Rogue Fitness

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Saturday, December 12, 2015


15:00 Back Squat - work to a tough single (5x95, 3 x 115, 2 x 135, 1 x 145, 1 x 150#)
24:00 running clock (8 sets) every 3:00 complete:
200m Run, 8 KBS (53#), 8 Burpees, 8 T2B (modified due to ripped hand)
Rest in time remaining, if don't complete in allotted time skip a round.
Completed 4 rounds, round 4 bleed into 5 so rested, then completed remaining.
Felt like I wanted to die 😁! If my training partner hadn't been there I know I would not have done as well. Training with a 20 something year old is extremely challenging but is pushing me.  I don't expect to beat her but strive to not let her get too far ahead. Although, put me on a rower and a have a better chance 😉.

So stoked today, our box finally got some Airdyne Bikes.

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