Rogue Fitness

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Friday, February 27, 2015


Snatch Technique 10:00
Felt good, worked on not pull with arms and throwing head back 75#
AMRAP 10:00
30 Double Unders (3 rounds went unbroken)
15 Wall Balls
Rounds = 5 (again really struggled with this, not sure if it was because I was coming down with something)


Back to the freezing cold, not happy!
Squat Clean and Jerk - did power clean and jerk (trying to let my knee heal) 105#
10 minutes
Ground to Overhead 65#
CTB Pull ups - more like pull ups
Finished 15 (really struggled, must be the cold and traveling)


Last day in San Diego. Totally enjoyed the warm weather.
Walked to box, CF Hillcrest and then warmed up with 1000m row, PVC Rollouts and snatches.

EMOM on 2 minutes for 6 Rounds 3 Power Snatches
Worked on form, not pulling with my arms 75#

3 x 3 minutes Burpees, 1:30 rest


Rest Day
Toured the USS Midway in San Diego. Lots of walking and climbing stairs.

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Warm up with walk to the box, 1000m row, PVC Rollouts, lunge steps, monster walks the
15 minutes - Power Cleans PRed at 120#, 3 attempts at 125#

Client WOD #16
50 cal row (3:04)
40 Burpees to 6"
30 Power Cleans (65#) sets of 10
20 CTB Pull ups (more like pull ups)
Time: 12:03
Completed this WOD at Crossfit Hillcrest, it is a small box and was a bit busy this morning. Felt good but a little out of my element. Best part is it is warm, which I definitely felt enhanced my performance, especially with the lift.


Warmed up with walk to box, PVC Rollouts, double unders, monster walks, lunge steps

EMOM 10 minutes
Odd 5 Hang Cleans (add weight each set, got to 100#)
Even 8 box jumps
AMRAP 20 minutes
:90 Handstand hold, 30 KBS (35#), 400m row
Rounds = 3 + :90 hold

Walked .5 miles back


Rest Day
In San Diego and headed to nearby Crossfit gym, Crossfit Hillcrest. Nice little box, owned by two guys.
Walked .5 miles to get there and then did the following:
EMOM 10 minutes
Odd - 3 Hang Power Snatches
Even - 20 double Unders
5 x 2 Dead hang pull ups
Walked .5 miles back

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


4:00 am start today. In the gym before 5:00 to get my work out done.
8 x
1 Rope Climb, 6 Wall Ball (20#), 8 alt DB Snatches (40# tough today), 10 HRPU, 2:00 rest
1:42, 1:29, 1:26, 1:28, 1:36, 1:30, 1:32, 1:33
Tough little WOD!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


A. 5 x 3 split Jerk from blocks rest 2:00 100# (felt pretty good, moving faster under the bar)
B. Passed on the front squat
C. EMOM 12:00
4 toes to bar, 6 Box Jump overs (most rounds completed in under :32)
D. 12 x :30 row, :30 easy pull (average pace 1:50.4)


A. 3 x 2 Shoulder Press rest 2:00 (85, 95, 100 x 1)
B. 3 x 4 Pendlay Row rest 2:00 bar to abs :02 descent 110#
C. 5 x
7 pull ups, 10 alt hand to hand KBS (35#), 6 alt clean and jerks, 30 double unders
2:34, 2:33, 2:34, 2:22, 2:38
60 wall balls (3:19)


Row 2000m
PVC Rollouts, lunge steps, banded lateral walks, monster walks

Skill Work
EMOM 20 minutes (working for :30)
Odd - HSPU (worked on Kipping)
Even - Double Unders

Finished with 100 double UNDERS (2:34)

Saturday, February 14, 2015


Client WOD #15
On a 30:00 clock
00:00 - 10:00 Row 1500m 30 alt KB Snatches 35# 6:03/8:50
10:00 - 20:00 Row 1000m, 30 Bar facing Burpees 4:06/8:20
20:00 - 30:00 Row 750m , 30 Ground to OH 65# 3:11/7:34 (I thought I would do snatches but ended up doing sets of 5 clean and jerks)

Friday, February 13, 2015


A. 3 x 10 Back Squat 75# rest 3:00
B. 3 x 2 Hang Snatch 65# rest 2:00
C. 18:00 minutes, start a round every 3:00
10 calories row, 10m OH Carry (95#), 15m walking lunge w/25# plate overhead
Tough little WOD. Each round took about 2:30 so was able to get a :30 rest. I wish they would bring the rowers downstairs as sometimes going up and down the stairs is a workout in itself.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


6 x
1 Rope Climb, 8 Wall Balls (20#), 8 alt KB Snatches (35#), 10 Box Jump Overs
Time: 2:17, 2:08, 2:13, 2:12, 2:20, 2:14

15:00 Skill Work - Handstand Push Ups (Kipping HSPU finally clicked)

Gymnastics Class in the evening
Bar and ring work
I love this class!!!!


Urg! My legs were sore! I haven't been this sore in a long time.
A. 10 x 2 Split Jerks off blocks 95# every :30. This felt really good was able to get under the bar well. 
B. Front Squats (knee was too painful this morning so passed on these. Very frustrated with this knee thing. It is obviously less painful if I am able to recruit the proper muscles. Struggling!)
C. EMOM 12:00
     Even - :30 Burpee Toes to Bar (was able to get 4 in on several rounds) :30 rest
     Odd - 5 Box Jumps 
D. 10 x :30 row :30 easy pull (1:51 pace disappointed)

Monday, February 9, 2015


A. 3 x 3 Shoulder Press rest 2:00 85, 90, 95#
B. 3 x 6 Pendlay Row rest 2:00 105#
C. EMOM 18:00
     a) 7 Pull ups
     b) 10 KBS 44#
     c) 6 alt DB Snatches 45#
D. 50 Wall Balls 10 x 5 with minimal rest
Time: 3:18

Sunday, February 8, 2015


1500m Row, PVC Rollouts, Squats, OHS, Lunge Steps

15:00 build to a max OHS (85#) I felt pretty good about this, but was concerned about my knee. This is really starting to get me down.

15:00 cap
10 OHS (35#) - unbroken
10 Box Jumps
15 OHS (50#) - unbroken
15 Box Jumps
20 OHS (60#) 10-6-4
20 Box Jumps
25 OHS (70#) 4-3-2-1-1-1 (didn't finish but was pleased with what I was able to do)

Saturday, February 7, 2015


A. 3 x 3 Back Squat 3:00 rest (95, 115, 125#) I was worried about my knee but was able to engage the proper muscles so helped to take pressure off the knee.
B. 3 x 3 Hang Snatch (light) 2:00 rest 65#
C. AMRAP 15:00
200m Row (pace 1:50), 25m Farmers Carry (45#), 25m Bear Crawl, 10m yoke carry but no yoke so did 95# OH carry
Rounds = 5 + 200m Row

Headed to the gym later in the day
Walked on the track for 35 minutes, then hit the pool for a 500m swim.


5 x 
1 Rope Climb, 6 Wall Balls (20#), 8 HRPU, 10 box jump overs
(1:54, 1:51, 1:45, 1:48, 1:43)
I love these kind of WODs !


A. 10 x 1 Split Jerk from blocks every :60 (105#) felt pretty good, was able to get under the bar a little better
B. 4 x 1 Front Squat 32x1 rest 3:00 95# (went light due to knee pain. Attempting to resolve this through PT. Need to make some adjustments to my squat form, majorly bummed about this).
C. EMOM 12 minutes :30 Burpee toes to bar :30 rest
Score = 3 but was almost able to get 4, just needed a couple more seconds :)
D. 8 x :30 Row, :30 easy pull (maintained 1:47.3 for 5 rounds, averaged 1:49.5)

Gymnastics Class
Ring work and beginning drills for muscle ups


A. 3 x 4 Shoulder Press rest 2:00 (75, 85, 90#)
B. 3 x 7 Pendlay Rows (to abs with 2 sec descent ) 100#
C. EMOM 15 minutes
    a) 7 pull ups (getting faster at these)
    b) 10 KBS 44#
    c) 10 alt DB Snatches (tried 40# but took almost the whole minute, dropped down to 35#)

D. AMRAP 3:00

     7 Toes to Bar (slow but unbroken), 7 Burpee box jump overs
     Rounds = 2 + 7 toes to bar
     Rest 4:00

    AMRAP 3:00
     Wall Balls
      Score = 50 (took too many rests)

Yoga class in the evening. Trying to do this 2 x per week in an attempt to increase flexibility/mobility. 


Major Snowstorm
Between last night and this morning spent several hours shoveling snow.
I thought I would be able to get a workout in but when I got to the gym had to shovel a path to the door. At that point was too tired to work out and also had to coach.

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Rest Day
Skill Work
DOUBLE UNDERS (continue to work on these with the goal of 50 unbroken. Today got 30)
Rope Climbs
Gymnastics Class
Handstand Push ups (I was actually able to rise into a headstand from a tripod for the first time!)