Rogue Fitness

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Thursday, June 30, 2011


I. 400m Run
Tabata 20:10 x 4
Jump Ropes/Squats/Push up/Pull ups

II. 5 x 5 front Squats (80#)

III. 800m Run
30 Clean and Jerks (75#)
800m Run
Feeling a bit under the weather, so went light on the weighs today.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I. 400m Run/100 Jump Ropes/30 Squats/15 PVC Rollouts/5 Pull ups

II. 5 x 5 Deadlifts (170#)

III. 10-15-20-15-10
Box Jumps
Wall Balls
Push Press (65#)
Time: 13:02

IV. 20:10 x 8 Plank Holds

Monday, June 27, 2011


I. 150 Jump Ropes/400m Run/30 Squats/20 PVc Rollouts

II. Back Squat (135#)

III. 10 -1
Burpee Pull ups/HSPU

Sunday, June 26, 2011


I. 1 mile Run
3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollout/5 Pull ups

II. 5 x 5 Overhead Squat (75#)

III.  3 x 1 min @ each
SDLHP (65#)
Push Press
Box Jump
Wall Ball
Score: 233
Double Unders my nemesis.  I know it takes practice, although, Buddy Lee makes it look so easy. I think one of the deteriants to practice is the whip marks on your arms and legs from missing. Anyway check out these video, maybe one of them will click:

Friday, June 24, 2011


I. 200 Jump Ropes/400m Run/20 PVC Rollouts/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 3 x 5 Squat Clean and Jerk (115#)

III. AMRAP 7 Minutes
5 Cleans (75#)
10 Front Squats
15 Push Ups


I. 400m Run
AMRAP 10 minutes
25 American KB Swings/25 KB Sit ups/25 Squats

II. 5 x 5 Back Squats (105#)

III. 10 -1
Cleans/Box Jumps
Even Round - 10 Push ups
Odd Rounds - 10 Sit ups
Time: 12:22

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I. 400m Run/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups

II. 21-15-9
Row (calories)
Wall Balls
Building Run
Time: 24:05

III. 30 O-bar Rollouts


Rest day

GHD Sit ups

Tai Chi

Monday, June 20, 2011


I. 1 Mile Run/150 Jump Ropes/400m Run
75 Push ups/150 Sit ups

II.  5 x 5 Shoulder Press (80#)

III. 3 Rounds
100m Overhead Sandbag Carry (37#)
30 Squats
30 American KB Swings (16kg)

25 Mile Bike Ride

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I. 1 mile Run/150 Sit ups/75 Push ups

II. O- Lifting Clean & Jerk

III. 1 mile Run

Butterfly Pull up

Friday, June 17, 2011


I. 125 Sit ups/400m Run/30 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups

II. 1 Mile Run 8:08

III. AMRAP 15 minutes
5 KB Sotts Press
10 Jumping Lunges
15 American KB Swings
Rounds = 8

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I. Tabata Warm up 20:10 x 8
Jump Rope/Squat/KB Swings/KB Sit ups

II. 5 x 5 Back Squats (100#)

III. Partner WOD
5 minute Ring Plank Hold
Partner 1  - Hold Plank
Partner 2 - Squats
Penalty for changing/dropping 30 Wall Balls

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Are We Built to Run Barefoot? Check out this New York Times article on this latest craze.

I just purchased a pair of New Balance Minimus Trail Running shoes for Crossfit training.  I love them but can totally identify with this article.  I only run short distances (1 mile or less) in my training and have had to definitely be more conscious of my running form. It is recommended to take it easy at first, so your body (mostly feet and calves) get used to the difference. However, I find them great for all other aspects of my Crossfit training (weight lifting, box jumps, pull ups, squats, etc.) 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I. 150 Jump Ropes/5x10 push ups/20 sit ups
400m run/2 x 20 squats/10 PVC rollouts/5 pull ups

II. 5 x 5 Front Squats (75#)

III. 21 Deadlifts (155#) 50 Sit ups 21 Push Presses (65#)
      15 Deadlifts, 50 Sit ups, 15 Push Presses
        9 Deadlifts, 50 Sit ups, 9 Push Presses

Monday, June 13, 2011


I. 150 Jump Ropes/20 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 3 Rounds
500m Row
25 Burpees
25 Box Jumps
400m Run

III. 3 x 5 Shoulder Press (75#)

I was not in the best  of moods today.  Overslept so I wasn't able to get my usual warm up in and my legs were fried from all the "playing" over the weekend. Oh well, got it done and now off for a busy day of meetings.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


I. 1.75 mile Run
5 x 10 Push ups/20 Situps

II. 5 x 5 deadlifts (165#)

III. AMRAP 20 Minutes
10 SDLHP (65#)
10 Push Press
10 Box Jump
Rounds: 8

20.7 mile Bike Ride with MXP.  Great ride through the Metro Parks but it was a bit chilly

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Rx Jump Ropes

Check at the jump ropes from Rx Jump Ropes.  Not only are they great jump ropes to meet the needs of the various skills of the person but they have incredible customer service.  Customize your rope and it will be delivered within days to your doorstep.


I. 3 mile walk with weighted vest

II. 100 Jump Ropes
     5 Rounds
     10 Push ups
     20 Sit ups
     100 Jump Ropes

III. Swim 1500m

Friday, June 10, 2011


I. 100 Sit ups/400m Run/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 5 Rounds
30 Wall Balls (14#)
15 Pull ups

III. AMRAP 10 Minutes
200m Run
10 Good Mornings

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I. 1 Mile Run
3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/5 Push ups

II. "Grace"
30 Clean and Jerks (95#)
Time: 4:41

III. 15 - 10 - 5
Box Jumps
KB Swings
Buliding Run between rounds


I. 1 mile run
Tabata 20:10 x 8
KB Swings
Sit ups

II. 5 x 5 Back Squats (95#)

III. 3 x
20 OH Walking Lunges with 25# plate
20 CF Push ups

Monday, June 6, 2011


I. 400m Run/100 sit ups/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. AMRAP 15 minutes
15 Snatches (55#)
5 Dead Hang Pull ups (Blue Band)

III. 20:10 x 8 Flutter Kicks
100 Sit ups


I. 2 mile Run/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Pull ups

II. 5 x 5 Shoulder Press (75#)

III. Teams of Three
3,600m Row
300 Ring Dips
150 V - ups


I. 1 mile run/ 100 sit ups
O - Lifting - Squat Clean and Jerk

II. 400m Run/30 Squats/20 Push ups

III. "Nancy"
5 x 400m Run/15 OHS (65#)
Time: 24:17