Rogue Fitness

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Saturday, September 17, 2016


A1. 4 x 6 Push Press 90# :60
A2. 4 x 5 CTB Pull ups (more like strict pull ups) 2:00
100%. Effort
20 Thrusters (55#) unbroken
20 Pull ups  (11, 7, 2)
Time: 1:56
3:1 Rest
20 Thruster (unbroken)
20 Pull ups (7, 7 , 4, 2 )
Time: 2:15
Rest as needed
3 x
8 KB Front Squats with 35# in front rack position
8 KBS 24kg
8 Box Jump Overs
OMG this was tough!
Time: 6:41

1 comment:

Patrick McCarty said...

NICE work on all of this! Especially the thruster/pullup combo. GREAT!