Rogue Fitness

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Saturday, October 29, 2016


Build to tough OHS from the ground 5@35, 3@55, 3@65, 2@70, 1@75, 1@80#
3 x 15m DB Bear Crawl (30#)
18 sets Assault Bike
:20 hard
:40 easy
3 x
10 Squat Snatches (55#) last round finally felt decent
7 L-Pull ups (banded)
Time: 9:16


4 x 4 Strict Press 21x1 Rest 2:00 75, 75, 80, 85#
EMOM 16:00
1 - 10 Toes to Bar
2 - 12 Wall Balls
3 - 250m Row
4 - Rest
I thought this was going to be an easy day, don't know why I even let myself think this. The row was rough.
83 Double Unders (still suck but determined)


3 x
TGU (25#)
10 GH Raises
Power Cleans 5RM 65, 75, 85, 95# got 3

3 x 4 Front Squats 22x1 Rest 2:30 95#
3 x 4 Strict Chest to Bar (mostly strict pull ups)
00:00 - 3:00 25 cals AB
3:00 - 6:00 20 Clean and Jerks 75#
6:00 - 9:00 60 KBS (35#)
9:00 - 9:45 Plank Hold


Rest Day
20 sets on Assault Bike
:15 sprint/:45 easy

Friday, October 28, 2016


3 x 8 Powell Raises :60 rest each arm
3 x 5 Trap 3 :60 rest each arm
A1. 3 x 5 Lean away Pull ups :60 rest
A2. 3 x 5 Good Morning 2:00 rest (65#)
EMOM 10:00
Odd - 10 Pull ups
Even - 6 DB Squat Clean and Jerk (25#)
EMOM 12:00
Odd - :30 Double Unders
Even - 6 KBS/4 Box Jumps
400m Sled Pull (50#)


Hang Power Snatch - build to a max in on more than 10:00 5 @35, 3@55, 2@60, 2@65, 70, 75#
5:00 - 3 touch and go Hang Power Snatch begin a set every :30 (55#)
3 x 4 Back Squat 31x1 tempo rest 2:00 95, 105, 115, 125
8:00 @ 85%
200m Run, 7 OHS (55#), 7 Bar facing Burpees
Rounds - 3 + 200m Run
Rest 4:00
8:00 @ 85%
40 Double Unders, 4 Stone over the Shoulder
Rounds - 3

Saturday, October 22, 2016


4 x 5 Strict Press (75#) 21 x 2 2:00 Rest
EMOM 10:00
Even - 3 Deadhang to inverted
Odd - 10 Ring Push ups
4 x
8 Front Squats (75#)
6 Burpees over the bar
40 Double Unders (best they have been in a while)
Rest 2:00
Times: 3:26, 3:19, 3:17, 3:22


OHS double from the ground 5 x 55, 3 x 65, 2 x 70, 75, 80, 82.5#
3 x 20m DB Bear Crawl (25#) actually sorta liked these.
20 sets Assault Bike
:15 sprint, :45 rest
3 x
7 Snatches (55#), 7 Toes to bar, 7 KBS (32kg)
Time: 4:23 (omg, my forearms were burning 😁)


3 x
1:00 Double Unders (getting better)
2 Wall walks
Power Clean 6RM 65, 75, 85, 90#
3 x 5 Front Squats 22 x 1 Rest 2:30 90#
Deadlift Double 155, 185, 205, 210#
1000m Bike (suppose to be a run but it was raining)
Max Shoulder to OH 75# - 30
5:00 Rest
1000m Bike
Max Chest to Bar - 13
5:00 Rest
30 Shoulder to OH
13 Chest to Bar Pull ups
3 Burpee Box Jumps

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


3 x 10 Powell Raises (10#)
3 x 6 Trap 3 (15#)
1. 3 x 6 Lean Away Pull ups
2 3 x 6 Good Mornings (75#)
EMOM 10:00
Even - 9 Pull ups
Odd - 6 DB Clean and Jerk (30#)
Rest as needed
EMOM 12:00
Even - :30 Double Unders
Odd - 12 KBS (20kg)

Monday, October 17, 2016


10:00 to build to max Power Snatch (55, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, failed at 90#
4:00 4 Tiuch and go Power Snatches begin every :30 55#
4 x 4 Back Squats 31x1 rest 2:00 90, 100, 105, 110#
8:00 @ 85%
200m Run, 15 Wall Balls, 25m Bear Crawls
Rounds - 3 + 200m Run
Rest 4:00
8:00 @ 85%
3 Power Cleans (95#), 6 Push ups, 9 Squats, 25 Double Unders
Rounds - 3


Playing in the gym

Saturday, October 15, 2016


This was a tough week and I probably should have taken today off.  But was a bit intimidated by the workout and wanted to get it done. The workout was all movements that I am weak at or struggle with so I didn't look forward to doing it.  I probably let this get in my head a little too much and could have probably done a little better had I not let that happen. Anyway here it is:
OHS - build to a triple from the ground (55, 65, 70, 75, 80#) these felt pretty good.
10 Rounds
Run 150m
7 Chest to Bar Pull ups
7 Front Squats (95#)
7 HSPU (2 round I went unbroken on these)
Time cap: 20:00
Rounds complete: 4 + 150m run


3 Rounds not for time
10 Double Unders (single leg, I can barely do them with two legs)
2 Wall Walks
A. Power Clean - Build to 7RM (55, 65, 75, 85#)

B. 3 x 6 22x1 Front Squat rest 2:30 (85#)
C. Deadlift - build to a tough triple (125, 145, 165, 185, 200#)
1000m Row, 15 Squat Cleans (75#)
For any Squat Cleans left on the table, 5 Burpees
6:00 Rest
10 Squat Cleans, 1000m Row
For every second slower on the row, 20m Bear Crawl
Round 1 - Row: 4:09.9, 10 Squat Cleans (25 Burpee penalty)
Round 2- Row: 4:09.8 (no penalty)


4 x 6 Strict Press 21x2 rest 2:00 (70#)
EMOM 10:00
Even - 6 Strict TTB
Odd - 12 HRPU
4 Rounds
8 Deadlift, 6 Hang Power Cleans, 4 Shoulder to Overhead, 30 Double Unders, Rest 2:00
Weight was 80# and done unbroken
Times: 2:54, 2:06 (got 15 unbroken double Unders) 2:21, 2:26
The difference in time is due to my inability to consistently do double Unders. Frustrating!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


3 x 12 Powell Raises (10#) 30x1 :60 rest
3 x 8 Trap 3 (10#) rest as needed
A1. 3 x 8 Lean away Pull ups (not as pretty as the video, focused on staying tight) rest :60
A2. 3 x 8 Good Mornings 30x1 rest 2:00 (55#)
EMOM 10:00
Even - 9 Pull ups
Odd - 6 DB Push Press (35#)
Rest as needed
EMOM 10:00
Even - :30. double Unders (better today, not great)
Odd - 12 KBS (20kg)


Today is normally a rest day but wanted to try out a WOD for an upcoming competition.
With one bar:
15 OHS @ 55#
12 Power Snatches @ 65#
9 Front Squats @ 75#
6 Power Cleans @ 95#
15 Deadlifts (145#)
Time 6:24
In remaining  time T2B = 40


Power Snatch - build to max in 10:00 (55x 2, 65 x 2, 70, 75, 80, 85, 87.5#)
4:00 beginning a set every :30 Power Snatch (55#)
4 x 5 Back Squat (temp 31x1) (85, 95, 105)
8:00 @ 85%
200m Row, 10 Wall Balls, 8 DB Snatches (35#)
Rounds - 3 + 200m Row
Rest 4:00
8:00 @ 85%
9 Pull ups, 12 Air Squats, 27 Double Unders (still suck at these)
Rounds - 2 + 9 Pull ups, 12 Squats

Sunday, October 9, 2016


Front Squat to Split Jerk. Build to a tough 65, 75, 85, 95, 100# sorta liked these once I got the hang of it.
3 x 8 Trap 3:60 between each arm 15#
21 - 15 - 9
Deadlift (155#)
Time: 12:00 - a bit disappointed in my time. Deadlifts were heavy but manageable. HSPU were slow.

Saturday, October 8, 2016


AM - 40:00 Assault Bike
A1. 4 x 5 Push Press rest :60 (85,95,100,100#)
A2. AMRAP 2:00 Strict Pull ups rest 2:00 12/12/12/10
EMOM 10:00
Odd - 8 TTB
Even - 7 Air Squats, 5 HRPU
Rest 4:00
EMOM 10:00
Odd - 3 Power Cleans (95#)
Even - :30 Assault Bike (just when I thought this WOD wasn't so bad)


3 Rounds
8 DB External Rotation (15#) rest 1:00
:30 FLR on Rings
7 reps Squat Cleans build to 85%1RM
Still pulling early 😕
3 x 4 Front Squat (pause at bottom) 65, 75, 80#
3 x 1.1 Clean Pull (125#) :10/2:00
6 sets :30 Row Rest 2:00
Cals: 11/11/12/12/12/12
40 Pull ups
Time: 2:42


A. 3 x 20m Farmers Carry (32kg) ending up doing 4 x 25m
B1. 3 x 4 Close Grip Bench Press (100# felt heavy today)
B2. 3 x 4 Pendlay Row (105#)
4 Rounds
250m Row, 8 Burpees over the erg, 12 KBS (35#), Rest 2:00
Times: 2:15, 2:15, 2:17, 2:24 (Burpees were the difference)


3K Row off the rower every 1K
50 Double Unders (did 100 singles unbroken, trying to reset)

Monday, October 3, 2016


I went to the gym with every intention of completing my workout. Every muscle was sore and after a long warm up decided to jump in on a class and did this:
2 Rounds
800m Run
30 Walking Lunges
50 Russian KBS (16kg nice and light)
Took my time, just wanted to get my body moving today.

Sunday, October 2, 2016


Split Jerk - build to a tough weight in 7 reps (85, 95, 105, 110, 115, 120,125#)
This was decent and felt pretty good.

This sucked, need to commit to dropping under the bar. 

3 rounds
400m Run
6 OHS (70#)
1:00 Rest
Time: 2:54 each round (not fast but consistent :)
Weight lifting Seminar @ 734 CF
Got a lot of good coaching tips on the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. Totally wiped out after 4 hours of lifting drills. 

Saturday, October 1, 2016


4 x 4 Push Press (95,95,100,100#) rest 1:00
4 x 2 Weight Strict Pull ups (10,15,15,15#)
3 rounds
5 1-arm DB Thruster (30#) R
5 Burpees
5 1-arm DB Thruster (30#) L
5 Pull ups
Time: 3:22
2:1 Rest
3 Rounds
5 1-arm DB Thruster
5 Burpees
5 1-arm DB Thruster
5 Pull ups
Time: 3:24
1 mile Assault Bike
Time: 2:34