Rogue Fitness

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Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I. 1500M ROW
30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/30 OHS

II. Front Squats 5 x 3 (95#)

III. 5 x
50 Double Unders
10 Push Jerks (75#)

Sunday, April 28, 2013


I. 50 double unders
500 m row
3 x squats and roll outs

II. Sunday Partner WOD
One person working at a time, split the work
100 Wall Balls
50 knees to elbows
100 push ups
50 kb swings
100 Burpees
Time: 22:30

III. Quad smashing and foam rolling


I 1300m row
3 x 10 squats/lunges/PVC roll outs

II. 21-15-9
Hang Power Cleans 75#
Elevated push ups
Wipers 75#
1 mile run

III. Stretch

Thursday, April 25, 2013


I. 1200m Row
3 x 10 Squats/Lunges/PVC Rollouts

II. Back Squats 3 x 10 (75#)

III. Squat Snatch - 5 x 3 (55#)

IV. 10 - 1
Push ups
Sit ups
Time: 5:00

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I. 1200m Row
10 Push ups
10 Squats
Tabata 20:10 x 9
L- Sits/Squats/Jump Ropes

II. For Time
75 Double Unders
20 Pull ups
25 Sit ups
50 Double unders
20 Pull ups
25 Sit ups
25 Double Unders
20 Pull ups
25 Sit ups
Time: 13:20

III. Yoga

Going on two weeks of almost daily Yoga and I am feeling pretty good. Sleeping better and a lot less stiffness and soreness in the morning.  I am hooked.

Also, finished the 1500 Double Under Challenge this morning.  Double Unders have definitely gotten better, so I am going to have to set another goal so I can keep practicing and get even better.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 Squats
1 x 10 Push ups
1 x 10 PVC Rollouts

II. 5 x 5 Front Squats (75#)

III. 5 x 3 Clean 7 Jerk (110#)

IV. 800m Run


Women 50-59    
Sharon Lapides 8:00/ 1 75/ 1 12:46/ 2 4925#/ 1 130/ 1 1
Stacie Berlin 8:35/ 2 72/ 2 11:25/ 1 4035#/ 2 110/ 4 2
Kitty Morse 8:35/ 2 53/ 4 15:04/ 3 2775#/ 5 90/ 6 3
Martha Kefgen 9:26/5 55/ 3 15:20/ 5 3510#/ 3 109/ 5 4
Sharon Frischman 9:45/ 6 44/ 6 15:04/ 3 3240#/ 4 122/ 2 5
Linda Stevenson 9:03/ 4 45/ 5 16:38/ 6 2630#/ 6 122/2 6
Cindy Pierce 10:18/ 7 30/ 7 17:05/ 7 1125#/ 7 50/ 7 7
Women 60+    
Christine Olivero 12:07/ 1 25/ 1 15:12/ 1 2695#/ 1 102/ 1 1


I. 1000m row
3 x 10 Squats/PVC Rollouts

II. Partner WOD
18 Minutes AMCAP (As Many Cards AS Possible)

With a partner collect as many cards as they can in 18 minutes.  Each suit represents a different movement and value of the card represents the number of reps.

Here is the movements:

Hearts = Burpees
Clubs = KB Swings
Diamonds = Deadlifts (115#)
Spades = Sit ups

Multiple value of the card x 2; face cards = 10 and Ace = 11

Split up reps any way you want; one person working at a time.

III. 1 hour of Yoga

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Crossfit Masters Competition at Crossfit Glory

Womens 50 - 59 Division

15 minutes
40 Ball Slams (10#)
.8 mile run
Completed 8 minutes
75 Burpees
1st place finish

14 minute cap
5 x
10 Push ups
20 Sit ups
30 Squats
100 jump ropes
Time: 12:40
2nd place finish

AMRAP 3 minutes
Ground to Overhead (45#) = 42 reps
AMRAP 3 minutes
Ground to Overhead (55#) = 28 reps
AMRAP 3 minutes
Ground to Overhead (65#) = 23 reps
Total pounds lifts = 4925#
1st place finish

AMRAP 7 minutes
2 Deadlifts (95#)
8 Wall Balls (14#)
Total Rounds = 13
1st place finish

Overall 1st place in Womens 50 - 59 Division

Thursday, April 18, 2013


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 Squats/Lunges/Push ups

II.  Squat Snatch Skill

III. 7 x every two minutes
35 Double Unders
1 Squat Snatch
Add weight each round, but you can not take weight off.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I. 750m Row
3 x 10 Squats/Lunges/PVC Rollouts

II. AMRAP 20 minutes
800m Farmers Walk
25 Wall Balls
15 Sit ups
7 Deadlifts (135#)

III. Stretch

I then went back in the evening for a Kettlebell Class and did:

I. 750m Row
Hip mobility

II. 3 x 2 minutes:1 minute REST
Jumping Squats (20#KB)

III. AMRAP 5 minutes Ladder
1 KB Swing/1 Goblet Squat (25#)
2 KB Swing/2 Goblet Squat ...
(10 Rounds)
then 400m Run
AMRAP 5 minutes Ladder
1 KB Swing/1 Goblet Squat (25#)
2 KB Swing/2 Goblet Squat ...
(9 rounds)
then 400m Run

IV. Quad Smashing

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I. 750m Row
3 x
15 Squats/Lunges/Sit ups
5 Pull ups

II. Squat Clean
worked on skill not weight but easily was able to do 85#.

III. 10 - 1
Pull ups
Ring Dips

Sunday, April 14, 2013


I. 750m Row
3 x 10 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. 15 minutes cap
Score is max burpees
40 Ball Slams (20#)
1 mile run
34 Burpees


AMRAP 7 minutes
2 Deadlifts (95#)
8 Wall Balls (14#)
10 rounds + 2 Deadlifts

III. 100 Double unders

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Rest Day

Row Clinic today.  Great instructor who really helped to improve my rowing form.  Also great tips on improving others form.

1500 Double Under Challenge - 200 today for a total of 600, on 900 more to go!

Friday, April 12, 2013


I. 500m Row
2 x 10 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. 5 x (14 minute cap)
10 Push ups
20 Sit ups
30 Squats
100 jump ropes
Time: 12:57

I have been doing at least 30 minutes of Yoga every evening for the past week.  I am already seeing the benefits, feeling so much better, less stiff and more energized.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


I. 500m Row
3 x 100 jump ropes
10 Push ups
10 Sit ups
10 Squats

II. Snatch skill Work

III. 3 min AMRAP
Ground to OH 45#
3 min AMRAP
Ground to OH 55#
3 min AMRAP
Ground to OH 65#
Score: 4525

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I. 750m row
3 x 10 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10Lunges

II. 10 -1 Dead Hang Pull ups
1 - 10 KB Swings

3 x 5 min AMRAP
10 Burpees
10 KB Swings

50 Double Unders
5 Split Jerks 95#
30 Pull ups
10 Split Jerks
30 Pull ups
5 Split Jerks
50 Double Unders
Time: 13:50

III. Yoga

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I. 1000m Row
30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/30 Lunges

II. Clean and Jerk Skill

III. 200 Double unders of the 1500 Double Under Challenge for the month of April

Sunday, April 7, 2013


I. 750m Row
3 x 15 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. 13.5
AMRAP 4 minutes
15 thruster (65#)
2 chest to Bar Pull ups
Score: 17

Somewhat disappointing! Clearly need to work on chest to bar pull ups.

III. 1200m Run

IV. 20-15-5-5-15-20
Shoulder Press (45#)
Weighted Sit ups
Push ups
Time: 21:04

Saturday, April 6, 2013


1000m Row
20 GHD Sit ups
750m Row
40 Toes to Bar
500m Tow
60 Sit ups


Friday, April 5, 2013


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. 4 x
30 Squats
10 Pull ups
5 Clean and Jerk (85#)
Time: 15:40

III. Stretch


I. 1000m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
30 OHS

II. Snatch skill work

III. 4 x 1 min. at each station
Sit ups

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I. 1000m row
2 x 10 Push ups/20 Sit ups/30 Squats
20 double unders/10 PVC Rollouts

II. 7 x
10 burpees
30 double unders
Time: 15:43

Double Unders are finally starting to feel pretty good.  Starting to relax more and more allowing me to complete more consecutive double unders.

III. 100 sit ups

IV. Shoulder Stretch

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I. 1000m Row
2 x
10 Push ups
20 Double Unders
30 Sit ups
20 Squats
10 Pull ups

II. OHS 3-3-3-3-3 (75#)

III. "Annie"
Double Unders
Sit ups

Practice, practice, practice...that's about all I can say about double unders.  Shaved two minutes of Annie time from last week. 


I.1000m Row
20 Squats/10 Push ups

II. 3 x
10 Manmakers (20#)
20 Box Jumps
30 Push ups
40 Sit ups
Time: 25:50

III. Stretch


I. 1000m Row
10 Squats/10 Lunges/10 PVC Rollouts

Warm up for Clean and Jerk and Toes to Bar

II. 13.4
AMRAP 7 minutes
3 Clean and Jerks (95#)
3 Toes to Bar
9 Clean and Jerks
9 Toes to Bar
12 Clean and Jerk
Score: 48