Rogue Fitness

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Thursday, May 30, 2013


I. 400m Run
20 Squats
10 x push ups/sit ups/
PVC Rollouts/Dips/Burpees

II. EMOTM 10 minutes
3 box jumps (high box)

III. 5 x
10 Thrusters (45#)
5 Power Snatches
30 Double Unders


I. 1200m Run
30 Squats
10 x Push ups/PVC Rollouts/
Sit ups/Dips

II. 20:10 x Squats/KB Swings

III. 800m walk with KB Swing in racked position (16kg)
Every 50m 10 American KB Swings


3 mile (pace=10:04)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I. 400m Run
20 Squats
10 x Push ups/Dips/PVC Rollouts/Sit ups

II. 3 x 10 Deadlifts (145#)

III. 100 Double Unders (i hate you!)
50 Sit ups
40 Walking Lunges
30 Shoulder to Overhead (75#)


4 mile run

Time: 40:04

I felt pretty good.  Definitely need to pick up the pace a bit.



1.5 mile run


18 holes of golf walking


Bayshore 10K

1:02 minutes (14th out of 62 in my age category 50 - 54)

(includes a stop to pee)

This was my first run of any distance in probably 2 years. So pretty pleased with my time. On my way to the NYC Marathon in Nov. I will definitely need to be better trained.

1.4 mile walk in the afternoon to get the stiffness out of my legs.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


I. 800m Run
30 Squats
10 x Push ups
PVC Rollouts/Sit ups/Dips/Burpees

II. Power Snatch
EMOTM 5 minutes 5 Power Snatches (45#)
EMOTM 5 minutes 4 Power Snatches (55#)
EMOTM 5 minutes 3 Power Snatches (65#)
EMOTM 5 minutes 2 Power Snatches (75#)

III. Foam Rolling

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I. 400m Run
Squats (hip openers)
Push ups
PVC Rollouts

II. AMRAP 7 minutes
7 Deadhang Pull ups
15 Hand Release Push ups
30 Sit ups

III. AMRAP 7 minutes
Turkish Get Ups

Handstand Push up Skill work


I. 400m Run
30 Squats
10 x push ups/pvc rollouts
sit ups/dips/burpees/pull ups

II. 10 min. Clean and Jerk skill

III. Amrap 3 minutes
5 Power Cleans (95#)
5 Front Squats
5 Jerks
REST 3 minutes
AMRAP 3 minutes
5 Power Cleans (75#)
5 Front Squats
5 Jerks
REST 3 minutes
5 Power Cleans (65#)
5 Front Squats
5 Jerks


I. 800m Run
30 Double Unders
10 x push ups/PVC Rollouts
Dips/Sit ups/Burpees/Pull ups

II. 5 x
8 unbroken Front Squats (65#)
6 Pistols (each leg)
25m Broad Jump

III. "Griff"
800m Run forward
400m Run backward
800m Run forward
400m Run backward

First time attending the endurance class, tough but not too bad.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


I. 400m Run
30 Squats

II. Partner WOD
One person working at a time
200 Double Unders
800m Run with med ball (together)
30 Renegade Rows
30 Deadlifts (125#)
30 Bar over burpees
400m Run with med ball
40 Renegade Rows
40 Deadlifts (125#)
40 Bar over burpees
200m Run with med ball
50 Renegade Rows
50 Deadlifts (125#)
50 Bar over burpees

Double unders again tripped me up!


I. 800m Run
30 Squats
10 x Push ups
PVC rollout/dips/sit ups

II. 4 x
5 clean and Jerk (95#)
20 Double Unders
Time: 6:12 (because my double unders suck!)

III. Foam Rolling

Thursday, May 16, 2013


I. 50 Double Unders
50 Sit ups
40 Double Unders
40 Sit ups
30 Double Unders
30 Sit ups

II. 7 x
1 minute on, 1 minute off
10 Push Press (65#)
Max Double Unders

2 minute REST

30-25-20 Sit ups
15-10-5 Burpees
400 Run

III.  Foam Roller

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I. 500m Row
30 Squats/PVC Rollouts
Push ups

II. OHS Skills 10 minutes

III. 21-15-9
OHS (45#)
Pull ups
Rest 5 minutes
OHS (50#)
Pull ups
Rest 5 minutes
OHS (55#)
Pull ups

IV. Quad Smashing

Monday, May 13, 2013


I. 1000m Row
PVC Rollouts/Squats/Push ups

II. "Klepto"
4 x
27 Box jumps
20 Burpees
11 Squat Cleans (65#)
Time: 25:32

III. Stretch

Sunday, May 12, 2013


I. Annie
Double Unders
Sit ups

II. 21-15-9
Wall Balls
Toes to Bar
Time: 8:43
REST 3 minutes
Power Snatch (45#)
Time: 8:40
REST 3 Minutes
KB Swings (35#)
Burpee Box Jumps
Time: 10:20

III. Stretch

Saturday, May 11, 2013


I. 1 hour Spin

II. 5K Run

50 mile May challenge = 9 mile run, 41 to go!

Thursday, May 9, 2013


I. 1200m Run
30 Squats/Double Unders
10 x Push ups
PVC Rollouts
Sit ups
Pull ups

II. 2 x 10 Front Squats (45# and 75#)

III. 5 x
15 Box Jumps
15 Toes to Bar
400m Run

Killer WOD, didn't think it would take so long.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I. 1200m Run
30 Squats
10 x Push ups
Sit ups/Pvc Rollouts/Ring Dips

II. Snatch Skills

III. EMOTM 20 minutes
Odd = 20 Sit ups
Even = 5 Squat Snatches (45#)

IV. 800m Run

45.5 more miles to run this month.  Need to step it up and do a couple of longer runs.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


I. 400m Run
30 Squats/Double Unders
10 x push ups/PVC Rollouts
Dips/Sit ups Burpees/Pull ups

II. 5 x 3 Deadlift (165#)

III. 3600m Run

50 mile challenge for the month of May. 45.5 miles to go, better step it up!

Monday, May 6, 2013


I. 200m Row
30 Squats
10 x
Push ups
PVC Rollouts
Sit ups

Hip Openers

II. 21-15-9
Thrusters (45#)
Box Jumps
Time: 7:18

My goal today was to complete all thrusters unbroken.  Goal accomplished!
Thrusters are my "goat". I despise them and therefore avoid them at all cost.  So I am going to find a way to perhaps despise them less.  I am starting at a relatively light weight and will gradually add more each week.  With the altimate goal of completing "Fran" 21-15-9 Thrusters (65#) and Pull ups in under 8 minutes.

III.  Dips - working on these to increase upper body strength. Here is an article on Ring Dips that works to reverse the concept of scaling by using a band.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


I. 400m Run
30 Squats/Double Unders
10 x Push ups
Sit ups
PVC Rollouts
Pull ups

II. Annie
Double Unders
Sit ups
Time: 8:00

I have shaved another minutes of my Annie time:)

4 Deadlifts (115#)
8 Push ups
REST 2 minutes
3 x EMOT2M
8 Back Squats (75#)
12 Jumping Squats
REST 2 minutes
3 x EMOT2M
10 Thruster (45#)
14 Burpees

Friday, May 3, 2013


I. 1500m Row
1200m Run
30 Squats
10 x push ups/PVC Rollouts/Sit ups/Dips/Burpees

II. "Nancy"
5 x
400m Run
15 OHS (45#)
Time: 18:38

III. Stretch/Hip mobility

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I. 500m Row
30 Squats/Double Unders
10 x
Push ups
Sit ups
Pull ups

II. 3 x
15 Power Clean (85#)
15 Bar Burpees
Time: 9:56

III. 1 mile Run

Goal is to run a total of 50 miles this month. One down 49 to go!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 Squats/PVC Rollouts

II. 10 x
15 Deadlifts (95#)
10 Push ups
Time: 14:20

III. Stretch