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Saturday, July 29, 2017


Week of July 23
Day 1
1-1/4 BS 5-5-5 rest 2:30
(90, 95,100#)

EMOM 6:00
Evens: 9 pullups
Odds: 8 HSPU 2" riser


For time: 
100 DU's then: 
  3 rounds
  16 wallball
  12  DB cleans (open weight) 
  8 Alt walking lunges, same weight. 
 Time: 11:23

Day 2
A. Single leg romanian deadlift, 3x3-4/side @20x1, 2:00 rest
B. Shoulder press, 2-2-2, begin a set every 2:00

4 sets, begin a set every 4:00 -- use any leftover time as rest: 
250m row 
10 DU
10 Burpees
10 DU
(this is meant as a DU under fatigue test. If it turns out that you are getting 2:00 rest, increase the Dus to 15 or 20. 

Day 3
A. 1 Clean pull + 1 power clean. 7 sets begin a set every :90
B. DB OHS - 2 hands; start extremely light. This will challenge mobility.  Get very warm and mobile before working this. 
C. Pendlay row 3 x 8, rest 2:00
at 90%
5 rounds: 
8 hang to overhead (hang clean and jerk, or hang snatch – moderate: 45/55) 
russian KBS heavy
1 rope climb

Day 4

A. Snatch 15 minutes to build to a tough single. Speed under the bar over load. 
B. Snatch grip deadlift 3 x 4 at 85% 1RM, rest 2:00 between sets
Emom 8: 4 burpee box jump overs. 

outdoors as able: 
18:00 grind pace: 
25m farmer carry heavy, 25m overhead carry, axel bar moderate weight; 5 tire flips, 100m shuttle run (25/25/25/25)

Day 5 

Row 5 mins at Z1 pace
30 sets of 
:30 row at 90% aerobic 
:30 50% recovery row
5 mins z1  cool down
Approx. 5,750m

8 rope climbs, rest as needed

Saturday, July 22, 2017


A. Snatch gauntlet - start at #45, add 5lb total per rep until fail. Every
minute on the minute (failed at 90#)
B. Snatch grip deadlift 3 x 5 at 80% 1RM, rest 2:00 between sets (100#)
Emom 5: 3 pullups, 5 pushups, 8 squats (work fast and efficiently

outdoors as able: 
16:00 grind pace: 

100m prowler push light but fast, (50 down, 50 back)  (70#)
4 tire flips, 
100m sled drag, 
10 burpees.  
Rounds - 3 + 75m Prowler Push


Did a little weightlifting today.
7 x 1 Squat Clean + 3 Front Squats (65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95#)
4 x 3 Clean Pulls (135#)
4 x 10 Back Extensions
4 x 10 Barbell Curls
4 x
:05 Hollow Body, 5 Tucks, 5 V-ups, 6 Jacknives, :05 Hollow Body


A. 1 squat clean + 1 split  perk. 7 sets, rest as needed (75, 85, 90, 95, 100, 100, 105#)
B. 1 arm DB OHS 3 x 3-4 per side, rest 1:00 between sets
for time: 
OHS  #45-55.  Find a weight you can do UB (45#)
Row Cals
Box Jumps
Time: 10:59

Finish work: 
2 round not for time: 10 Db shrugs (50#)
10 GHD situps

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


A. Single leg romanian deadlift, 3x5-6/side @20x1, 2:00 rest (60#)
B. Shoulder press, 3-3-3, begin a set every 2:00 (85, 85, 90#)
For 16:00 – this is meant to be once thru- as soon as you finish the KBS, rest until the next 4:00starts

0:00-4:00: 300m row + 30 kettlebell swings (16kg)
4:00-8:00: 300m row + 25 sit ups
8:00-12:00: 300m row + 22 TOUGH 1-arm alternating dumbbell snatches (30#)
12:00-16:00: 300m row + 20 hand-release push ups

Run 400m

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


1- 1/4 Back squat: 6-6-6  weight rest 2:30 start and end slightly heavier than last week (85, 85, 90#)
Emom 8: 
  Evens: 7  pullups any way - (worked on butterfly)
  Odds: 6-7 HSPU any way. Strict, kipping, deficit. Challenge yourself. (Kipling)

For time:  
30 double unders
30 wallball
20 double unders
20 wallball
10 double unders
10 wallball
Time: 7:13

Saturday, July 15, 2017


Snatch Hip drills 3-4 minutes lightest bar.

Squat snatch: 12 1 at 60%-70% of 1rm, begin a rep every :60. knuckles to
floor, core tight (60#)

OHS from floor - build to a tough set of 5 in 3 sets (60, 65, 70#)

Clean Pull  - EMOM 6:00  at 108% 1RM rest as needed. 

For time: 
30 power snatches at #45 (1:23 unbroken) 500m row (1:59.9)