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Monday, September 29, 2014


I. Power Snatch clusters 4 x 1.1
I was so used to doing Hang Snatches I did these for the first 3sets
55, 65, 70, 75#
II. Back Squats 3-3-2-2-1
85, 95, 105, 115, 120#
III. For Time
30 Double Unders (still suck at these)
20 pull ups
10 Wall Balls 20# (did 14, had 20 stuck in my head)
5 Clean and Jerks (thought I had 90# on bar but only had 80#)
10 wall balls
20 pull ups
30 double unders (and still suck!)
Time: 9:48

Saturday, September 27, 2014


I. EMOM 12 minutes
Odd = 5 touch and go Power Clean 75# (very comfortable weight)
Even = 3 close grip bench press 55# (also comfortable weight)
II. EMOM 12 minutes
Odd = 4 power snatches 65# (first few sets were difficult)
Even = 45 double unders :30 this is how much I suck at these 13, 3, 5, 14, 9, 19
III. EMOM 12 minutes
Odd = 10 KBS 35#
Even =  8 push presses 65#
IV. Curtis Ps 85# (extremely challenging @ 85#) 6 completed first couple were ugly but did get a bit easier.


A. 1 Hang snatch, 3 OHS; build to a tough but not a max 65# 
B. HBBS 10-8-6 rest as needed - add weight so that last set of 6 is fairly tough 75, 85, 95#
3 rounds: 4 KB clean and jerks #35, :30 row all out. C & J was heavy but feeling more comfortable. 
rest 1:00 minutes between rounds 1:40, 1:20, 1:18 need to work on transition. Row averaged 1:50 pace. 
3 rounds: 4 burpees, 35 double unders 2:17, 1:38, 1:17 variation in time is because I suck at double unders. 
rest 1:00 between rounds
3 rounds: 15 box jumps/step down 20" AFAP, 5 Touch and go Deadlifts (145#) 
rest 1:00 between rounds 1:05, 1:00, 1:02 

Thursday, September 25, 2014


I. 3 x
2 Dead Hang to invert (took a several attempt to get this but was finally able to do it!)
1:00 hand stand practice
2 Chest to bar pull ups (still struggling with these)
II. 5 x change order for each round
150m Row
4 pull ups
6 Thrusters (55#)
8 Burpees no push up
10 double unders
1. Row = 3:31
2. PU = 3:18
3. Thruster = 3:13
4. Burpees = 3:28
5 DU= 3:20
III. 50 Burpees 4:14


I. Power Cleans (1@75, 1@80, 2@85, 2@90, 2@95, 1@100, 1@105
II. 3 x 2 Clean Pulls 105#
III. Front Squats 3-3-2-2 (80,90,100,105#)
IV. 4 x 500m Row Rest 2:00 between sets
Average 1:57 pace
V. 3:00 min double unders (totally sucked at this, maybe got 30)


I. Hang Squat Snatch Clusters 4 x
40#, 50#, 55#, 65#
II. 4 x 2 Back Squats
90#, 100#, 110#, 115#
III. For Time
750m row
8 Wall Walks
50m Farmers Carry 53# each hand
500m Row
4 Wall Walks
50m Farmers Carry
250m Row
Time: 13:55

Saturday, September 20, 2014


I. AMRAP 8 min.
150m Row
30 double unders (need to get better at these)
5 HSPU (got very dizzy today, could be due to this cold)
Rounds = 2
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 8 min
10 Walking lunges
10 KBS
6 Toes to Bar
Rounds = 4 + 10 +2
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 8 min
6 Ring Dips
7 GHD Sit ups
3 Power Snatches (65#)
Rounds = 4 + 5
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 8 min
Row (calories)


I. 1 Hang Snatch + 2 OHS pause :02 in hole, build to max 70#
II. 10 x 3 Back Squats 95# begin set every :60
III. 3 x 4 KB clean and jerks (35#) :30 row Rest 1:00 between rounds
Found the clean and jerks to be very challenging
Then 3 x 10 Ball Slams, 35 double unders (I suck at these) Rest 1:00 between rounds
2:07, 2:20, 2:25
Then 3 x 15 KBS, 15 Burpees Rest :30 between rounds
1:53, 1:53, 1:57
Today kicked my butt!!!


I. 3 x
8 alternating DB Snatch 40# (challenging tip from another coach to start lower and use legs more made this doable)
8 Pistols (having to modify)
16 double unders
II. 4 x 
200m row, 6 DB Thruster (30#), 8 Burpees to a 45# plate, 10 Toes through rings
4:15, 4:30, 4:00, 3:58 (toes through rings was a new movement but the last set was able to string all 10 together)
IV. 40 pull ups 4:05


I. Power Clean
1 @ 70#, 1 @ 75#, 2 @ 80, 2 @ 90, 1 @ 95, 1 @ 100#
II. 3 x 2 Clean Pulls @ 100#
III. 4 x 3 Front Squat 75, 85, 90, 95#
IV. 8 x 500m Row @ 1:59 pace
Rest 2:00 min, rest 5:00 between sets 4 and 5.
I had a very difficult time maintaining this pace.


I. Hang Squat Snatch Clusters 4 x 1.1.1
Rest :15 between cluster 2:00 between sets (35,45,55,65#)

II. Back Squat 4x3 Rest 3:00 (85,95,100,105#)
III. EMOM 10 minutes Power Snatch 65#
IV. EMOM 8 minutes
Even = 4 HSPU
Odd = 6 Wall Balls 20#
After 2 weeks off I was dead after this!
V. 15 minute cool down Run Yay! Ran for 15 minutes and no problem with my foot!