Rogue Fitness

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Friday, February 3, 2017


10:00 cap
8:00 build to a max Thruster (85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110#)
2:00 max CTB - 11
4 x 15m OH Walking Lunges (55#)
8 Burpees to 8' target
Rest 1:00
1:15-1:20 per round
15:00 @ 85%
8 Back Squats @ 50% 1RM (I was wondering why this felt so heavy and realized when I took the weights off that I had 95# on the bar instead of 85#)
25m Stone Carry (75#)
8 Deadlifts @ 50% 1RM (125#)
30 Double Unders (actually strung 11-12 together several times in the last couple of rounds)
Rounds - 4 + 8 Back Squats

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