we were out hiking and today we have 6" or more of wet snow.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Clean and Jerk Gauntlet - begin a clean and jerk every minute on the minute
(65, 75, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115#)
21 HSPU (took 3:30 urg)
15 cal Assault Bike
9 Chest to Bar Pull ups (1 at a time)
Time: 6:26

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


A. Back Squat - build to a tough single 135#
B. Ring Dips - no weights
C. AMRAP 8:00
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 8 Hand Release Push Ups, 1 TGU each side
Rounds - 3 + 5 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 8:00
8 KBS (16kg), 10 cal AB, 8 Front Squats (65#)
Rounds - 3 + 8 KBS + 5 cal AB

Monday, February 22, 2016


A. 15:00 Snatch (Squat) build to a moderate single (3@35, 3@55, 3@65, 2@70, 2@75, 2@80, 2@85 power)
B. EMOM 10:00
Even - 8 TTB
Odd - 12 Wall Balls
C. 4 Deadlifts (touch and go 195#), :15 AB sprint, Rest 2:30
5 Rounds - :40, :37, :40, :39, :40

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Opened the gym at 9:00 and was a rest day. Warmed up on the Airdyne (3200m), did some squats, Double Unders (7 minutes), Handstands, and sit ups. I was feeling this last week and it felt good to just move with no weights.
Then coached gymnastics class before heading home at noon, tired and ready for a nap 😊!

Saturday, February 20, 2016


2 Rounds
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (35#)
20 Pull ups
I wasn't looking forward to this WOD. I was feeling a little tired and beat up from the week. Decided to just do it and get it done. I was working at about 85 - 90%.
Time: 19:58 (this was :08 faster than last time I did this but it was definitely easier)

5 mile hike with pups in Pinckney Rec. It was over 55 degrees and perfect for a hike in the woods.

Friday, February 19, 2016


3 x 15 Scap Push ups :60 rest
A. Hang Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + OHS Max for the day (44, 48.4, 52.8, 59.4, 66, 68.2, 70.4)
B1. 3 x 6 Close grip Bench Press (85#) :60 rest
B2. 3x 6 Pendlay Row (105#)
EMOM 20:00
1 - 6 Air Squats, 4 KB Snatch (each arm)
2 - 5 Burpee Toes to Bar (had fun with these)
3 - :30 Double Unders (9, 19, 12, 10,15 so inconsistent)
4 - 5 HSPU (was able to go unbroken for 4 rounds, last round 3 and then 2)

Thursday, February 18, 2016


A. 4 x 1 Hang Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats (85, 95, 100, 105#) every 2:00
B. 4 x 1 Split Jerk 31x1 (85, 95, 105, 110#)
C. 5:00 AMRAP
5 Hang Squat Clean (65#), 25m Bear Crawl
Rounds 4 + 1 Hang Squat Clean
D. 12:00 cap
50 Double Unders, 5 Stone over Shoulder, 40 Double Unders, 4 SOS, 30 Double Unders, 3 SOS, 20 Double Unders, 2 SOS, 10 Double Unders, 1 SOS (only made it through the 20 Double Unders and 1 SOS. Double Unders were awful today - so frustrating)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


A. 1 1/4 Back Squat 2 - 2 - 1 (120, 120, 125 my legs were toast from the wall balls so was surprised I was even able to squat :)
B. 15:00 clock
9:00 AMRAP
40 cal row, 12 Toes to bar, 10 HSPU (got stalled on these, knocked out 5, then struggled with the second 5)
6:00 to establish 1 RM Clean and Jerk (115, tried 120 but failed 3 x)
Score: 217

Monday, February 15, 2016


A. Isabel - 30 Snatches (65#) Time: 2:28 (I surprised myself with this time. At first thought I cheated and did not do enough to reps. But reviewed my rep breakdown 10, 5, 5, 4, 2, 4 and realized I did indeed do 30. 2 years ago I did this in 4:03.)
B. 100 Wall Balls (14#/9') Time: 5:23
C. 4 x :30 Row, Rest 1:00 (pace 1:47.9, 1:47.9, 1:47.1, 1:45.6
15:00 Mobility

Sunday, February 14, 2016


15:00 Deadlift not max.
135 x 5, 155 x 5, 175 x 5, 195 x 5, 205 x 3, 215 x 2, 225 x 1, 235 x 1
8:00 cap
10 Deadlifts (65)
15 Box Step ups
15 Deadlifts (95)
15 Box Step ups
20 Deadlifts (115)
15 Box Step ups
25 Deadlifts (135)
15 Box Step ups
10Deadlifts (155)
Score: 140 (again a bit disappointed as this is the same score I got 2 years ago)


Rest Day (sorta of)
1 hour working on Double Unders, HSPU and Squats.
Then 75 minutes Yoga (really needed this today)

Friday, February 12, 2016


 3 x 15 Scap Push ups :600 rest
A. 1 Hang Power Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS (55, 60, 65, 70, 75, attempted 80 but had a problem dropping under the bar)
B1. 3 x 6 Bench Press close grip (85#) rest :60
B2. 3 x 6 Pendlay Row (100#)
EMOM 18:00
1. 7 Burpees over the bar
2. :30 Double Unders
3. 7 OHS (55#)

Thursday, February 11, 2016


A. 4 x 1 Hang Squat Clean + 3 Front Squats Rest 2:00 (75, 85, 95, 100# this went much better today)
B. 3 x 4 Split Jerk :03 (65, 75, 80, 85#)
C. 10:00 AMRAP @ 95%
4 Hang Power Cleans (85#), 25 Double Unders, 10 Burpees, 5 Stone over Shoulder
Rounds: 3 + 4 Cleans + 2 Double Unders (still struggling with double Unders despite my awesome new rope)

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


A. 3 x 2 1 1/4 Back Squat (105, 110, 115#)
B. 8:00 Cap
3 Squat Cleans 95#, 25 Pull ups, 2 Squat Clean (more challenging than I thought they would be), 15 C2B Pull ups (one at a time), 1 Squat Clean, 5 Strict Pull ups
Time: 7:35 (when I saw this work out I didn't think I would complete it in the time cap, so was happy to be able to finish it.)
C. 3 x @ 75% 300m Row, 12 Burpees, 10 KBS (24 kg)
Time: 8:34

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


A. 10 x 1 Power Snatch every :30 (85#, failed on 3 of the lifts)
B. 3 x 25 Wall Balls (unbroken 14# to 10'), 1 Rope Climb, Rest 2:00
Times: 1:15, 1:15, 1:13
C. 4 x :30 max Row, Rest 1:30
Pace: 1:46.3, 1:45.6, 1:44.8, 1:44.8
D. 3 x 25m Bear Crawl, 6 GHD Sit ups, :30 side planks

Sunday, February 7, 2016


Clean and Jerk max. 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 120# Clean went well but failed on the Jerk.
7:00 cap
3 Clean and Jerks (65#)
3 Toes to Bar
6 Clean and Jerks
6 Toes to Bar
9 Clean and Jerks
9 Toes to Bar
12 Clean and Jerk
12 Toes to Bar
7 Clean and Jerks
Score: 67 (I was disappointed in my score. I felt I could get to 18. Grip started to fail. I did not feel great today, perhaps still tired from yesterday. Also did not eat very well yesterday. Since the new year I have really been cleaning up my diet and I have been feeling pretty good.)

Saturday, February 6, 2016


Rest Day
I had to open the gym at 7:00, then coached at 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, so worked on HSPU and did O-lifting at 9:00.
Squat Snatch doubles (55, 60, 65, 70, 75#)
Squat Clean and Jerk doubles (65, 70, 75, 85, 90, 95, 100#)


3 x 15 Scap Push ups :60 rest
A. Hang Power Snatch to Hang Snatch 70#
B1. 3 x 8 Close Grip Bench Press (65, 70, 75#) rest :60
B2. 3 x 8 Pendlay Row (95#) rest 2:00
EMOM 15:00
12 KBS (24kg)
:30 Double Unders
12 Box Jumps


4 x 1 Hang Squat Clean + 4 Front Squats (65, 75, 85, 95#) these were awful for me. I struggle terribly  with front squats. I was so frustrated I forgot to do the Split Jerks.
AMRAP 12:00
3 Hang Power Cleans (85), 40 Double Unders, 10 Burpess, 5 Stone over Shoulder 66#
Rounds 3 + 3 Hang Power Cleans, 7 Double Unders

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


A. 3 x 3  1 1/4 Back Squats (85, 95, 105#), Rest 2:30
B. 3 x 600m Row, 6 over the Erg Burpees, 20 Double Unders, Rest 2:30
Times: 4:53, 4:20, 4:16 (difference in time due to Double Unders)
C. 3 x 6 Double Touch (pull ups, toe to bar), 10 Lunge steps with bar on back (90#)
Time: 6:12

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


A. 10 x 1 Power Snatch every :30 (80#, felt Ok)
B. 4 x 20 Wall Balls unbroken 10' target, 10 HR Push ups (harder than I thought it would be), rest 2:30
Times: 1:04, 1:03, 1:04, 1:04
C. 4 x :30 Row, 2:00 Rest
Pace: 1:47.1, 1:44.8, 1:42.7, 1:42.0 (nothing like a little friendly competition to get you going faster)
D. 3 x 50m Farmers Carry (70#), 15 Back Extensions, 35 Double Unders

For the past month added 5:00 of double unders to my warm up, hopefully it is helping and today added 5-4-3-2-1 HSPU.

Sunday, January 31, 2016


15:00 HSPU Skill work
8:00 @ 85%
3 HSPU, 3 Snatches (55#)
6 HSPU, 3 Snatches
9 HSPU, 3 Snatches
5 of 12 HSPU
15:00 HSPU Skill Work (because I was a bit frustrated with not being able to string more than 3 HSPU together)

Friday, January 29, 2016


A. 3 x 10 Scap Push ups :60 rest
B. 10:00 Hang Snatch Skill (kind of awful today)
C. 3 x 3 Front Squat (95, 100, 100#)
D. 500m Row (1:55.7 pace) rest :60
3 x 10 Thrusters (55#), 6 CTB Pull ups (one at a time), :60 rest
Time: 7:49
500m Row (1:57 pace)


A. Hang Squat Clean 1RM 110# seem to be stuck here. Tried 115# but failed to get my elbows through.
B. 10:00 Split Jerk working on speed and depth and footwork. (3x85, 3x95, 3x105, 3x110)

C. 14:00 @ 80% effort
8 Hang Power Cleans (75#), 20 Double Unders, 10 Burpees to plate, 25m Farmers Carry (24kg)
Rounds - 4 + 8 Cleans + 12 Double Unders. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


3 x 4 1 1/4 Back Squat rest 2:30 (80, 90, 100#)
3 x 500m Row, 8 Burpee Box Jump, 10 KBS Russian (32kg), Rest 2:10
Times: 3:23, 3:16, 3:28
3 x 8 Double Touch (pull up/toes to bar), 8 Lunges steps with back rack (85#)
Time: 6:47
I was feeling a little sore and tired. I was sorta hoping my workout partner would not come in. But she did and in the end was glad I got this WOD done. I felt much better after the Back Squats although I wasn't looking forward to the double touches and lunge steps.


10 x 1 Power Snatch every :30 (77.2#) felt good today, address early pull which helped tremendously.
4 x 15 Wall Balls (unbroken), 10 Pull ups (unbroken except first round when hands slipped)
Times: 1:10, 1:01, :57, :56
3 x 100m Farmers Carry (70# each hand) not so easy, 15 Back Extensions

Monday, January 25, 2016


A bit behind with my workouts. Did this today:
Every 3:00 for as long as possible complete:
(I did this wrong, only did 1 round instead of two)
00:00 - 3:00
10 OHS, 10 Pull ups
3:00 - 6:00
12 OHS, 12 Pull ups
6:00 - 9:00
14 OHS, 14 Pull ups...
9:00 - 12:00
16 OHS, 16 Pull ups
12:00 - 15:00
18 OHS, 18 Pull ups
15:00 - 18:00
20 OHS, 17 Pull ups

Saturday, January 23, 2016


3 x 10 Scap Push ups, rest :60
10:00 Snatch Skill
3 x 4 Front Squats (:02 pause) (95#)
6 x 500m Row, 8 HSPU (really struggled with these today), rest 1:30


Hang Power Clean 1RM (110#) still pulling early.

10:00 Split Jerk working on dropping under bar quickly (3@85, 3@95, 3@100, 3@105, 2@110)
16:00 AMRAP @ 70%
10 Hang Power Cleans (75#), 25 Double Unders (these are getting better), 10 Burpees, 50m Farmers Carry (24kg) (not able to do sled drags in the gym)
Rounds - 4 +10 Hang Power Cleans + 5 Double Unders

Thursday, January 21, 2016


3 x 5 1 1/4 Back Squats (75, 80, 85) Rest 2:30
3 x 400m Row, 8 Burpees Box Jumps, 15 KBS (35#), Rest 2:20
Times: 3:19, 3:18, 3:22
3 x 6 Double Touch (pull up/toes to bar), 6 OH Walking Lunges (55#)
Time: 4:10


5 x 3 Snatch every :60 80#
4 x 10 Unbroken Wall Balls, 10 Pull ups (unbroken), Rest 2:00
Times: :49, :48, :42, :45
3 x 100m Farmers Carry (20kg), 15 GHDBack Extensions

Monday, January 18, 2016


Last day in NYC so went for a early morning WOD at CF Bowery.
3 x ninja each leg, 5 Hollow Rock
2 x :40 Double Unders, 6 Scap Pull Ups, 8 Ring Rows, 10 Wall Balls
4 x 4 Front Squats (105# really struggle with these. Perhaps the hours of walking yesterday fatigued my legs)
For Time
30 Front Squats (65#), 30 Pull ups, 20 Front Squats, 20 Pull ups, 10 Front Squats, 10 Pull ups
Time: 10:28 (again struggled with the front squats)

Saturday, January 16, 2016


Another WOD @ CF Bowery
3 rounds
10 Wall Squats, 8 DB Strict Presses, 10 Sit ups, 3 Strict Pull ups
Partner WOD (break up anyway you want)
2K Row then
3 rounds
60 Burpees, 60 Air Squats then
2K Row
Time: 34:16

Friday, January 15, 2016


3 rounds
10 RDL (light Kettlebell), 10 KBS, 10 Russian Twists
4 rounds
Deadlift 3RM (200#), 5 Strict Toes to Bar
5 rounds
5 Deadlifts (165#), 10 Lateral Burpees over the bar
Time: 6:19

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Back in NYC went to CrossFit Bowery again. Love that I can walk there in 10 minute and then get in an awesome workout. Today went like this:
3 x Ninja each leg, 5 Hollow Rocks
Shoulder Mobility
2 x 250m Row, 5 Muscle Snatches (35#), 5 Snatch Press, 5 Wall Squats
EMOM 12:00
2 Squat Snatches (60#)
AMRAP 10:00
30 Double Unders (one round got 20), 10 Burpees, 5 Power Snatches (65#)
Rounds - 3 + 9

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


A. Hang Power Clean 2RM (stuck at 105#, video says it all)
B. Split Jerk - 10:00 worked on dropping quickly under the bar (100# was pretty easy)
C. 14:00 time cap
40 Burpees to 6" target (3:20)
30 Snatches (35# unbroken)
30 Toes to bar
30 Snatches (55#)
20 Wall Balls. (12/8)
30 Snatches
Got through the Wall Balls

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


A.  2 - 2 - 1 Back Squat :02 pause (105, 115, 125# felt good and was a bit easy, need to push up the weight a bit)
B. Had to switch up the order of this WOD due to a class in the box.
6 x 6 Pull ups, 6 OH Walking Lunges (55#)
Time: 5:36 (pull ups felt strong, lunges were tough but doable)
Rest as needed
C. 3 x 400m Row, 12 Burpees, 15 KBS (45#), Rest 2:30
Total Time: 15:11

Monday, January 11, 2016


5 x 3 Power Snatches begin set every :90 in :20 or less (4 @ 75#, 1 @ 80# these felt really good today)
For Time
8 Rope Climbs, 10 Clean and Jerks (85#), 30 Box Jumps
Time: 8:28
Rest as needed
5 x
8 alt KB Snatches
:30 Rest
6 Thrusters (55#)
20 Double Unders (these went awesome, 2 rounds I did the 20 unbroken. I was really stoked.)
Total time: 13:13

Sunday, January 10, 2016


10:00 cap
21-15- 9
Thrusters 55#
Pull ups
Time: 7:28 (did this by myself and didn't really feel like doing Fran. It would have helped to do this with someone to push me.)
Remaining time max Clean and Jerk (110#)
REST 20:00
10:00 cap
1750m Row
Time: 7:38
Remaining time Burpees over the erg - 17

Saturday, January 9, 2016


Rest Day - much needed. Felt good to sleep in.
I did go to 75 minute Yoga Class. Feel awesome!!!

Friday, January 8, 2016


A. Deadlifts 5 reps (155, 175, 185, 195#)
Between sets 3 strict pull ups
B1. 2 - 2 - 1 Front Squats (105, 115, 120#)
B2. 2 - 2 - 1 Ring Dips
C. 5 x 500m Row, 8 HSPU (did better today but still a work in progress)
Rest 2:00


A. Hang Power Cleans 3RM (75,85, 95, 100, 105)
B. Push Jerk 4RM 100#
C. AMRAP 8:00 (85%)
10 Deadlifts (55#), 5 Snatches, 35 Double Unders
Rounds: 2 + 10 Deadlifts + 5 Snatches + 25 Double Unders (getting better)
Rest 2:00
Stone over Shoulder, Front Squat (tried 115 but failed, dropped to 105# to complete)


3 x 3 Back Squats :02 pause Rest 2:00 (95, 05, 115#)
3 x 350m Row, 10 Burpees to 45# plate, 5 C2B
Rest 2:00
Time: 11:15
2 x 70 Double Unders, 12 Walking Lunges (w/75# bar in front rack), 15 T2B
Time: 15:33 (this went better than last week, still struggle with Double Unders)

Monday, January 4, 2016


A. 4 x 4 Power Snatch begin set every 2:00 (65, 70, 75, 80# it's been a while since I hit this weight and it felt decent)
B. 5 x
8 alt. KB Snatch (25), 30 Double Unders
Rest 1:00
12 Unbroken Wall Balls
Rest :30
Time: 22:26 (2:55/:26, 1:58/:24, 2:27/:24, 3:34/:23, 2:31/:25)
3 x not for time
1 Rope Climb, 6 Hang Cleans (90#), 14 Box Jumps (20")

Sunday, January 3, 2016


A. 4 x 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Hang Snatch begin set every 2:00 (65, 70, 70, 70 really struggled with these today)
B. 3 x 2 Shoulder Press (85, 95, 95)
C. 100m of the following:
1. Stone Carry
2. Prowler (180 + prowler)
3. Bear Crawl
4. Farmers Carry (53# each arm)
5. Sled Drag (135)
This was a lot of fun!!! Hard but fun :).

Saturday, January 2, 2016


A.  Deadlift 6RM - between sets 2 - 5 Strict Pull ups (155/3, 175/3, 190/3)
B1. Front Squat 3-2-2 Rest :60 95, 105, 115 really struggle with keeping my chest up.
B2. Ring Dips 2-2-2 (did not add weight, have enough)
C. 15.4
3 Push Press (65), 3 Cleans (75), 6 Push Presses, 3 Cleans, 9 Push Presses, 3 Cleans, 12 Push Press, 6 Clean...
Score: 105 (moving a bit slow today)