Great Lakes Team Competition
WOD #1
Male/Female 9:00 AMRAP of Fran
Each athlete got 3:00 to work and get as far as you can.
I did terrible at this WOD. I don't feel like I was warmed up properly and went lastand hit Fran for the reps of 9, thruster (65#) sucked, 9 pull ups were a breeze and then had to do the round of 21. Completed 21 Thrusters.
WOD #2 - I was assigned Complex 2 which was 4:00 to max the following:
4 Deadlifts
2 Hang Power Cleans
1 Jerk
WOD #3
15:00 AMRAP of Synchro DT
12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Clean, 6 S2OH
Min. 1 - 5 AMRAP Bar Muscle ups
Min. 6 - 10 Ring Muscle ups
Min. 11 - 15 Rope Climbs
I was pretty much assigned to do the S2OH. I was surprised that I was able to do these at 105# repeatedly. Tough but doable.
WOD #4
18:00 on the clock
Station #1 15 min. To work Heavy Karen 20/30# to 10' target - wall balls were tough with 20# to 10' target.
Randy - Double reps 35/53# - this went well, fairly light weight
Station #2 AMRAP of:
Med Balls G2S 75# - tough but was able to get quite a few in.
DB Renegade Rows 20#
Box Jump Overs
Station #3
Row for Cal (got 40 cals each time)
Pairs rotate every 2:30
In last 3:00 all team member head to rower and can rotate as they please.