Rogue Fitness

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Saturday, January 2, 2016


A.  Deadlift 6RM - between sets 2 - 5 Strict Pull ups (155/3, 175/3, 190/3)
B1. Front Squat 3-2-2 Rest :60 95, 105, 115 really struggle with keeping my chest up.
B2. Ring Dips 2-2-2 (did not add weight, have enough)
C. 15.4
3 Push Press (65), 3 Cleans (75), 6 Push Presses, 3 Cleans, 9 Push Presses, 3 Cleans, 12 Push Press, 6 Clean...
Score: 105 (moving a bit slow today)

1 comment:

Pat said...

no worries on the 15.4 score. We are coming out of a strength phase and into the conditioning phase so this will improve pretty quickly.
