Rogue Fitness

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Saturday, January 28, 2017


2RM Clean and Jerk (85, 95, 100, 105, 110 x 1) no problem lifting the 1st at 110# but couldn't get the second.
5 x
10m OH Lunges (55#),8 CTB, 1:00 rest
Total time: 14:30 CTB were slow
Back Squats
10@50% 85#
8@60% 100#
6@70% 115#
4@80% 130#
Rest 3:00 between sets
I wasn't looking forward to these but they went surprisingly well.
2 x
40 cal Row, 15 HSPU, 30 Double Unders
Rest 2:00
Times: 7:16/6:42 difference was double Unders, second round was able to string several together.

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