Rogue Fitness

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Thursday, March 31, 2016


Front Squat triples 5@65, 5@85, 3@95, 3@105, 3@115, 3@120 (this is where it starts to fall apart)
EMOM 10:00
Even - Toes to Bar (8)
Odd - Wall Balls
EMOM 10:00
Even - 4 HSPU
Odd - :30 Double Unders (10,15,16,18,18 - finally starting to get these back)

Monday, March 28, 2016


15:00 Squat Snatch (3@35, 3@55, 2@60, 2@65, 1@70, 1@75#)
3 x 5 Strict Press, hold at top (75#)
Row cal./Power Clean (75#)
Time: 6:46

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Deadlifts (125#
Pull ups
Every 2:00 6 Burpee over the bar (started with Burpees)

5 mile Trail Run/walk in Pinckney Rec. with the dogs. Beautiful day!


4 x
10 Burpees, 200m Assault Bike
10 Air Squats, 200m Assault Bike
10 HRPU, 200m Assault Bike
10 Sit ups, 200m Assault Bike
Perfect WOD after 16.5


5 x 10m Bear Crawl forward and backward :60 rest
Squat Snatch (75#)
3:00 cap
30 Thrusters (1:26)
Remaining time Strict Pull ups (7)
REST 2:00
3:00 AMRAP
Box Jumps (55)
REST 2:00
3:00 cap
OHS Triple (80#)

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


1000m Row
20 Hang Power Cleans (75#)
1000m Row
KBS (53#)
Pull ups
Time 5:46


AMRAP 13:00
55 Deadlifts 125#
55 Wall Balls 10# 
55 cal Row
55 Push Presses 65#
Score: 209


15:00 Back Squat (5@45, 5@75, 3@95, 3@105, 2@115, 2@125, 1@135, 1@140)
3 x 4-6 Strict Presses (5@75, 5@80, 4@85)
EMOM 10:00
1 4-6 Ring Dips
2 :30 Assault Bike
EMOM 10:00
1 10 Box Jumps
2 5 Thrusters 45#

Saturday, March 19, 2016


1 Squat Snatch + 2 OHS build quickly to tough set (75#)
EMOM 5:00
Strict Pull ups sets of 3
AMRAP 3:00
10 Box Jumps
Rounds - 1 + 4 HSPU
Rest 5:00
For time @ 90%
21 Wall Balls, 9 Deadlifts (115#)
15 Wall Balls, 9 Deadlifts
9 Wall Balls, 9 Deadlifts
Time: 2:58


AMRAP 7:00
10 Power Snatches (45#)
5 Chest to bar Pull ups
Score : 73

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


5k row off the rower every 1k
15 Deadlifts (95#)
12 Burpees to plate
5 Power Cleans
5:00 + mobility

Sunday, March 13, 2016


Clean Pull Clusters 3x 1.1.1 (135#) Rest 2:00
EMOM 15:00
1 - HSPU 6/5/4/4/4
2 - 3 Thrusters (75#)
3 - :30 AB

Friday, March 11, 2016


Squat Snatch (3@35, 3@45, 3@55, 3@60, 3@65, 2@70, 2@75, 1@80)

2 x 500m Row, 25 Thrusters (35#), 15 Pull ups, rest 1:00
Times: 4:43, 4:37


Back Squats - triples (10@35,, 5@65, 3@85, 3@105, 3@115, 3@125
3 x 12 cal AB, 12 Burpees rest 2:00
Times: 1:40, 1:43, 1:40
2 x 2 rope Climbs, 7 Power Cleans (95) run to opposit wall and back
Time: 3:36


25 Toes to Bar
50 Double Unders
15 Squat Cleans (65)
If completed in 4:00 add another 4:00 and continue
13 Squat Cleans this time 85#

Toes to Bar were good but got hung up on Double Unders.

Sunday, March 6, 2016


A. 16.2
25 Toes to Bar (1:23)
50 Double Unders (23)
15 Squat Clean

B. 15:00 Clean 3@65, 3@85, 3@95, 2@100, 2@105, 2@110# (felt pretty strong)
C. 2K Row, off rower every 500m - 1:00 single Unders (feeling like I need to reset)
D. 125 Sit ups

75:00 Yoga - greatly needed! The focus was on letting go, which is exactly what I needed today.  The practice was challenging and helped me to let go of some of my frustration. Tomorrow is a new day and I will try 16.2 again.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


A. 3 x 15 Scap Push ups :60 rest
B. 8 x 1 Squat Snatch every :60 70#
C. 3 x 10 Hand Release Push ups
D. 3 x 8 Burpees Box Jump Over, 10 Deadlifts (125#), 50 Double Unders (urg!)
Tome: 18:56 (because of the double Unders)
Then 10:00 Assault Bike 5,000m

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


12:00 Strict Pull ups - did EMOM for 12:00 of 3 - 4 pull ups
2K Row - off the rower every 500m 3:00 mobility