Rogue Fitness

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Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I. 750m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings

II. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
Weighted Step ups (25# DBs)
Push Press
Time: 19:34

III.  Mobility - Squat Cycle

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings

II. Front Squats
5 x 45#
5 x 65#
5 x 85#
5 x 95#
5 -5- 5- 5- 5 (90#)

III. Pull Up Progression Step 2
2 -2 - 1- 1- 1
Mobility - Squat Cycle

Monday, February 27, 2012


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings

II. 3 Rounds
5 each arm KB Push Press (16 Kg)
10 KTE
15 Wall Balls
20 Double Unders
Time: 10:30

III. Mobility WOD - Squat Cycle

I felt great after doing these, give it a try.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings

II. AMRAP 7 minutes (2012 Crossfit Games WOD #1)
Score: 80

III. 15-10-5
Pull ups
Overhead Med Ball Step up
Ring Rows
Overhead Med Ball Step up

Friday, February 24, 2012


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings

II. Push Jerk
3 x 45#
3 x 65#
3 x 85#
3 x 95#
3 -3- 3- 3- 3 100#

III. AMRAP 12 minutes
30 Weighted Sit ups
15 Ring Dips


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings

II. "300"
25 Pull ups
50 Deadlifts (105#)
50 Push ups
50 Box Jumps
50 Windshield Wipers
50 Clean and Jerks
25 Pull ups
Time: 27:34

III. Stretch

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings

II. 21-15-9
KB Snatch l/r
Toes to Bars

Turkish Get ups

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I. 500m Row
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Morning

II. Deadlifts
5 x 45#
5 x 95#
5 x135#
5 x 155#
5 - 5- 5- 5- 5 (155#)

III. 90 KB Swings
Pull up Progression 2-2-1-1-1

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I.500m Row
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings

II. Shoulder Press
3 x 45#
3 x 65#
3 x 85#
3 x 95#
3 -3- 3- 3- 3 95#

III. 18-15-12-9-6-3
Sit ups
KB Swings 16kg
1 Clean and Jerk between each movement
Time: 12:10

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I. 750 m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings

II. Back Squat
5 x 45#
5 x 65#
5 x 85#
5 x 95#
5 -5- 5- 5- 5 (100#)

III. AMRAP 10 minutes
3 Ground to Overhead (95#)
6 Push ups
9 Sit ups

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I. 3 x 200m Row
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10  Good Mornings

II. Fight Gone Bad
3 Rounds
One minute at each station, one minute REST between rounds
Wall Balls
SDLHP (75#)
Box Jumps
Push Press (75#)
Row (calories)

III. Stretch

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I. 3 x 200m Row
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings

II. Snatch
3 x 15#
3 x 35#
3 x 45#
3 -3 - 3 -3 -3 (50#)

III. AMRAP 7 minutes
7 Toes to Bar
7 Burpees

Monday, February 13, 2012


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings

II. Push Press
5 x 45#
5 x 65#
5 x 85#
5 x 95#
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 (95#/last 5 100#)

2K Row
50 Wall Balls
1K Row
35 Wall Balls
500m Row
20 Wall Balls
Time: 24:30


I. 3 x 200m Row
10 PVC Rollouts/!0 OHS/10 GoodMornings

II. Tabata 20:10 x 8
Double Unders
REST 2 minutes
DB Cleans (25#)
Box Jumps
REST 2 minutes
KB Swings (16kg)
Push ups

III. Pull up Progression 1-1-1-1-1

Friday, February 10, 2012


I. 1000m Row
10 PVC Rollouts/10OHS/10 Good Mornings w/PVC
10 PVC Rollouts/10OHS/10 Good Mornings w/15#
10 PVC Rollouts/10OHS/10 Good Mornings w/45#

II. 3 Rounds
One minute at each station; one minute REST after each round
Wall Balls
Deck Squats
Weighted Step ups (25# DB)
Manmakers (25#DB)

III. Stretch

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I. 1000m Row
10 PVC Rollouts/10OHS/10 Good Mornings w/PVC
10 PVC Rollouts/10OHS/10 Good Mornings w/15#
10 PVC Rollouts/10OHS/10 Good Mornings w/45#

5 x 15# bar
5 x 35#
5 x 45#
5 x 55#
5- 5- 5-5 -5 (55#)

III. Pull up progrssion

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I. 1000m Row
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/PVC
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/15#
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/45#

II. EMOTM 20 minutes
5 Elevated Push ups
7 Step ups
7 Butterfly Sit ups

III. Stretch


I. 1000m Row
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/PVC
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/15#
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/45#

5 x empty bar
5 x 65#
5 x 85#
5 x 95#
5 -5 -5 -5 -5 (100#)

III. 21-15-9
O-bar Rollouts
Windshield Wipers


I. 1000m Row
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/PVC
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/15#
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/45#

20 DB Thrusters (20#)
5 Burpee Pull ups
15 DB Thrusters
5 Burpee Pull ups
10 DB Thrusters
5 Burppe Pull ups
5 DB Thrusters
5 Burpee Pull ups
Time: 7:44

III. Tabata 20:10 x 8
Left side plank
Right side plank

Sunday, February 5, 2012


I. 1000m Row
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/PVC
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/15#
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/45#

II. Deadlifts
3 x empty bar
3 x 75#
3 x 105#
3 x 135#
3 -3-3-3-3 (165#)

III. 15 minute AMRAP (Partner)
KB Swings


I. 1000m Row
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/PVC
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/15#
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/45#

II. Partner WOD
10 - 1
Ring Dips
Ring Rows
American KB Swings
Push ups

III. 100 Sit ups


I. 1000m Row
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/PVC
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/15#
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/45#

II. Split Jerk
3 x empty bar
3 x 50%
3 x 75%
3 x 85-90%
3-3-3-3-3 (100#)

III. Pull up Progression


I. 1000m Row
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/PVC
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/15#
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/45#

II. Handstand Skills

III. 4 Rounds
25 Cleans (75#)
2 Wall Climbs
25 Wall Balls (20#)
2 Wall Climbs
Time: 23:00


I. 1000m Row
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/PVC
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/15#
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/45#

II. Thrusters
3 x empty bar
3x 50%
3x 75%
3x 85-90%
3-3-3-3-3 (75#)

III. Pull up progression


I. 1000m Row
10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/PVC
 10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/15#
 10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/10 Good Mornings w/45#

II. 3 Rounds
12 Deadlifts 125#
20 Pull ups
12 Clean and Jerks 75#
20 Knees to Elbows

III. Stretch