Rogue Fitness

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Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Traveled to Traverse City for New Years. Hit TC Crossfit (no open gym times) and did the following:
20 minutes Squat Clean (100#) felt pretty good today.
WOD = 13.1 Open
17 minutes
40 Burpees, 30 Power Snatches (35#)
30 Burpees, 30 Power Snatches (55#)
20 Burpees, 7 Power Snatches (75#)
Score: 157 (effort was about 85-90%)

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


A. 7 x 1 Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks (95#) last couple were finally coming together.
B. 3 x 5 Front Squats (3-1-1 tempo) went light today as my left knee has been bothering me when I squat (65,75,85#)
C. EMOM 12 minutes
4 pull ups, 4 HR Push ups, 5 Goblet Squats (35#) completed each round in :30 - :32.
D. 10 x :30 row sprint :30 easy pull (1:53 pace :)

Monday, December 29, 2014


Urg...Monday Morning WOD
A. Back Squat 1-1-1-1 135#, 145#, 155# no problem, 165# got down but dumped it as I was starting up. No one in the gym to spot me, which would have helped because this is totally in my head.
B. EMOM 15 minutes
3 Chest to bar pull ups (attempts), 3 HSPU (still a work in progress), 10 wall ball (14#)
C. For time
30 calorie row, double unders, KBS 35#, 30 Burpees (very slow today on these)
Time: 7:17
5 minute work on toes to bar
100 double unders - 3:13

Sunday, December 28, 2014


Rest Day or Skill Day
I worked on double unders, handstands and toes to bars.
100 double unders - 3:01
100 double unders - 2:30
Definitely getting better but would like to be able to string together more than 15 and not have to expend so much energy, a work in progress!
Toes to bar - starting to understand the need to stay tight.

Saturday, December 27, 2014


A. 20 minutes max Deadlift (245#). This felt great, started at 135# to warm up and then went up in increments of 20# until the last two lifts. Tried 150# but wasn't happening this morning.
B. 3 x 12 Deadlifts 125#, 12 Burpees to 4" plate, 12 cal. Row, 3 wall walks
Time: 12:23

Friday, December 26, 2014


A. 3 x 5 Back Squats 3-1-1 (tempo) 100#
B. 8 x 1 Power Snatch 80# every :30. Feeling better at this weight, have to stop throwing my head back. Last few felt decent
C. 8 x 10m OH Carry (85#), 6 Burpees
Time 7:16
Finished up with 100 double unders, determined to get this down
Time: 3:16)

Thursday, December 25, 2014


I opened the gym for a couple of hours for those who needed a respite from the holiday 🎅.
I worked rowed a 2K and worked on my double unders. Then worked for about 45 minutes on mobility. It felt great!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


I usually like a AMRAPs and I liked this one after the first round. Needless to say the first round sucked!
10 minutes
2 Rope Climbs, 3 Hang Squat Snatch (really struggled with this today), 4 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Rounds: 3 + 1 Rope Climb
Rest 4:00
10 minutes
4 Pull ups, 5 Shoulder to OH (65#), 6 alt DB Snatch 35#
Rounds: 6 + 1 pull up
Rest 4:00
10 minutes
7 T2B (worked on trying to string these together. I was a tad faster), 8 Walking Lunges steps with 65# in racked position, 9 Hollow Rocks, 10 KB swings
Rounds: 3 + 7 T2B, 8 walking lunges (I think, sort of lost track of rounds).
I definitely did not feel all that great today. Clearly, not eating all day is not a good idea. I ate at 5:00 am, coffee/half a bagel with egg salad and then did not eat again until 7:30 pm. It was just a busy day and I ran out of time (also did not prepare something in advance).m,

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


A. 6 x 1 Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks 90# (these finally felt good after the 4th set)
B. 3 - 2 - 1 Front Squats (100#, 115, 125#)
C. EMOM 12 minutes
3 Pull ups, 4 Push ups, 5 Squats (my kind of WOD, finished each set in :25.  Probably shouldn't post that as next week I am sure the number of reps will increase :)
D. 2 x 500m Row (1:55, 1:54 pace)

Monday, December 22, 2014


A. Back Squats 4 x 125#, 3 x 135#, 2 x 145# (I was a bit stressed about these weights. Which was ridiculous because I have done this weight before. Got it done although the last rep was not all that pretty :).
B. EMOM 14 minutes
Odd = 3 CTB (attempts), even = 2 HSPU (Kipping)
C. 40 cal Row (pace 1:55), 30 Double Unders, 20 KBS 35#, 10 Wall Ball, 5 KBS 53#, 1 Wall Walk
Time: 6:13
Finished up with 100 double unders (3:23) a work in progress.

Sunday, December 21, 2014


A. Work up to 1 rm Squat Clean (110#)
B. 15-10-5
Squat Clean 85#
Ring Dips (band assisted)
Time: 8:49

Saturday, December 20, 2014


Rest Day!
I wasn't going to go to the gym but I was up at 6:00 am and figured might as well hit the open gym. I worked on skill/weaknesses (of which I have many ;).
Warmed up with a 1000m row, air squats, OHS with PVC pipe and banded walks.
Then did 5 rope climbs, worked on trying to use my legs more and speed. Afterwards, it was a slow "Annie" (50,40,30,20,10 Double Unders and sit ups) so I could work on my double unders. Lastly, I worked on Handstand Holds and starting to shift my weight from hand to hand. I am lucky we have many talented athletes at our gym that I can learn from and are willing to take the time to help me.

Friday, December 19, 2014


A. Back Squat - 15 minutes (155#) felt pretty good
B. 4 x 2 power snatch 80# struggled with this weight, rest 1:00, 2 weighted pull ups (15#) rest 2:00
C. 1000m Row (pace 1:58.7) then 6 x 10m Overhead Carry 85# (this was harder than I thought it would be)

Thursday, December 18, 2014


200m Row, 6 Pull ups, 8 knees to elbows (need t work on stringing these together better)
Rounds = 3
5:00 Rest
200m Run (cold and dark), 7 Toes to bar (same problem as k2e), 7 Shoulder to OH (65#)
Rounds = 3
5:00 Rest
35 Double Unders (getting better, finally), 8 Burpees to 6" target, 1 Rope climb
Rounds = 2 + 35 + 8
5:00 Rest
10 Power Snatches 55#, 10 Box Jumps
Rounds = 3 + 2 snatches


A. 8 x Power Clean + Push Jerk (100#) every :60.
B. 3 x 4 Front Squats (100, 105, 105#)
C. EMOM 12 minutes
Even =  5 squat clean thruster 65# (finished most rounds in :29 - :30)
Odd = 9 Burpees (finished most rounds in :32)
Was pretty smoked when I finished, glad it was only 12 minutes.
D. 4 x 500m Row 2:00 rest
Pace = average 1:58, 1:56.6, 1:58.1, 2:00.2 (lost it at around 250m but was able to regain at 100m), 1:57.8


Rest Day
1000m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts, 10 Squats (15,35#), 10 OHS (15, 35#), banded lateral walks

Hit a Gymnastics class in the evenings and worked on:
Triceps, Butterfly Pull ups, and abs.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Tired today, yesterday was suppose to be a rest day. There is a reason for that and I paid for it today!
A. 8 x 3 Power Snatch :20/2:00 75# (last week was able to do 80#, but today struggled with 75#)
B. 3 x 4 Back Squats rest 2:00 115# (this was very manageable, especially when I kept my chest up)
C. 3 x 3 pull ups, 3 Chest to bar pull ups (still a work in progress), 6 toes to bar Rest 2:00 (arms and shoulders were smoked from yesterday's gymnastics class)
D. EMOM 8 minutes
2 HSPU (was suppose to be deficit but I am still struggling with Kipping so worked on those)
E. 2 x
50 double unders, 40 KBS (35#), 30 front squats (55#), 20 Wall balls, 10 Burpee Box Jumps, rest
6:00 between rounds
10:31/9:11 (my focus was just getting through this part of the WOD which I was pleased to have done)


18:00/must complete the round in 3:00 or less. You then rest until the next 3:00 starts
8 Box Jump Overs
8 cal. Row
8 Burpees
24 Double Unders
2:48, 2:30, 2:25, 2:39, 2:40, 2:39
Loved the format of this WOD, really pushed me!

Gymnastic Class
Worked on Ring Dips and lat engagement.

Saturday, December 13, 2014


A.  3 x 8 Back Squats (105#) I probably could have gone a bit heavier. I have really been working on keeping my chest up. It makes all the difference in the world!
B. On a running 18:00 clock
0:00 500m Row (1:54 pace)
3:00 - 15:00
25m Prowler Push (140#), 10m OH Carry 75#, 10 Toes to Bar, 2 Wall Walks, 10 box Jumps
Rounds = 3 + 25m (again transition to outside took too long, cold and wet out)
16:00 - 500m Row (1:55 pace)


AMRAP Day - my favorite
8 minutes
200m Row, 8 DB Hang Snatches (30#), 6 Ring Dips
Rounds = 3 + 200m
Rest 5:00
8 minutes
200m Run (dark and cold this morning), 7 OHS 55#, 5 Pull ups
Rounds = 2 + 200m (transition took too long, taking jacket on and off)
Rest 5:00
8 minutes
25 Double Unders, 5 Renegade Rows (30#), 10 Box Jumps
Rounds = 3 + 25 + 5 + 5 (finally starting to get better at double unders)
Rest 5:00
8 minutes
10 Burpees, 10 DB Push Press (30#)
Rounds = 3 + 10+ 3 (this was by far the toughest round).

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


A. 8 x 2 Split Jerk (wasn't sure how to take it off blocks so didn't.) 75,85,95,95,100,100,105#
B. 4 x 1.1.1 :15/2:00 Power Clean (struggled today, first rep was decent but then was pulling too early)
C. EMOM 10 minutes
Odd = 4 Squat Clean Thrusters 85# (only reason I made it through these was the encouragement and tips from my friend Mandie. Took between :35 to :40 seconds per round)
Even = 8 over the bar Burpees (got these done in :28 so I could rest before starting the torture of squat clean thrusters :).
D. 3 x 500m Row 2:00 rest, 1:00 bike (no Airdyne) 2:00 rest
Row = 1:57.2, 1:57.1, 1:56.2


Power outage in the area so was unable to get my workout in. I did go to gymnastic class in the evening. I can't say enough great things about this class. It is hard work but I love that I can feel myself getting stronger. It has helped me with beginning to master pull ups, handstand push ups, rope climbs and dips. And great coaching tip from the one and only Suzy Albert!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


A. 7 x 3 Power Snatch (80#) begin set every 2:00. First 2 in the set felt pretty good lat rep was a bit sloppy.
B. 4 x 8 Back Squats (100#) Rest 1:00, Handstand hold :45 (attempted shoulder taps not very successful) Rest 2:00
C. 4 x 3 unbroken Chest to Bar pull ups (more like attempts)
D. EMOM 8 minutes 2 HSPU (just worked on these yesterday, starting to get better)
E. 5 x 20 double unders, 10 KBS (35#), 15 squats, 10 calorie Row, 5 wall balls (20#)
Times: 3:49, 3:03, 3:22, 3:04, 2:59 (difference in times is due to double unders. Rowers are upstairs so transition to row slows me down a bit). Loved this WOD.

Monday, December 8, 2014


Rest Day
In the gym to work on:
Double Unders, weighted pull ups and a bit of rowing to warm up.
Hit a gymnastics class, worked on:
Rope Climbs (surprised a few folks with my ability to effectively climb. Got there with lots of practice), Handstand Push ups (starting to be able to string together Kipping HSPUs) and tricep isolations.
Loving the gymnastic classes! They give me a chance to work on skills and weaknesses and at the same time to get stronger!

Saturday, December 6, 2014


3 Rounds
400m Run (the run sucked, it was cold and I was worried about my foot, plantar faciitus sufferer)
10 OHS (60#/65% of 1rm)
10 Pull ups
OHS and Pull ups unbroken, run just plain slow.
Time: 13:12


A. Back Squats - 15 minutes to work up to tough double
95, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145! Felt pretty good about this. Kept telling myself to kept my chest up
B. 4 x 1 Power Snatch (80#)
C. 4 x 2 Weighted Pull ups (used 15#)
D. 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 Turkish Get ups (25# KB), Burpee box jump over
I haven't done Turkish get ups in forever but they felt pretty good. Weight was manageable.


Rest Day 😄
Barbell Club in the Evening 💖
Worked on Power Snatch sets of 4, Power Clean + 2 Split Jerks


AMRAP Wednesday
6 minutes
250m Row, 3 Hang Squat Cleans (85#), 6 Box jumps
Rounds = 2 + 100m Row
Rest 4:00
6 minutes
200m Run, 3 shoulder to OH (85#), 6 Pull ups
Rounds = 2 + 200m Run
Rest 4:00
6 minutes
30 Double Unders, 1 Rope Climb, 8 HRPU
Rounds = 3
Rest 4:00

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Finished the day with a gymnastics class. We worked on quads, gluts, abs and deltoids. I am really loving this class. Definitely has me working on my weaknesses and building muscular strength needed for Crossfit.


Terrible Tuesday
Tuesday seem to be the most difficult for me. Today I realized that perhaps coaching in a cold box for an hour may be impacting my workout. Anyway here it is:
A. 6 x 1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk every minute (95#) still need work transition to push jerk.
B 3 x 5 Front Squat 95, 100, 105 (felt terrible, dropping my elbows/chest on last 2 reps)
C. EMOM 8 minutes, even = 3 Squat Clean Thrusters 85# (because thrusters weren't horrible enough;) , odd = 7 over the bar Burpees
D. 4 x 500m Row (ran out of time, was suppose to do 8. Also, pace was not 1:53 but more like 1:56).

Monday, December 1, 2014

A. 6 x 4 Power Snatch :20 work, begin set every 2:00 70#
Probably should have gone a bit heavier. Felt good, noticed toward the last set wasn't setting my lats/back. Last rep of the set should have been quicker.
B. 3 x 5 Back Squat 120# (tried 125 but got scared ?)
C. 3 x 2 Pull ups, 2 chest to bar (attempts), 2 pull ups
D. EMOM 3 HSPU (still a work in progress)
E. 4 x 35 double unders, 25 calorie Row, 15 box jump overs, 5 Wall Ball 20#
Times: 5:08, 4:43, 5:27, 5:28 (difference in times due to double unders, on fastest round did 20+ unbroken)