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Sunday, December 28, 2008


New Year's Resolutions
I am not big on "New Year's Resolutions" as I believe that whatever it is you want to change or do you can do it at anytime. But since the new year is rolling around and I still have been struggling with my eating habits (indulging in way too many refined sugars) I figure why not. I engaged in a 10 day challenge to reduce/eliminate refined sugars and simple carbs from my diet and felt great. Energy level went way up and performance was improving. So beginning in January I will try the 30 day challenge presented by Dr. Scott Olson. I know that this is the way to go, but I also have a terrible addiction to sweets (cookies in particular) and love to bake (relaxes me). While I understand the lack of nutritional benefits that sugar offers the psychological benefits seem to far outweigh these. Nonetheless, I will once again try to conquer this addiction or perhaps a more realistic goals is to be able to control it rather than let it control me.

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