Rogue Fitness

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I. 1200m Row
10 Push ups
10 Squats
Tabata 20:10 x 9
L- Sits/Squats/Jump Ropes

II. For Time
75 Double Unders
20 Pull ups
25 Sit ups
50 Double unders
20 Pull ups
25 Sit ups
25 Double Unders
20 Pull ups
25 Sit ups
Time: 13:20

III. Yoga

Going on two weeks of almost daily Yoga and I am feeling pretty good. Sleeping better and a lot less stiffness and soreness in the morning.  I am hooked.

Also, finished the 1500 Double Under Challenge this morning.  Double Unders have definitely gotten better, so I am going to have to set another goal so I can keep practicing and get even better.

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