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Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Traveled to Traverse City for New Years. Hit TC Crossfit (no open gym times) and did the following:
20 minutes Squat Clean (100#) felt pretty good today.
WOD = 13.1 Open
17 minutes
40 Burpees, 30 Power Snatches (35#)
30 Burpees, 30 Power Snatches (55#)
20 Burpees, 7 Power Snatches (75#)
Score: 157 (effort was about 85-90%)

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


A. 7 x 1 Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks (95#) last couple were finally coming together.
B. 3 x 5 Front Squats (3-1-1 tempo) went light today as my left knee has been bothering me when I squat (65,75,85#)
C. EMOM 12 minutes
4 pull ups, 4 HR Push ups, 5 Goblet Squats (35#) completed each round in :30 - :32.
D. 10 x :30 row sprint :30 easy pull (1:53 pace :)

Monday, December 29, 2014


Urg...Monday Morning WOD
A. Back Squat 1-1-1-1 135#, 145#, 155# no problem, 165# got down but dumped it as I was starting up. No one in the gym to spot me, which would have helped because this is totally in my head.
B. EMOM 15 minutes
3 Chest to bar pull ups (attempts), 3 HSPU (still a work in progress), 10 wall ball (14#)
C. For time
30 calorie row, double unders, KBS 35#, 30 Burpees (very slow today on these)
Time: 7:17
5 minute work on toes to bar
100 double unders - 3:13

Sunday, December 28, 2014


Rest Day or Skill Day
I worked on double unders, handstands and toes to bars.
100 double unders - 3:01
100 double unders - 2:30
Definitely getting better but would like to be able to string together more than 15 and not have to expend so much energy, a work in progress!
Toes to bar - starting to understand the need to stay tight.

Saturday, December 27, 2014


A. 20 minutes max Deadlift (245#). This felt great, started at 135# to warm up and then went up in increments of 20# until the last two lifts. Tried 150# but wasn't happening this morning.
B. 3 x 12 Deadlifts 125#, 12 Burpees to 4" plate, 12 cal. Row, 3 wall walks
Time: 12:23

Friday, December 26, 2014


A. 3 x 5 Back Squats 3-1-1 (tempo) 100#
B. 8 x 1 Power Snatch 80# every :30. Feeling better at this weight, have to stop throwing my head back. Last few felt decent
C. 8 x 10m OH Carry (85#), 6 Burpees
Time 7:16
Finished up with 100 double unders, determined to get this down
Time: 3:16)

Thursday, December 25, 2014


I opened the gym for a couple of hours for those who needed a respite from the holiday 🎅.
I worked rowed a 2K and worked on my double unders. Then worked for about 45 minutes on mobility. It felt great!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


I usually like a AMRAPs and I liked this one after the first round. Needless to say the first round sucked!
10 minutes
2 Rope Climbs, 3 Hang Squat Snatch (really struggled with this today), 4 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Rounds: 3 + 1 Rope Climb
Rest 4:00
10 minutes
4 Pull ups, 5 Shoulder to OH (65#), 6 alt DB Snatch 35#
Rounds: 6 + 1 pull up
Rest 4:00
10 minutes
7 T2B (worked on trying to string these together. I was a tad faster), 8 Walking Lunges steps with 65# in racked position, 9 Hollow Rocks, 10 KB swings
Rounds: 3 + 7 T2B, 8 walking lunges (I think, sort of lost track of rounds).
I definitely did not feel all that great today. Clearly, not eating all day is not a good idea. I ate at 5:00 am, coffee/half a bagel with egg salad and then did not eat again until 7:30 pm. It was just a busy day and I ran out of time (also did not prepare something in advance).m,

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


A. 6 x 1 Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks 90# (these finally felt good after the 4th set)
B. 3 - 2 - 1 Front Squats (100#, 115, 125#)
C. EMOM 12 minutes
3 Pull ups, 4 Push ups, 5 Squats (my kind of WOD, finished each set in :25.  Probably shouldn't post that as next week I am sure the number of reps will increase :)
D. 2 x 500m Row (1:55, 1:54 pace)

Monday, December 22, 2014


A. Back Squats 4 x 125#, 3 x 135#, 2 x 145# (I was a bit stressed about these weights. Which was ridiculous because I have done this weight before. Got it done although the last rep was not all that pretty :).
B. EMOM 14 minutes
Odd = 3 CTB (attempts), even = 2 HSPU (Kipping)
C. 40 cal Row (pace 1:55), 30 Double Unders, 20 KBS 35#, 10 Wall Ball, 5 KBS 53#, 1 Wall Walk
Time: 6:13
Finished up with 100 double unders (3:23) a work in progress.

Sunday, December 21, 2014


A. Work up to 1 rm Squat Clean (110#)
B. 15-10-5
Squat Clean 85#
Ring Dips (band assisted)
Time: 8:49

Saturday, December 20, 2014


Rest Day!
I wasn't going to go to the gym but I was up at 6:00 am and figured might as well hit the open gym. I worked on skill/weaknesses (of which I have many ;).
Warmed up with a 1000m row, air squats, OHS with PVC pipe and banded walks.
Then did 5 rope climbs, worked on trying to use my legs more and speed. Afterwards, it was a slow "Annie" (50,40,30,20,10 Double Unders and sit ups) so I could work on my double unders. Lastly, I worked on Handstand Holds and starting to shift my weight from hand to hand. I am lucky we have many talented athletes at our gym that I can learn from and are willing to take the time to help me.

Friday, December 19, 2014


A. Back Squat - 15 minutes (155#) felt pretty good
B. 4 x 2 power snatch 80# struggled with this weight, rest 1:00, 2 weighted pull ups (15#) rest 2:00
C. 1000m Row (pace 1:58.7) then 6 x 10m Overhead Carry 85# (this was harder than I thought it would be)

Thursday, December 18, 2014


200m Row, 6 Pull ups, 8 knees to elbows (need t work on stringing these together better)
Rounds = 3
5:00 Rest
200m Run (cold and dark), 7 Toes to bar (same problem as k2e), 7 Shoulder to OH (65#)
Rounds = 3
5:00 Rest
35 Double Unders (getting better, finally), 8 Burpees to 6" target, 1 Rope climb
Rounds = 2 + 35 + 8
5:00 Rest
10 Power Snatches 55#, 10 Box Jumps
Rounds = 3 + 2 snatches


A. 8 x Power Clean + Push Jerk (100#) every :60.
B. 3 x 4 Front Squats (100, 105, 105#)
C. EMOM 12 minutes
Even =  5 squat clean thruster 65# (finished most rounds in :29 - :30)
Odd = 9 Burpees (finished most rounds in :32)
Was pretty smoked when I finished, glad it was only 12 minutes.
D. 4 x 500m Row 2:00 rest
Pace = average 1:58, 1:56.6, 1:58.1, 2:00.2 (lost it at around 250m but was able to regain at 100m), 1:57.8


Rest Day
1000m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts, 10 Squats (15,35#), 10 OHS (15, 35#), banded lateral walks

Hit a Gymnastics class in the evenings and worked on:
Triceps, Butterfly Pull ups, and abs.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Tired today, yesterday was suppose to be a rest day. There is a reason for that and I paid for it today!
A. 8 x 3 Power Snatch :20/2:00 75# (last week was able to do 80#, but today struggled with 75#)
B. 3 x 4 Back Squats rest 2:00 115# (this was very manageable, especially when I kept my chest up)
C. 3 x 3 pull ups, 3 Chest to bar pull ups (still a work in progress), 6 toes to bar Rest 2:00 (arms and shoulders were smoked from yesterday's gymnastics class)
D. EMOM 8 minutes
2 HSPU (was suppose to be deficit but I am still struggling with Kipping so worked on those)
E. 2 x
50 double unders, 40 KBS (35#), 30 front squats (55#), 20 Wall balls, 10 Burpee Box Jumps, rest
6:00 between rounds
10:31/9:11 (my focus was just getting through this part of the WOD which I was pleased to have done)


18:00/must complete the round in 3:00 or less. You then rest until the next 3:00 starts
8 Box Jump Overs
8 cal. Row
8 Burpees
24 Double Unders
2:48, 2:30, 2:25, 2:39, 2:40, 2:39
Loved the format of this WOD, really pushed me!

Gymnastic Class
Worked on Ring Dips and lat engagement.

Saturday, December 13, 2014


A.  3 x 8 Back Squats (105#) I probably could have gone a bit heavier. I have really been working on keeping my chest up. It makes all the difference in the world!
B. On a running 18:00 clock
0:00 500m Row (1:54 pace)
3:00 - 15:00
25m Prowler Push (140#), 10m OH Carry 75#, 10 Toes to Bar, 2 Wall Walks, 10 box Jumps
Rounds = 3 + 25m (again transition to outside took too long, cold and wet out)
16:00 - 500m Row (1:55 pace)


AMRAP Day - my favorite
8 minutes
200m Row, 8 DB Hang Snatches (30#), 6 Ring Dips
Rounds = 3 + 200m
Rest 5:00
8 minutes
200m Run (dark and cold this morning), 7 OHS 55#, 5 Pull ups
Rounds = 2 + 200m (transition took too long, taking jacket on and off)
Rest 5:00
8 minutes
25 Double Unders, 5 Renegade Rows (30#), 10 Box Jumps
Rounds = 3 + 25 + 5 + 5 (finally starting to get better at double unders)
Rest 5:00
8 minutes
10 Burpees, 10 DB Push Press (30#)
Rounds = 3 + 10+ 3 (this was by far the toughest round).

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


A. 8 x 2 Split Jerk (wasn't sure how to take it off blocks so didn't.) 75,85,95,95,100,100,105#
B. 4 x 1.1.1 :15/2:00 Power Clean (struggled today, first rep was decent but then was pulling too early)
C. EMOM 10 minutes
Odd = 4 Squat Clean Thrusters 85# (only reason I made it through these was the encouragement and tips from my friend Mandie. Took between :35 to :40 seconds per round)
Even = 8 over the bar Burpees (got these done in :28 so I could rest before starting the torture of squat clean thrusters :).
D. 3 x 500m Row 2:00 rest, 1:00 bike (no Airdyne) 2:00 rest
Row = 1:57.2, 1:57.1, 1:56.2


Power outage in the area so was unable to get my workout in. I did go to gymnastic class in the evening. I can't say enough great things about this class. It is hard work but I love that I can feel myself getting stronger. It has helped me with beginning to master pull ups, handstand push ups, rope climbs and dips. And great coaching tip from the one and only Suzy Albert!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


A. 7 x 3 Power Snatch (80#) begin set every 2:00. First 2 in the set felt pretty good lat rep was a bit sloppy.
B. 4 x 8 Back Squats (100#) Rest 1:00, Handstand hold :45 (attempted shoulder taps not very successful) Rest 2:00
C. 4 x 3 unbroken Chest to Bar pull ups (more like attempts)
D. EMOM 8 minutes 2 HSPU (just worked on these yesterday, starting to get better)
E. 5 x 20 double unders, 10 KBS (35#), 15 squats, 10 calorie Row, 5 wall balls (20#)
Times: 3:49, 3:03, 3:22, 3:04, 2:59 (difference in times is due to double unders. Rowers are upstairs so transition to row slows me down a bit). Loved this WOD.

Monday, December 8, 2014


Rest Day
In the gym to work on:
Double Unders, weighted pull ups and a bit of rowing to warm up.
Hit a gymnastics class, worked on:
Rope Climbs (surprised a few folks with my ability to effectively climb. Got there with lots of practice), Handstand Push ups (starting to be able to string together Kipping HSPUs) and tricep isolations.
Loving the gymnastic classes! They give me a chance to work on skills and weaknesses and at the same time to get stronger!

Saturday, December 6, 2014


3 Rounds
400m Run (the run sucked, it was cold and I was worried about my foot, plantar faciitus sufferer)
10 OHS (60#/65% of 1rm)
10 Pull ups
OHS and Pull ups unbroken, run just plain slow.
Time: 13:12


A. Back Squats - 15 minutes to work up to tough double
95, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145! Felt pretty good about this. Kept telling myself to kept my chest up
B. 4 x 1 Power Snatch (80#)
C. 4 x 2 Weighted Pull ups (used 15#)
D. 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 Turkish Get ups (25# KB), Burpee box jump over
I haven't done Turkish get ups in forever but they felt pretty good. Weight was manageable.


Rest Day 😄
Barbell Club in the Evening 💖
Worked on Power Snatch sets of 4, Power Clean + 2 Split Jerks


AMRAP Wednesday
6 minutes
250m Row, 3 Hang Squat Cleans (85#), 6 Box jumps
Rounds = 2 + 100m Row
Rest 4:00
6 minutes
200m Run, 3 shoulder to OH (85#), 6 Pull ups
Rounds = 2 + 200m Run
Rest 4:00
6 minutes
30 Double Unders, 1 Rope Climb, 8 HRPU
Rounds = 3
Rest 4:00

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Finished the day with a gymnastics class. We worked on quads, gluts, abs and deltoids. I am really loving this class. Definitely has me working on my weaknesses and building muscular strength needed for Crossfit.


Terrible Tuesday
Tuesday seem to be the most difficult for me. Today I realized that perhaps coaching in a cold box for an hour may be impacting my workout. Anyway here it is:
A. 6 x 1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk every minute (95#) still need work transition to push jerk.
B 3 x 5 Front Squat 95, 100, 105 (felt terrible, dropping my elbows/chest on last 2 reps)
C. EMOM 8 minutes, even = 3 Squat Clean Thrusters 85# (because thrusters weren't horrible enough;) , odd = 7 over the bar Burpees
D. 4 x 500m Row (ran out of time, was suppose to do 8. Also, pace was not 1:53 but more like 1:56).

Monday, December 1, 2014

A. 6 x 4 Power Snatch :20 work, begin set every 2:00 70#
Probably should have gone a bit heavier. Felt good, noticed toward the last set wasn't setting my lats/back. Last rep of the set should have been quicker.
B. 3 x 5 Back Squat 120# (tried 125 but got scared ?)
C. 3 x 2 Pull ups, 2 chest to bar (attempts), 2 pull ups
D. EMOM 3 HSPU (still a work in progress)
E. 4 x 35 double unders, 25 calorie Row, 15 box jump overs, 5 Wall Ball 20#
Times: 5:08, 4:43, 5:27, 5:28 (difference in times due to double unders, on fastest round did 20+ unbroken)

Sunday, November 30, 2014


Warm up
1000m Row, 20m banded walk
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts, 10 Squats (35#) 10 OHS, 10 lunge steps
Build to 75# Squat Clean
Squat Clean 75#
Bar over Burpees (I usually love these)
50 Double Unders (still suck at these)
Total Time: 9:28

Friday, November 28, 2014


A. 3 x 10 Back Squats (100#)
B. EMOM 10 minutes
Power Snatch 65#
C. AMRAP 2:00
Double Unders 43
Rest 2:00
4 x 12 Walking Lunges (65# not feeling all that great today went lighter than rx), 12 Burpees, 12 pull ups (really seemed to struggle with these).
Time: 15:37
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 2:00
Double unders 63

Thursday, November 27, 2014


I like these!
6:00 min
6 DB Burpee Box Step Over (30#/20"), 100m Row (1:42 pace)
Rounds = 2 + 6
Rest 4:00
5 KBS 70# Russian, 1 Rope Climb, 5 Burpees
Rounds = 4 + 3 (getting better and faster at rope climbs)
4:00 Rest
6:00 minutes
4 Power Cleans 85#, 4 Pull ups, 40m Sprint
Rounds = 4 + 4 + 3
Rest 4:00
6:00 minutes
10 Wall Balls, 3 Deadlifts 175#, 6 Ring Dips (assisted)
Rounds = 3 + 10 ( I was a little nervous about the weight on the Deadlifts but felt good).


8 x1 Split Jerk every :90 (65, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105) I have a problem moving my feet when it gets heavier. I have been working on the dip to get the bar moving so I can get under it.
Power Clean Clusters 3 x 1.1.1  :15/2:00 rest (100, 105, 110) 110 finally felt really good
1 Power Clean + 2 Split jerks 75#
AMRAP 3 minutes
10 Toes to Bar, 10 Alternating Pistols (modified)
Rounds = 2
500m Row x 6 rest 2:00
1:56.1, 1:54.8, 1:57.1, 1:59.5, 1:55.4, 1:57.6 (Not my best performance and all over on pace :(.spl

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


A. 8 x 2 Power Snatch (touch and go) 80#
B. 3 x 8 Back squats 95# (felt good), :45 sec Handstand Hold, 4 Pull ups (worked on butterfly)
C. 4 x 10 unbroken Thrusters 75#, 10 unbroken pull ups
My nemesis, THRUSTERS, make me want to cry (but I don't). First 5 no problem, 6 and 7 manageable, 8 beginning to hurt, 9 and 10 awful. Middle two rounds were the worse!

Sunday, November 23, 2014


Thrusters 45#
Toes to Bar
Row 600
Time: 10:46
I was doing well until I hit the rower. Died at around 300m in but was able to rally for the last 100m.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


A. Back Squats - triple -15 minutes
95, 105, 115, 125, 130#
B. 3 x 1 Power Snatch, Rest 1:00, 2 Strict Pull ups, Rest 2:00 75#
I didn't think I would handle the weight today after Barbell Club last night. We did 20 minutes of 2 x Full Squats Snatches, then 2 x Squat Cleans and finished off with 5 x 7 Pendlay Rows @ 75#.
C. AMRAP 2:00
10 KBS 53# 10 Burpees
Rounds = 1 + 10 + 1
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 12 minutes
5 Wall Walks (I used to like these ;), 8 Ring Dips, 10 GHD Sit ups, 10 Squats
Rounds = 2 + 5 Wall Walks (I think I may have only worked for 11:00 minutes)
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 2:00
10 KBS, 10 Burpees
Rounds = 1 + 10 + 1 (I was determined to get the same # of reps or better than the first round. It was tough).

Thursday, November 20, 2014


AMRAP 6 minutes
6 Wall Balls, 6 Burpees, 6 Box Jump overs
Rounds = 4
Rest 4 minutes
AMRAP 6 minutes
5 Deadlifts 155#, 10m lunge steps with 30# DB, 100m shuttle run
Rounds = 3 + 5 Deadlifts + 10m lunges Steps + 75m shuttle run
Rest 4 minutes
AMRAP 6 minutes
4 Clean and Jerks 85#, 4 CTB Pull ups (attempts), 40 Double Unders
Rounds = 2
AMRAP 6 minutes
3 Power Snatch 65#, 3 Rope Climbs, 300m row
Rounds = 1 + 3 snatches + 1 rope climb
This was the first time I did multiple rope climbs. It was a killer but also realized I need to use my legs more so I don't blow out my arms.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


A. Power Clean Clusters 3 x 1.1.1 rest :15 between reps, 2:00 between sets
95#, 100, 105#
B. Split Jerk 6 x 1 begin every :90
75, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105#
C. EMOM 10 minutes
Even = 1 Power Clean + 3 Front Squats 95#
Odd = 3 Clean Pulls
D. 15 - 10 - 5
Power Cleans (85#), Bar facing Burpees, KBS 53#
Time: 9:40


A. 6 x 2 Power Snatches (touch and go) every :60. 80# felt great and was able to maintain good form throughout.
B. 3 x 3 Back Squats (105, 115, 125#), rest 1:00, 1 rope climb, rest :30, 9 pull ups
Felt strong today, pushed up weight for back squats, rope climbs are getting faster and did pull ups unbroken.
C. For Time
5 x 45 double unders, 8 thrusters 65#, 10 box jumps
Time: 18:04

Sunday, November 16, 2014


10 minutes
1000m Row (not as fast as I would have like, legs felt a little fatigued)
30 OHS (sets of 15,10, 5)
24 Pull ups (remainder of time)

Worked on HSPU Kipping and Double unders my nemesis. Got 27 unbroken.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


A. 3 x 3 Strict pull ups, 3 x 3 Ring Dips (I was not able to do these weighted, however pull ups were strong, ring dips on the other hand were marginal)
B. 15 minutes HSPU practice (starting to get more consistent with Kipping).
C. Lactic
3 x :35 thrusters 65#, :25 Rest (10, 7, 8)
rest 4:30
3 x :35 Burpees :25 Rest (10, 9, 9)
Rest 4:30
2 x :35 Row, 1:25 Rest (1:45.4, 1:44.1pace)

Thursday, November 13, 2014


A. 1 Push Press + 1 behind the neck push jerk (100#)
B. For Time
70 Double unders (3:26)
60 KBS 35#
50 Calories Row
40m Farmers Carry 53# KB
30 Pull ups
20 Push Press 75#
10 Wall walks (these were killers)
Time: 22:23


A. Power Cleans 95# 12 x 1 every :30
B. Front squats 4 x 3 2:2:1 Rest 2:00 80, 90, 100, 105
C. AMRAP 9 minutes
7 Deadlifts 155#, 200m Row, 7 Burpee over the bar
Rounds = 3 + 7 Deadlifts
Rest 5:00
AMRAP 9 minutes
8 Toes to Bar unbroken, 10 Wall Balls unbroken, 5 Handstand Push ups
Rounds = 4
C. 2 x 500m Row
1:58.8, 1:58.3


Took a couple of days off to travel to NYC.  Missed one WOD last week.
A. 3 position snatch - 15 minutes (struggled a bit with this)
B. 3 x Back Squats (100,110,120), rest 1:00
3 Touch and go Power Snatches 75# rest 1:00
1 rope climb rest 2:00
C. 5 x 27 Double Unders, 7 pull ups, 7 thrusters (70#) Rest 1:00
Time: 3:32, 3:02, 2:21, 3:07, 3:15


AMRAP 12 minutes
8 push presses 55#
10 toes to bar
12 Burpees to 45# plate
Rounds = 4 + 8 Push presses + 8 toes to bar

Thursday, November 6, 2014


A. Push Press + Push Jerk 85# (haven't done these in a while, struggled with timing)
B. for Time
6 wall walks
25m Farmers Carry 24kg KB
30 Double unders
35 CTB Pull ups (still a work in progress)
30 double unders
25m Farmers Carry
6 Wall walks
Time: 14:34

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


A. Power Cleans 95# 10 x 1 every :30
B. Front Squats 4 x 4 3:1:1 Rest 2:00
C. AMRAP 8 minutes
5 Deadlifts 155#, 100m run, 5 Burpee Box Jumps
Rounds = 3 + 5 Deadlifts + 100m run
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 8 minutes
7 Toes to Bar
7 Wall Ball
7 HSPU (still working to get these)
Rounds = 3 + 7 toes to bar + 7 HSPU (went a little out of order).

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


A. 15 minutes Full Squat Snatch 70# tried 75# but wasn't successful B. 3 x 4 Back Squats (100,105,115) rest 1:00, 3 touch and go Power Snatches (70#) rest 1:00, 1 rope climb, rest 2:00. C. EMOM 10 minutes 6 chest to bar pull ups (still working on these), 6 thrusters (70#).

Sunday, November 2, 2014


In the gym today to work on double unders and rope climbs. 20 minutes Even = max double unders Odd = 25 sit ups 5 rope climbs - finally felt someone comfortable (as long as I don't look down)

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Felt lousy today. Not sure why, could be the cold as I hate the cold weather! 8 minute AMRAP 5 HSPU, 10 Box Jumps, 30 double unders Rest 4:00 8 minutes AMRAP 10 hang snatches (55#), 10 KBS (53#), 10 knees to elbows Rest 4:00 300 m row (22 calories) 4:00 AMRAP Burpees box step overs with 25 lbs. dumbbells I did 4:00 of step overs and then realized I forgot to do the Burpees. Rested 4:00 and then did the Burpee Step overs


Full Squat Snatch - 15 minutes 70# felt awesome Lactic Endurance Training :30 pull up (10) :30 Burpees (7) Rest 1:00 :30 KBS (14) :30 Burpees (7) Rest 1:00 :30 Squats (21) :30 Burpees (8) Rest 8:00 1:00 Thrusters 65# (12) Rest :30 1:00 Clean and Jerk 65# (10) Rest :30 1:00 Burpees (15)


Barbell Club Loving this class taught by Matt Adamcheck. Worked at the Clean and Push Jerk tonight.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Went to gymnastics class last night.  Worked on Skin the Cats and lat engagement.

A. Not for time
2 x 2 Skin the Cats, 4 ring pull ups, 10 unbroken double unders
B. for Time
8 minutes 1000m Row (3:53), 30 Wall Balls (6:23), chest to bar pull ups remaining time (10 still working on getting chest to bar)

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


A. Power Clean 2 @ 90, 2 @ 95, 2 @ 100#
B. front Squat 6-6-4-4-2-2/85,90,95,100,105,110#
C. 3 x 400m Run, 21 KB Swings 35#, 12 pull ups, Rest 3:00
Time: 4:13, 4:16, 4:42 last round struggle with the last 4 pull ups. Was losing my grip.

Monday, October 27, 2014


A. Power Snatch Cluster 3x1.1.1.1 55, 65, 75# (these felt great!should have started at 65)
B. Back Squat 3 x 3 3-1-1 95, 100, 105#
C. EMOM 12 minutes
Even = 3 Deadlifts 155#, 4 Box Jumps (finished every round in :20)
Odd = 8 Push Presses 55# (finished every round in :16)
EMOM 10 minutes
Even = :30 double under (did the best so far 29/25/26/26/12)
Odd = 8 Toes to Bar
This second EMOM was much harder than the first.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


8 minutes
5 deadlifts 165#
5 Handstand Push-up (didn't do so great on these)
20 Double Unders
Rounds = 3 + 2 Deadlifts
Rest 4 minutes
8 minutes
4 Box Step Overs with 25# DB
6 Burpees with DB
3 L- Pull ups
Rounds = 4 + 3 step overs
Rest 4 minutes
8 minutes
100m Shuttle Run
10 Hand Release Push ups
1 Rope climb (pretty much got this and the rope burns to prove it :-)
Rounds = 3 + 100m + 3 HRPU
3 minutes
Clean and Jerks 85#
Rounds = 15 (a bit disappointed with this, thought I could do better)

Friday, October 24, 2014


A.  Full Squat Snatch - 15 minutes 70#
B. 3 x 10 Burpee Box Jumps, 100m Sprint, :60 rest
2:00, 1:55, 1:56
Rest 4:00
C. 5 Thrusters 85# 5 Burpees, 5 thruster (I wanted to cry but sucked it up and got it done)
2:26, 3:02, 2:49
Rest 4:00
15 double unders, 5 Clean and Jerks 95#, sprint 40' to rope 1 rope climb (almost got to the top before getting scared)
Time 2:56

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Yay! Wednesday, no lifting 😊
A. 2 x
8 Burpee toes to bar, 4 Ring Pull ups, 40 double unders
B. 7 x
100m Row, 6 Hand Release Push ups, 8 Ball Slams 30#, 1:00 rest
:59, :55, :58, :58, :58, 1:00, :57
C. 40 Burpees to 45# plate
Time: 4:06

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I don't know what it is about Tuesday but I seem to really struggle with my workout, especially the weights.
A. Power cleans
1@90, 1@95, 1@100, 2@105 (these felt pretty good), 1@110, 1@115# wasn't able to get under this weight. My butt is coming up too soon.
B. Front Squats 6-4-2-6-4-2  rest 2:00/85,95,105,90,95,105
C. For Time
25m prowler push 70#
3 Wall Walks
10 DB Squat Clean Thrusters (25#)
15 pull ups
20 Wall Balls
30 Double unders
25m prowler push
Time: 8:36

Monday, October 20, 2014


A. Power Snatch Cluster 4 x 1.1.1
75, 80, 80, 80# finally felt comfortable with 80# by the third set
B. Back Squat 3 x 4 3-1-1
90, 95, 100#
C. EMOM 10 min
Even = 4 deadlifts 155#, 3 box jumps
Odd = 4 bar facing Burpees, 3 KBS 53#
EMOM 10 min
Even = :30 double unders 9/13/13/16/29
Odd = 6 toes to bar


Gymnastic Class
Worked on Handstand Push ups - Kipping
Need to practice exploding upward. Exploding seems to be a common theme in my training.
Finished up with a fun little WOD on the pull up bar. 8 x Burpees - knees to elbow - toes to bar - Kipping pull up.

Saturday, October 18, 2014


I. 8 minute AMRAP
5 Power Snatches 65# (felt really good), 10 Step ups, 25 double unders (getting there)
Rounds = 3 + 5 snatches + 9 step ups
4:00 Rest
8:00 minute AMRAP
150m row, 6 Burpee toes to bar (these were fun), 8 Russian Swings
Rounds = 2 + 150m row + 5 Burpee toes to bar
Rest 4:00
2:00 minute AMRAP
Burpees to 6" target
Total = 24

Friday, October 17, 2014


I. Snatch (did a power snatch, attended the Barbell Club last night and worked on full squat snatch and OHS so was a bit tired). 2 @50, 2@55, 2@60, 1@65, 1@70, 3@70#
II. 3 x 6 Burpee box jumps, 100m sprint, rest 1:30
Time: 1:20,1:16,1:17
III. 3 x 3 thrusters (85# I wimped out! got scared of 95# Thrusters, 85 was a bear), 5 no-push up Burpees, 3 Thrusters
Time: 1:13, 1:18, 1:18
IV. 3 x 30 double unders (damn double unders), 5 squat cleans (85#), run to opposite wall and back
Time: 2:29,2:04, 2:03


I. 2 x
10 Burpees pull ups, 10 GHD sit ups, 10 alternating KB Snatches
II. 7 x
150m row, 4 CTB Pull up (not quite there yet), 6 wall balls 20#
Time: 1:20,1:25,1:24,1:20,1:25,1:28,1:29
III. 35 Burpees to a 45# plate
Time: 3:36

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


I. Power clean
1@85, 1@90, 2@95, 2@100, 2@105, 1@110, 1@115 got this today!
II. Front squats 3-2-1-3-2-1 rest 2:00
III. 8 x 500 rest 2:00, rest 5:00 between set 4 and 5
Pace: 1:56 this was a bit better than the last time I saw this but more importantly didn't feel like I was going to die ☺️
Legs felt a little rubbery after this work out


A.  Power Snatch clusters 3 x rest :20/2:00
55, 65, 75# definitely feeling better, and the weight is getting easier to move
B. Back Squat 3 x 5, 3 sec down, pause 1 sec at bottom
85, 90, 95# much more difficult then I thought it would be
C. EMOM 10
Even = 7 Deadlifts 145# could have gone heavier finished in :15
Odd = 7 over the bar Burpees
Even = 50 double unders or :30 still suck at these 9/13/20/18/27
Odd = 12 KBS 35#

Saturday, October 11, 2014


I. 8 min AMRAP
3 clean and jerks 95# (in my warm up with the weight I cracked my chin and chipped my tooth (very slightly) doing the jerk. Was a bit hesitant after that with the jerk. )
4 front squats 95#
50 m run
Rounds = 3
Rest 4:00
8 minutes AMRAP
2 wall walks, 4 power snatches (65#), 35 double unders (getting better but still have a ways to go)
Rounds = 2 + 2 + 4 + 20
Rest 4:00
8 minute AMRAP
50 m Farmers Carry (53# each hand)
50 m sled drag (90#)
Rounds = 3 + farmers carry + 10 m sled drag
Rest 4:00
4 minute AMRAP
7 box jumps, 7 Burpees
Rounds = 3 + 7 + 2

Friday, October 10, 2014


I. Squat Snatch 1@50, 2@55,2@60, 1@65, 1@65, 3@65#
II. 3 x 150m row (1:46 pace), 12 over the rower Burpees (1:41, 1:36, 2:00)
III. 3 x 25 KBS 35#, 12 squats (1:16, 1:09, 1:14)
IV. 3 x Row 10 calories, 20 double unders, 4 squat cleans 85# (2:42, 2:48,2:39)

Thursday, October 9, 2014


I. 3 x 2 dead hang to inverted, 1:00 Hand Practice, 2 CTB attempts II. 7 x 100m row, 3 CTB pull ups, 12 Wall Balls 1:26,1:28,1:25,1:26,1:28,1:25,1:25 III. 30 Burpees - 3:12


Today was awful! Didn't hit any of my targets. I. Power Clean 1@80,1@85,2@90,2@95,2@100,1@105,1@110, failed @ 115# II. Clean pulls 3 x 1 III. Front Squats 5 x 1 (85,95,105,110,115) iV. 6 x 500 m (only able to maintain 1:54 pace for three rounds, rest was done at 2:00 pace)cc V. FLR on rings 1:10, :30, :20

Monday, October 6, 2014


I. Power Snatch Clusters 4 x 1.1.1 rest :15 between reps 2:00 between sets (35, 55, 65, 75#) finally beginning to feel good about these. II. 5 x 1 Back Squats (95, 105, 125, 135, 145#) III. On a running clock 0:00 - 10:00 1,000m row (2:01 pace), 25 Thrusters 75# (finished in 9:30) 10:00 - 20:00 750m row (2:06 pace) 15 strict pull ups 20:00 - 30:00 800m run (5:34), 42 Burpees

Sunday, October 5, 2014


I. AMRAP 8 min
5 Clean and Jerks 75#
1 rope climb (if you want to call it that)
25 m Bear crawl
Rounds = 3
Rest 5:00
II. AMRAP 8 min
10 Box step ups, 10 hang snatches (45#), 30 double unders
Rounds= 3 + 10 + 10 + 8
Rest 5:00
III. AMRAP 8 minutes
150m row (1:52 pace), 4 DB Thrusters (25#), 7 pull ups
Rounds = 3 + 150m row
Rest 5:00
IV. AMRAP 4:00
7 HSPU (sucked at these today)
7 T2B (these felt easy)
Rounds = 2 + 3

Friday, October 3, 2014


I. Hang Snatch 1RM - 70# (focused on technique, feeling better)
II. 3 x 6 Back Squat (85, 95, 105#)
III. 3 x 6 Burpess to 45# plate, 20 double unders, rest 1:30
2:00, :46 (unbroken DU!!!!), 1:16
IV. 3 x 250m Row (1:53 pace), 10 Wall Balls, 4 Deadlifts (155#), Rest 1:30
2:01, 2:04, 2:05 (Rowers are upstairs, need to go down to complete the remainder of the WOD)


REST day

Attending the Barbell Club at Joust. Great class! Worked on Hang Snatch, Hang Clean and Drop Snatch techniques with low weight.


I. 3 x 2 Dead Hang to Inverted, 1:00 Handstand Practice (some progress, using Handstand Walk Progress (Carl P) 3 CTB Pull ups (getting closer)
II. 6 x
100m Row, 3 CTB Pull ups, 6 Wall Balls, 8 weighted walking lunges (25# DBs), 12 Double Unders, Rest 1:30
2:15, 2:44, 2:18, 2:23, 2:20, 2:16 (the difference in time has to do we my ability (or lack) to string together double unders).
III. 20 Burpees to 45# plate = 1:46


I. Power Clean
2 @ 80, 2 @ 90, 1 @ 95, 1 @ 100, 1 @ 105, 1 @ 110
II. Clean Pulls 3 x 2 @ 110#
III. Front Squat 3-2-1 (95, 105, 115#)
IV. 4 x 500m Row Rest 2:00 pace 1:55 (I was able to maintain this pace for all sets)
V. AMRAP 4 minutes
8 Toes to Bar, 8 Box Jumps, 8 Burpees
Rounds = 2

Monday, September 29, 2014


I. Power Snatch clusters 4 x 1.1
I was so used to doing Hang Snatches I did these for the first 3sets
55, 65, 70, 75#
II. Back Squats 3-3-2-2-1
85, 95, 105, 115, 120#
III. For Time
30 Double Unders (still suck at these)
20 pull ups
10 Wall Balls 20# (did 14, had 20 stuck in my head)
5 Clean and Jerks (thought I had 90# on bar but only had 80#)
10 wall balls
20 pull ups
30 double unders (and still suck!)
Time: 9:48

Saturday, September 27, 2014


I. EMOM 12 minutes
Odd = 5 touch and go Power Clean 75# (very comfortable weight)
Even = 3 close grip bench press 55# (also comfortable weight)
II. EMOM 12 minutes
Odd = 4 power snatches 65# (first few sets were difficult)
Even = 45 double unders :30 this is how much I suck at these 13, 3, 5, 14, 9, 19
III. EMOM 12 minutes
Odd = 10 KBS 35#
Even =  8 push presses 65#
IV. Curtis Ps 85# (extremely challenging @ 85#) 6 completed first couple were ugly but did get a bit easier.


A. 1 Hang snatch, 3 OHS; build to a tough but not a max 65# 
B. HBBS 10-8-6 rest as needed - add weight so that last set of 6 is fairly tough 75, 85, 95#
3 rounds: 4 KB clean and jerks #35, :30 row all out. C & J was heavy but feeling more comfortable. 
rest 1:00 minutes between rounds 1:40, 1:20, 1:18 need to work on transition. Row averaged 1:50 pace. 
3 rounds: 4 burpees, 35 double unders 2:17, 1:38, 1:17 variation in time is because I suck at double unders. 
rest 1:00 between rounds
3 rounds: 15 box jumps/step down 20" AFAP, 5 Touch and go Deadlifts (145#) 
rest 1:00 between rounds 1:05, 1:00, 1:02 

Thursday, September 25, 2014


I. 3 x
2 Dead Hang to invert (took a several attempt to get this but was finally able to do it!)
1:00 hand stand practice
2 Chest to bar pull ups (still struggling with these)
II. 5 x change order for each round
150m Row
4 pull ups
6 Thrusters (55#)
8 Burpees no push up
10 double unders
1. Row = 3:31
2. PU = 3:18
3. Thruster = 3:13
4. Burpees = 3:28
5 DU= 3:20
III. 50 Burpees 4:14


I. Power Cleans (1@75, 1@80, 2@85, 2@90, 2@95, 1@100, 1@105
II. 3 x 2 Clean Pulls 105#
III. Front Squats 3-3-2-2 (80,90,100,105#)
IV. 4 x 500m Row Rest 2:00 between sets
Average 1:57 pace
V. 3:00 min double unders (totally sucked at this, maybe got 30)


I. Hang Squat Snatch Clusters 4 x
40#, 50#, 55#, 65#
II. 4 x 2 Back Squats
90#, 100#, 110#, 115#
III. For Time
750m row
8 Wall Walks
50m Farmers Carry 53# each hand
500m Row
4 Wall Walks
50m Farmers Carry
250m Row
Time: 13:55

Saturday, September 20, 2014


I. AMRAP 8 min.
150m Row
30 double unders (need to get better at these)
5 HSPU (got very dizzy today, could be due to this cold)
Rounds = 2
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 8 min
10 Walking lunges
10 KBS
6 Toes to Bar
Rounds = 4 + 10 +2
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 8 min
6 Ring Dips
7 GHD Sit ups
3 Power Snatches (65#)
Rounds = 4 + 5
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 8 min
Row (calories)


I. 1 Hang Snatch + 2 OHS pause :02 in hole, build to max 70#
II. 10 x 3 Back Squats 95# begin set every :60
III. 3 x 4 KB clean and jerks (35#) :30 row Rest 1:00 between rounds
Found the clean and jerks to be very challenging
Then 3 x 10 Ball Slams, 35 double unders (I suck at these) Rest 1:00 between rounds
2:07, 2:20, 2:25
Then 3 x 15 KBS, 15 Burpees Rest :30 between rounds
1:53, 1:53, 1:57
Today kicked my butt!!!


I. 3 x
8 alternating DB Snatch 40# (challenging tip from another coach to start lower and use legs more made this doable)
8 Pistols (having to modify)
16 double unders
II. 4 x 
200m row, 6 DB Thruster (30#), 8 Burpees to a 45# plate, 10 Toes through rings
4:15, 4:30, 4:00, 3:58 (toes through rings was a new movement but the last set was able to string all 10 together)
IV. 40 pull ups 4:05


I. Power Clean
1 @ 70#, 1 @ 75#, 2 @ 80, 2 @ 90, 1 @ 95, 1 @ 100#
II. 3 x 2 Clean Pulls @ 100#
III. 4 x 3 Front Squat 75, 85, 90, 95#
IV. 8 x 500m Row @ 1:59 pace
Rest 2:00 min, rest 5:00 between sets 4 and 5.
I had a very difficult time maintaining this pace.


I. Hang Squat Snatch Clusters 4 x 1.1.1
Rest :15 between cluster 2:00 between sets (35,45,55,65#)

II. Back Squat 4x3 Rest 3:00 (85,95,100,105#)
III. EMOM 10 minutes Power Snatch 65#
IV. EMOM 8 minutes
Even = 4 HSPU
Odd = 6 Wall Balls 20#
After 2 weeks off I was dead after this!
V. 15 minute cool down Run Yay! Ran for 15 minutes and no problem with my foot!

Saturday, August 30, 2014


I. 500m Row
2 x 10 PVC Rollouts/15 Squats/10 OHS
II. EMOM 12 minutes
even = 1 rope climb - still only going half way up but feeling better and beginning to get down the technique.
odd = 7 pull ups - last two rounds worked on butterfly
III. 7 minute AMRAP
100m Row (cortisone shot in my foot yesterday so didn't want to push it)
10 Burpees
25m Farmers Carry (25" plates)
Rounds = 4 (legs were feeling a but shot)
4 minute REST
7 minutes AMRAP
4 T2B
25m Bear Crawl
1 Wall Walk
Rounds = 4 + 4 T2B
4 minutes REST
7 minutes AMRAP
25m Sled Drag (90#) hard time getting in and out of the harness
15 Squats
Rounds = 3

Friday, August 29, 2014


I. 500 m row
3 x 10 PVC roll outs/15 squats/10 OHS/10 lunge steps/15 GHD sit ups
II. 1 Hang Snatch, 2 OHS 65#
III. 10 x 2 Back Squats EMOM 95#
IV. 3 x 4 clean and jerks 85#
300m Row (serious problem with my foot when I run. Going to podiatrist today to find some resolution) 2:27, 2:17, 2:16
Rest 2 minutes
3 x 8 ball slams 30#
25 sec. Row
90 seconds rest
:58, :57, :54
3 x
12 KBS
12 Burpees
1:17, 1:16, 1:16

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I. 500m row
2 x 10 PVC Rollouts/15 Squats/10 OHS/10 Lunge Steps/15 GHD Sit ups
II. 3 x
1 Wall Walk
20 Double Unders
3 Chest to Bar Pull ups (2 were successful)
III. 4 x
200m Row
6 Thrusters (45#)
8 Burpees to 6" target
10 Step ups
2:00 Rest
2:37, 2:39, 2:41, 2:40
IV. 35 Pull ups sets of 5
Time: 2:57

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I. 500m row
2 x 10 PVC roll outs/15 squats/10OHS/10 lunge steps/12 ghd sit ups
II. Power Cleans
2@70, 2@75, 2@80, 1@85, 1@90, 1@95
III. 3 x 3 Clean Pulls @ 95#
IV. 4 x 4 Front Squat
85, 95, 100, 100
V. 6 x 500m Row @ 1:59
2 minutes rest between set
1:59.7 died on this last set 😢


I. 500m row
3 x 10 PVC roll outs/15 squats/10 OHS/10 lunge steps
II. 4 x 1.1 Squat Snatch Cluster 60#
III. 4 x 4 Back Squat (90, 100, 110, 115#)
IV. EMOM 10 minutes
Power Snatch 70#
V. EMOM 10 minutes
Even 3 HSPU - 2 strict, 1 Kipping
Odd 7 Toes2Bar
VI. 15 minutes Row

Sunday, August 24, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/15 Squats/10 lunge steps
even = 1 rope climb (got halfway up, mostly due to fear)
odd = 7 pull ups
III. AMRAP 6 minutes
100m Run
10 Wall Balls (14#)
10 KB Swings (30#)
Rounds = 3 completed
REST 4 minutes
AMRAP 6 minutes
8 T2B
8 Front Rack Walking Lunges (65#)
8 Burpee over the bar
Rounds = 2 + 4 T2B
REST 4 minutes
AMRAP 6 minutes
25m Sled drag with 90#
15 Squats
Rounds = 3 + 25 m Sled drag + 10 HRPU

Saturday, August 23, 2014


I. 500m row
3 x 10 PVC roll outs, 10 squats, 10 OHS, 10 lunge steps
II. 1 Hang Snatch, 1 OHS build to tough 60# (OHS was somewhat limiting)
III.  10 x 2 Back Squat EMOM 90#
IV. 3 x 3 hang power cleans 85#, 400m run
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
1 - 2:24, 2 - 2:18, 3 - 2:18
V. 3 x 8 alternating DB Snatches 30#, 20 sec row sprint, rest 2 minutes between rounds
1 - :56, 2 - :56, 3 - :51
VI. 3 x 10 KBS 35#, 10 Burpees Rest 2 minutes between rounds
1 - 1:01, 2 - :57, 3 - :57


Partner Row
3000m alternate every 300m


I. 500m Row
2 x 10 PVC roll outs, 10 OHS, 15 squats, 10 lunges steps
II. 3 x 3 HSPU, 20 double unders, 8 pistols (needed to modify)
III. 3 x
250m row, 6 Burpees box jump overs, 8 T2B, 10 Wall Balls rest 2 minutes
1 - 3:23
2 - 3:18
3 - 3:17
IV. 30 pull ups 2:32


I. 500m row
3x 10 PVC roll outs,15 squats, 10 OHS, 10 lunges steps, 10 ghd sit ups
II. 15 minutes max power clean 105# (had trouble getting under the bar)
III. 3 x 4 Clean Pulls 105#
IV. 4x5 Front Squats 95#
REST 3 minutes
V. 6 x 500m Row rest 2 minutes between sets
1 - 2:01.1
2 - 1:58.8
3 - 2:00.0
4 - 2:00.7
5 - 2:00.0
6 - 1:59.7

Friday, August 22, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 Squats/10 OHS/10 Lunge Steps

II. 15 minutes
Snatch 45#

II. 4 x 5 Back Squat 75, 75, 95, 105#

Rest 3:00 minutes

III. EMOM 10 minutes
Power Snatch #65 (first couple felt heavy but after that was a very manageable weight)

IV. EMOM 10 minutes
Even = 3 HSPU
Odd = 7 box jumps

V. 10 minutes Row

Saturday, August 16, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS/15 Squats/10 Lunge Steps/12 GHD Sit ups

II. 3 x
500m Row (called for running but this Plantar Fasciitis is getting me down and I pay afterwards for running)
21 American KB Swing (16kg)
12 Pull ups
3 minute rest between rounds
1 = 4:10
2 = 4:06
3 = 4:21 (only round where KB Swings were broken)

III. Mobility work

Thursday, August 14, 2014


I. 500m row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/15 Squats/10 OHS/10 Lunge Steps/10 GHD Sit ups

II. Snatch (15 minutes)
worked on dropping under bar with 65#

III. 3 x
250m Row
12 Over the rower burpees
Rest 2 minutes
1 = 2:27
2 = 2:06
3 = 2:05

IV.Foam Rolling

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/15 Squats/10 OHS/10 Lunge Steps/10 GHD Sit ups

II. Shoulder Press
1RM = 105#

III. 30 Pull ups for Time
Time: 1:47

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


I. 500m Row/warm up
500m = 1:51.1
500m Row/cool down

II. 8 min. AMRAP
10 PVC Rollouts/15 OHS/10 Hollow Rocks/10 Bar Hollow Swings
2:00 Plank Hold

III. 20:10 x 3
Scap Pull up
Hollow Rock w/PVC
Hip Bridge Drill
Hollow Swings

IV. Back Squats 5 x 5 (115#)

Monday, August 11, 2014


. 1000m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/15 Squats/10 OHS/10 Lunge Steps/10 Deficit Push ups

II. Closed grip bench press
First time doing this and took a minute to figure out.
1RM = 75#

3 minute
1 minute rest
HSPU with two ab mats = 8
Rope Climb = 1/2
Ring Dips = 4 with many attempts
Felt very inadequate today.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 Squats/10 OHS/10 Lunge Steps/10 Deficit Push ups

II. 1RM Snatch
2 failed attempts at 85# but finally got it!

III. Run
400m = 1:49.5
800m = 4:09.2
1600m or 1 mile = 9:25.4

Friday, August 8, 2014


8/7/2014 - Park WOD 1.5 mile Run

I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollout/10 Squats/10 OHS/10 Lunge Steps

II. Back Squat
1 RM = 150#
2 fails at 155#

III. 8 min AMRAP
7 Thrusters (ugh! I hate thrusters)
7 Pull ups
Rounds = 5 + 7 Thrusters + 1 Pull up

Thursday, August 7, 2014


I. 800m Run

II. 5k Row
Time: 21:50.2
Average 500m: 2:11.0


I. 500m row
3x 10 PVC roll outs/10 squats/10 OHS

II. 15 min AMRAP
15 KB American Swings 53# (weight was challenging as I usually use a 16kg KB)
15 Burpees
Rounds = 5 + 15 swings + 3 Burpees

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


I. 500m Row
2 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 Squats/10 OHS
10 Lunge Steps/10 GHD Sit ups

II. Front Squat
5 @ 45#
4 @ 75#
3 @ 95#
1 @ 115#
1 @ 125#
Failed at 130#

III. 8 minutes to get to 1RM Power Clean
3 @ 45#
2 @ 65#
1 @ 95#
1 @ 100#
1 @ 105#
1 @ 110#
Failed @ 115# x 3

IV. 8 minute AMRAP Power Cleans @
90% 1RM = 100#
35 successful lifts
4 failed attempts


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 Squats/10 OHS/
10 Lunge Steps/10 GHD Sit ups

II. 50 Thrusters 35#
EMOTM 10 Double Unders
Start with Double Unders
Because I suck at Double Unders

III. Tempo Runs
15 x
50m Sprint/25m walk/25m Jog

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Crossfit Total
Back Squat 150#
I feel like I can do more weight, I am fine coming out of the squat.  I think I am just scared,
Shoulder Press 105#
Not my best.
Deadlift 215#
Total: 470
Not my best effort but 5# increase from last CF Total in January.

Monday, July 28, 2014


I. 500m Row
3x 10 PVC Rollouts/15 Squats/10 OHS
12 Lunge Steps/10 Back Extensions
2:00 Yogi Squat

II. AMRAP 14 min
5 TGU (each arm)
10 Box Jumps
100m Run

III. Stretch


I. 500m Row
3 x PVC Rollouts/15 Squats/10 OHS

II. 10x
100 Jumps Ropes
10 Burpees
10 Sit ups
10 Push ups
10 Squats
10 Pull ups
Time: Too Long 50:38

III. Mobility


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/15 Squats/10 OHS (35#)/
10 Lunge Steps/10 Back Extensions

II. 50 Sit ups
50 Double Unders
50 Sit ups
50 Lunge Steps
50 Sit ups
50 Burpees
50 Sit ups
Time: 15:38

III. Stretch


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/15 Squats/10 OHS
10 Lunge Steps/10 Deficit Push ups/10 Lunge Steps

II. "Jackie"
1000m Row
50 Thrusters
30 Pull ups
Time: 10:37

III. Mobility


I. 500m Row
3x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 Squats/10 OHS/
10 Lunge Steps/10 GHD Sit ups/10 Back Extensions/10 Lunge Steps

II. 3 x
Row (calories)
Burpee Broad Jumps
Sit ups
Ball Slams (20#)

Round 1
3 minutes each movement
1 minute REST
Round 2
2 minutes each movement
45 second REST
Round 1
1 minutes each movement
30 sec REST

III. Mobility

Friday, July 25, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 Squats/10 OHS
10 Lunge Steps/10 Back Extensions/10 GHD Sit ups
10 Lunge Steps

II. Back Squats
10 @ 45#
8 @ 80#
6 @ 95#
4 @ 105#
4 @ 115#
4 @ 120#

III. Tabata 20:10 x 8
Pull ups
Push ups


I. 500m row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 Squats/10 OHS
10 Lunge Steps/10 Deficit Push ups/10 Lunge Steps

II. 3 x
2 Power Clean (increase weight each round)
3 Burpees

III. 5 x
10 Power Cleans (85#)
10 Burpees
Time: 10:03

Sunday, July 13, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 Squats/10 OHS/
10 Lunge Steps/10 Deficit Push ups/10 Lunge Steps

II. For Time
50 Sit ups
50 Double Unders
50 Sit ups
50 Lunge Steps
50 Sit ups
50 Burpees
50 Sit ups
Time: 16:42

III. Foam Rolling


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/20 Squats/10 Lunge Steps
10 Deficit Push ups/10 Lunge Steps

II. 10-8-6-4-2
Deadlifts (155#)
Wall Balls
Time: 8:46

III. Stretch

Thursday, July 10, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/20 Squats/10 Lunge Steps

II. 500m Row
300 Jump Ropes
50 Sit ups
40 KB Swings
30 Back Extensions
20 Barbell Rollouts
10 Turkish Get ups
400m Run

III. Stretch


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/20 Squats/10 Lunge Steps

II. 100m Sprint
10 Pull ups
100m Sprint
10 Burpees
REST 30 Sec.
30:00 = 8 rounds

III. Stretch

Monday, July 7, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 PVC rollouts/20 Squats/10 Lunge Steps/10 Deficit Push ups/10 Lunge Steps

II. 3 x
2 Power Cleans
2 Burpees
2 Box Jumps
Add weight each round to WOD weight 95#

III. AMRAP 14 min
3 Power Cleans (95#)
6 Burpees
9 Box Jumps
Rounds = 9 + 3 Cleans


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/20 Squats/10 Lunge Steps

10 Burpees/50 Back Squats (35#)
10 Burpees/40 Sit ups
10 Burpees/30 Box Jumps
10 Burpees/20 KB Swings
10 Burpees/400m Run
10 Burpees/20 KB Swings
10 Burpees/30 Box Jumps
10 Burpees/40 goblet Squats
10 Burpees/50 Hand Release Push ups
10 Burpees! YAY!
Time: 30:30

III. Stretch


I. 1000m Row
4 x 10 PVC Rollouts/20 Squats/10 Lunge Steps/
10 Deficit Push ups/10 Lunge Steps/25 Sit ups/10 Lunge Steps

II. 21-15-9
Power Cleans (85#)
Wall Balls
Sit ups
Time: 10:51

III. 3.0 mile Walk with dogs

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/20 Squats
15 Lunge Steps/20 Sit ups

II. Back Squats
10 @ 45#
10 @ 75#
8 @ 85#
6 @ 95#
6 @ 105#
6 @ 110#

20 Sit ups between each set

III. Stretch

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I. 500m row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/20 Squats
10 Lunge Steps/10 Deficit Push ups

II. Deadlift
10 @ 120#
8 @ 140#
6 @ 150#
6 @ 160#
6 @ 170#

III. Stretch


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 pvc rollouts/20 squats/10 lunge steps

II. 3 x warm up
2 power snatches
2 ohs
2 power cleans
2 push jerks

III. Partner WOD
AMRAP 8 min
Partner 1
3 Power Snatches (65#)
Partner 2
200m Row
Rest 2 min.
AMRAP 8 min
3 Power Cleans (85#)
3 Push Jerks
Partner 2
200m Row

Monday, June 30, 2014


I. 500m row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/20 Squats/10 Lunge Steps

II. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
Hang Power Cleans (65#)
Push Press
Sit up
500m Row after even rounds
Time: 25:03

III. Foam Rolling


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/20 Squats/10 Lunge Steps

II. "Cindy"
20 min AMRAP
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
Push ups were the hardest part of this WOD.
Rounds = 11 + 5 pull ups

III. Stretch

Friday, June 27, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x
10 PVC Rollouts/20 Squats/10 Lunge Steps/10 Deficit Push ups

II. 3 x
20 Burpees
30 Squats
40 Sit ups

III. Foam Rolling

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


I. 750m Row
3 x 10 PVC rollouts/20 Squats/10 Lunge Steps

II. 5 x
10 Pull ups
30 Double Unders
3 Tempo Runs
(50m Sprint, 25m walk, 25m jog)
Time: 21:30

III. Stretch

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I. 10 PVC Rollouts/15 Squats/10 Lunge Steps/Pull up progression/Yogi Squat

II. Front Squats
5 @ 75#
5 @ 80#
5 @ 90#
5 @ 90#
5 @ 90#

III. AMRAP 12 minutes
10 Box Jumps
Lunge Steps down
10 Burpees
Bear Crawl back

Monday, June 23, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/20 Squats/10 Lunge Steps/10 deficit Push ups

II. 5 x
adding weight each round
2 Deadlifts
2 Hang Power Cleans
2 Push Jerks

III. AMRAP 14 minutes
Deadlift (75#)
Hang Power Clean
Push Jerk

IV. Quad Smashing

Sunday, June 22, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10 Lunge Steps/10 Deficit Push ups

II. 21-15-9
400m Run, 200m Run, 100m Run
Thrusters (45#)
Med Ball Cleans
Wall Balls

III. Stretching/Foam Rolling


I. 500m Row
3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10 Lunge steps

II. Partner WOD
Divide work as you like but KB may not touch the ground (15 burpee penalty)
200m Run w/16kg KB
100 Box Jumps/hold in bottom of Goblet Squat
100 Toes to Bar/hold KB in Overhead position
100 Squats/hold KB in racked position
200m Run w/KB
Time: 18:58

III. Stretch

Thursday, June 19, 2014


I. 500 m Row
20 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
10 Lunges
10 PVC Rollouts

II. 500m Row
Hand Release Push ups
Sit ups
500m Row

III. Stretching


I. 500 m Row
20 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
10 Lunges
10 PVC Rollouts

II. 500m Row
Hand Release Push ups
Sit ups
500m Row

III. Stretching

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x
10 PVC Rollouts
20 Squats
15 Lunge Steps

II. Front Squats
10 @ 45#
5 @ 75#
5 @ 95#
3 @ 105#
3 @ 105#
3 @ 105#

25 sit ups between sets

III. Stretch

Monday, June 16, 2014


I. 600m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 Lunge Steps/10 Squats

Push ups
Pull ups
Time: 27:03

III. Stretch


I. 750m Row
3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10 Lunge Steps

II. "Malcolm"
2 x
50 Sit ups
40 Deadlifts (95#)
30 Back Squats (65#)
20 Over the bar Burpees
10 Shoulder to OH (65#)
Time: 24:05

III. run 1.5 miles

Saturday, June 14, 2014


I. 1000M Row
3 x
20 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
10 OHS
10 Lunge Steps
10 Deficit Push ups

II. 5 x 5 Back Squats
5 @ 65#
5 @ 85#
5 @ 95#
5 @ 105#
5 @ 115#

Pull ups

Friday, June 13, 2014


I. 1200m Run
3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. "Snatch Chief"
5 x AMRAP 3 min
3 Power Snatches (65#)
6 Push ups
9 Squats
1 minute rest
Rounds 16 + 3 Snatches

III. Chat

Thursday, June 12, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x
20 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
10 OHS
10 Deficit Push ups

II. 30-25-15-10-5
KB Swings

III. Stretch


I. 500m Row
3 x 30 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. 2000m Row
4 x
15 Ball Slams
30 Lunge Steps
2 x stairs with slam ball

III. Foam Rolling

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x 20 Squats/10 OHS/10 PVC Rollouts/5 dips

II. Front Squats
5 @ 45#
5 @ 65#
5 @ 75#
5 @ 85#
5 @ 95

III.  Foam Rolling


I. 3.03 mile Run
Time: 31:21
Pace: 10:21

II. 3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10 Deficit Push ups

III. AMRAP 18 minutes
5 Power Cleans (65#)
5 Pull ups
5 Squat Cleans
30 Double Unders

Monday, June 2, 2014


I. 3 mile Run
Pace: 10:05

II. Partner WOD
100 Front Squats (65#)
100 Sit ups
100 calorie Row
100 Sit ups
100 Power Snatches (45#)
Split up anyway you want.

III. Foam Rolling


I. 1200m Run
3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. "McGhee"
AMRAP 30 minutes
5 Deadlifts (155#)
13 Push ups
9 Box Jumps
Rounds = 12 + 5 deadlifts and 9 push ups

III. Foam Rolling


4.28 mile run
This felt terrible.  Not sure what it was, heat, poor diet or a combination of the two.


Bayshore 10K
Time: 1:01:32
Pace: 9:53
(11th out of 60 for my age group 55-59)

The weather was beautiful.  A little chilly to start but warmed up quickly.
Last two miles sucked!

Monday, May 19, 2014


I. 1000m Row
35 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
35 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
30 Squats (35#)
10 PVC Rollouts

II. 'Adam Brown"
24 reps
Deadlifts (135#)
Box Jumps
Wall Balls
Push ups
Box Jumps
Wall Balls
Cleans (85#)
Time: 14:40

III. Foam Rolling

Sunday, May 18, 2014


I. 1000m Row
2 x 40 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. EMOTM for 20 Minutes
6 Squats
6 Push ups
6 Sit ups

III. foam Rolling

Saturday, May 17, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 30 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. "Tilman"
7 x
7 Deadlifts (135#)
200m Run
15 Pull ups
Time: 27:04

III. Stretch

Friday, May 16, 2014


I. 1000m Row
35 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
35 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
35 Squats (35#)

II. 3 x
10 Pull ups (working on string together, got to 10 gripped failed)
5 Toes to Bar
5 Deficit Push ups

III. AMRAP 12 minutes
12 Lateral over the bar Burpees
5 Deadlifts (135#)
5 Deficit Push ups

IV. EMOM 12 min
3 Squat Cleans
Started at 65# finished at 75#

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 35 Squats (last set with 35#)
10 PVC Rollouts
10 deficit push ups

II. 300 jump Ropes
75 KB Swings
50 HR Push ups
25 Pull ups (blue band)
EMOTM 3 burpees

III. Tabata Planks (20:10 x 4)
Side L/Side R

Sunday, May 11, 2014


I. 8 minutes warm up

50 Dead Hang Pull ups (green band)
100 Hand release Push ups
5 mile Run

III. Stretch

Friday, May 9, 2014


I. 500m Row
1200m Run
3 x
10 PVC Rollouts
30 Squats (last 30 w/35#)
10 Deficit Push ups

II. Row
Wall Balls

III. Stretch

Thursday, May 8, 2014


I. 500m Row
35 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10 Deficit Push ups
35 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10 Deficit Push ups
35 Squats (35#)/10 PVC Rollouts/10 Deficit Push ups

II. Annie
Double Unders
Sit ups

III. Stretch

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I. 1000m row
3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts
30 Lunge steps

II. 3 x
400m Row
11 Power Cleans (85#)
21 Burpees
31 Wall Balls
Time: 24:16

III. Dead Hang Pull ups
Sit ups

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 35 Squats (last set with 35#)
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts

35 deficit push ups
150 sit ups

III. Stretch

Monday, May 5, 2014


I. 1500m Row
3 x 30 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. 20 bar over burpees
Deadlifts (135#)
Pull ups
20 bar over burpees

III. Mobility (foot and calf)

Saturday, May 3, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 30 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. 4 x 5 min interval
500m Row
12 Push Press (75#)
21 Wall Balls

III. Stretch

Friday, May 2, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 15 Squats/10 PVC rollouts

II. 15-12-9
Deadlifts (135#)
Deficit Push ups
Time: 5:04
REST 5 minutes
Front Squats (65#)
Time: 5:15

III. Stretch
5K Run
Time: 29:44
Pace: 9:20

Thursday, May 1, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/20 Squats

II. Back Squats
10 @ 45#
10 @ 65#
10 @ 75#
10 @ 85#
5 @ 95#

III. Stretch

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I. 1500m Row
3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10 Lunge Steps

II. EMOTM 10 min.
1 Dead Hang Pull up
5 Ring Push ups

III. Tabata 20:10 x 8
KB Swings (16kg)
Shuttle Runs
Box Jumps
Jump Ropes
I minutes rest between movements

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I. 2000m Row
3 x 30 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. 3 x 10
Front Squats
10 x 45#
10 x 65#
10 x 70#

III. Dead Hang Pull ups
2 - 2- 1
Sit ups

Monday, April 28, 2014


I. 1500m Row
3 x 25 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. 10 -1
Ground to OH (90#)
Box Jumps
100m Run
100m Run backward
Time: 31:18

III. 3 x
10 deficit push ups
25 Sit ups

Sunday, April 27, 2014


I. 1000m row
3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

30 Box Jumps
30 Wall Balls
Rest 30 sec.
30 OH Lunges (10#)
30 KB Swings
Rest 30 sec
30 Double Unders
30 Burpees
Rest 30 sec
15 Box Jumps
15 Wall Balls
15 OH Lunges
15 KB Swings
15 Double Unders
15 Burpees
Time: 15:50

2-1-1-1 Dead Hang Pull ups
40- 20-20-20 Situps


I. Run 4.25 miles

II. Hike/Run 5.0 miles


I. 1000m Row
3 x 30 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. 3 x 10 Back Squats
10 @ 65#
10 @ 75#
10 @ 85#

III. 800m run
8 x
8 Pull ups
8 Deficit Push ups
8 Squats
800m Row

Thursday, April 24, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 30 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts
3 x 10 deficit push ups

II. Dead Hang Pull up
130 Sit ups

III. Stretch

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 25 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. AMRAP 15 minutes
3 Handstand Push ups
5 Dead Hang Pull ups (purple band)
7 Palettes Dips
30 Jumping Jacks

III. Dead by Burpees
EMOTM 3 burpees adding 3 each minute

Monday, April 21, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts
2 x 10 deficit push ups

II. AMRAP 5 min
3 Hang Squat Cleans (85#)
3 Box Jumps
REST 1 min
AMRAP 5 min
6 Hang Squat Cleans (75#)
6 Box Jumps
REST 1 min
AMRAP 5 min
9 Hang Squat Cleans (65#)
9 Box Jumps

III. Stretching

Sunday, April 20, 2014


I. 10 mile run
Time: 2:01:05 Pace: 12:06
Slow steady pace for first long run.

II. 500m Row
3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

2 Pull ups
20 Sit ups
1 Pull up
30 Sit ups
1 Pull up
25 Sit ups
1 Pull up
25 sit ups

IV. Foam Rolling

Saturday, April 19, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. "Dork"
33 Front Squats (75#)
15 Burpees
33 Deadlifts (125#)
15 Burpees
33 KB Swings (16kg)
15 Burpees
Time: 13:31

III. 5 x
1 Dead Hang Pull up
20 Sit ups
3 x 5 Knees to Elbows (without resetting)

IV. Run 4.05 miles
It is finally starting to warm up. YAY!

Friday, April 18, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 15 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts
I need to vary my warm up a bit. This is getting old :)

II. AMRAP 25 min Partner WOD
Evenly divide the work
20 Burpees
20 Pull ups
30 Air Squats

III. Stand around and talk

Thursday, April 17, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 15 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. EMOM 10 min
50m Row
working on explosiveness

III. 5 x
1 Dead Hang Pull up
20 Sit ups

3 x 5
Knees to Elbows
working on stringing these together


I. 1000m Row
3 x 15 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. 15 x
4 Wall Balls (14#)
4 KB Snatches (r) 16kg
4 Toes to Bar
4 KB Snatches (l)
Time: 18:19

III. Stretch

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 15 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. AMRAP 20 min.
5 Power Cleans (added weight every 3 rounds, finished with 100#)
10 Box Jumps

III. 5 x
1 Dead Hang Pull up
20 Sit ups

3 x 5
Working on string together Toes to Bar

Monday, April 14, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 15 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. 20 min AMRAP
5 Power Cleans (75#)
10 Toes to Bar
15 Wall Balls
Score: 215 (7 rounds + 5 Cleans)

III. 5 x
1 Dead Hang Pull ups
20 Sit ups

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I. 1200m Run

II. 10 x
1:00 Row
:15 Rest
:30 Push ups
:15 Rest
Score: 153 calories/101 Push ups

III. 8 min AMRAP
10 KB Swing (35#)
20 Sit ups
30 Box Jumps

IV. Pull ups/Knees to Elbows

Friday, April 11, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 Squats/PVC Rollouts

II. 500m Row
20 Push Press (75#)
20 Bar Push ups
800m Run
15 Push Press (65#)
15 Bar Push ups
400m Run
10 Push Press (55#)
10 Bar Push ups
250m Row

III. 5.1 Mile Hike @ Silver Lake

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


I. 1500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/Squats

II. 5 x 5
Front Squat
Shoulder Press

III. 6 dead hang pull ups

IV. 3 x 5 min AMRAP
5 Pull ups
5 Push ups
20 Sit ups
20 Double Unders
1 minutes REST

Monday, April 7, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. 5 x
250m Row
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
REST 90 sec.

III. Foam Rolling (10 min.)

Sunday, April 6, 2014


I. 2K Row
3 x 10 Squats/PVC Rollouts

II. 30 Deadlifts (135#)
60 Hand Release Push ups
30 Deadlifts
Time: 10:50

III. 5 x 5 Push Press (95#)
5 mile Run


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 Squats/PVC Rollouts/push ups

II. Partner Filthy Fifty
Each person completes 50 reps alternating every 10 reps
50 Box Jumps
50 Jumping Pull ups
50 KB Swings
50 Lunge Steps
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Presses
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Balls
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
This was a killer with a partner as we went all out for each set.

III. Stretch

Monday, March 24, 2014


I. 2000m Row
3 x 10 Squats/PVC Rollouts/Push ups

II. Isabel
30 Snatches (65#)
Time: 4:03

III. 5 x 5 OHS (65#)


I. Row 12,000m

II. 3 x 10 Deadlifts (135#)

III. 15-12-9-6-3
Snatch (55#)
Time: 12:27


I. Row 2000m
3 x 15 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups

II. Open 14.4
Chipper 14 minutes
60 Calorie Row
50 Toes to Bar
40 Wall Balls (10#)
30 Cleans (65#)
20 Muscle Ups
Score/reps completed: 140
Need to work on stringing together toes to bar

III. 100 sit ups


NYC Half Marathon
13.1 miles
This was a fun run and would have been more fun had I run more than 10 miles since November.

Friday, March 14, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 15 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups

II. Open 14.3
AMRAP 8 minutes
10 Deadlifts (65#)
15 Box Jumps/Step ups
15 Deadlifts (95#)
15 Box Jumps
20 Deadlifts (115#)
15 Box Jumps
25 Deadlifts (135#)
15 Box Jumps
30 deadlifts (155#)
Score: 140

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I. 5000m Row

II. 3 x 10 Squats/PVC Rollouts/Push ups

III. AMRAP 14 min
10 Burpees after each round
Rounds completed: 12 + 7

IV. Foam rolling


I. Row
2 x 25 minutes
2 min REST
Vary stroke rate every 2 min.
Total: 10,876m

II. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
Hang Power Cleans (55#)
Push Press
Sit ups
Time: 12:38
3 -6- 9- 12
Hang Power Cleans (55#)
Push Press
Sit ups


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 Squats/PVC Rollouts/Push ups

II. AMRAP 15 minutes
400m Row
10 Push ups
15 Sit ups
20 Burpees

III. Stretch


Hungry Eagle Rowing Comp

2k Row
Time: 7:54.6

Later in the Day
3 mile Run


I. 500m Row
3 x 15 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups

II. Open 14.2
0:00 - 3:00
2 x
10 OHS (45#)
10 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull ups
3:00 - 6:00
2 x
12 OHS (45#)
12 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull ups
6:00 - 9:00
2 x
14 OHS (45#)
14 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull ups
9:00 - 12:00
2 x
16 OHS (45#)
16 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull ups
You can only advance to the next round if you complete all reps.
Score: 177

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I. 1000m Row
2 x :30 row 1 min Rest x 8
1000m Row

II. AMRAP 10 min. x 2
6 Deadlifts (145#)
12 Hand Release Push ups
18 Sit ups
25 lateral bar jumps
Rounds: 8 +12

III. Stretch/ABs

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I. 5035m Row

II. 1000m Row
3 x 10 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/5 push ups

III. "Klepto"
4 x
27 Box Jumps
20 Burpees
11 Squat Cleans (75#)
Time: 24:41

Monday, March 3, 2014


I. Row
60 min. 9 min Row, 1 min REST
Total: 12,644m

II. 3 x
400m row
21 KB Swing (16kg)
12 Pull ups
Every 3 minutes 10 burpees
Time: 19:54

III. Ab work and Stretching

Sunday, March 2, 2014


I. Lots of snow shoveling (urg!)

II. 500m row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/15 Squats/10 Push ups

III. 10 -1
OHS (35#)
KB Swings (16kg)
Time: 13:11

IV. More snow shoveling!

Saturday, March 1, 2014


Can't believe it is March!

I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/15 Squats/10 Push ups

II. AMRAP 12 min
12 Box Jumps
6 Thrusters (55#)
6 Bar over burpees

III. Foam Rolling

Friday, February 28, 2014


I. Row
4 min Row 1 min. Rest x 12
Total: 11,624m

II. 500m Row
2 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 Squats/5 Push ups

III. AMRAP 10 min
30 Double Unders (I seriously despise these)
15 Power Snatches (45#)

IV. 100 Sit ups

Thursday, February 27, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/15 Squats/10 Push ups

II. Deadlifts
5 @ 100#
5 @ 130#
5 @ 150#
3 @ 170#
3 @ 190#

III. 1000m Row
200 Double Unders (I hate these)
50 Box Jumps
Time: 19:49

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/15 Squats/10 Push ups

II. EMOTM 3 over the bar burpees
20 Cleans (65#)
20 Front Squats
20 Snatches
20 OHS (45#) + 10 @ 55#

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/15 Squats/10 Push ups

II. "Annie"
Double Unders
Sit ups

Monday, February 24, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/15 Squats/10 Push ups

II. Tabata 20:10 x 8
jump Ropes

III. EMOTM 10 minutes
25 Double Unders = odd
5 OHS hold at bottom 2 sec. = even

IV. Fit Test x 2
500m Row
40 Squats
30 Sit ups
20 Hand Release Push ups
10 Dead Hang Pull ups (blue band)
Time: 5:44
5 minute REST
Time: 5:38

Friday, February 21, 2014


I. Row
3 x 15 min
3 min REST
Total meters: 9486

II. 500m Row
3 x 10 Squats/PVC Rollouts/Push ups

III. EMOTM 10 min
1 hang snatch (55#)
1 hang snatch + OHS
1 hang squat snatch

IV. AMRAP 12 min
Ladder 1 - 10
Power Snatch (55#)
Burpee Box Jump
Rounds: 8 + 14

Thursday, February 20, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x 15 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups

II. 10 K-Squats (45#)

III. Deadlifts
5 @ 100#
5 @ 120#
3 @ 140#
3 @ 160#
5 @ 185#

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I. Row
Meters    Watts     Time
1000        202.6     4:00:0
 750         217.1     2:55.9
 500         232.1     1:54.7
 250         272.6       :54.3
1000        204.2     3:59.4
 750         202.3     3:00.1 (lost it on this one)
 500         235.1     1:54.2
 250         263.5       :55.0
This was definitely tough! Helped to row next to someone with similar stroke rate and watts/time.

II. 4 x
150 jump ropes
30 ball slams (20#)
10 Push ups
Time: 18:12
Feeling a bit tired after the row.

III. Stretch and AB Work

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 PVC Rollouts/Squats/Push ups

II. Front Squat
5 @ 65#
5 @ 75#
3 @ 90#
3 @ 100#
3 @ 110#

III. AMRAP 4 min x 3
3 Clean and Jerk (85#)
6 Knees to Elbows
9 Jumping Squats


I. Row 10,714m

II. Yoga 1 hour

III. Run 1 mile

Sunday, February 16, 2014


I. 500m Row
2 x 10 Squats/PVC Rollouts/Pushups

5@ 35#
5@ 45#
3@ 55#
2@ 65#

III. Row 200m
50 Sit ups
25 Pull ups
25 Push ups
50 Deadlifts (95#)
50 Box Jumps
25 Pull ups
25 Push ups
50 Sit ups
200m Row

IV. Foam Rolling

Saturday, February 15, 2014


I. 500m Row
2 x 10 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10 push ups

II. 10 Junkyard Dogs

III. Partner WOD complete the following
30 Jumping Lunges
30 Over the bar burpees
30 Clean and Jerks (75#)
30 Wall Balls (20#)
30 Pull ups
800m Row

IV. 2K Row
Time: 7:57.4

Friday, February 14, 2014


Happy V Day!!

I. Row 5,947m

II. 100 Thrusters (45#)
EMOTM 5 dead hang pull ups (purple band)
Time: 13:00

III. Row 500m
2 x 10 PVC Rollout/Squats/Push ups

IV. EMOTM 20 minutes
2 hang cleans (65#)
2 over the bar burpees (I love these)
Every minute add 2 reps

Now for the best part of the workout, home for coffee, breakfast and a shower before heading for work.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


10 x 250m
1 min REST between each
Rest 3 minutes and do again

II. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
Wall Balls
Sit ups
Time: 14:16

Ready for a nap :)!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


2000m Row
3 x
20 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

Just had time this morning for a warm up.  So cold in the gym after coaching for an hour. I will go back tonight for the WOD and O-lifting.

I. 500m Row
3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups

II.  Front Squat
5 @ 45#
5 @ 65#
5@ 85#
5@ 95#
5@ 105#

III. 5 x
5 Power Cleans (85#)
5 Over bar Burpees with 2 jumps
5 Pull ups
Time: 6:41

Monday, February 10, 2014


50 minutes
4 min Row, 1 min. Rest

Time: 3:50.6

Pretty happy with this time.  My legs were wobbly when I go off the rower.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


3 x
1 minute at each station
Pull ups (purple band)
Ball Slams (20#)
Agility Ladder
Ball Bounce

II. 1000m Row
3 x 10 Squats/PVC Rollouts/Push ups

IV. Teams of three complete 120 reps
One person working/one holding/one resting
KB Swings/Plank
Wall Balls/Wall sits
Push Press/Farmer carry Hold
HR Push ups/Handstand Hold


I. 500m Row
3 x 10 Squats/PVC Rollouts/Push ups

II. 5 x
90 Jump Ropes
15 Overhead Squats (55#)

III. Stretch

Thursday, February 6, 2014


I. 500m Row
3 x 15 Squats, 10 PVC Rollouts, 10 Push ups

II. Mobility

III. Shoulder Press
5 @ 45#
3 @ 75#
5 @ 85#
3 @ 95#
1 @ 105#

IV. EMOTM 10 min
Turkish Getup each side
Hold plank for reminder of minute

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I. 3 x
20 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

II. Back Squat
5 @ 45#
5 @ 75#
3 @ 95#
5 @ 120#
3 @ 130#
3 @ 140#

III. AMRAP 6 min
Power Snatch 65#
Toes to Bar
go up in multiples of 3
Round = 9's + 9 Snatches
REST 1 min.
Then reverse starting with completed rounds
started at 9

IV. O-lifting
Snatch grip Push Press (85#)
Snatch Balance (75#)
Squat Snatch from High Hang(45#)

Monday, February 3, 2014


I. Row
30min x 2
3 min.REST
Total = 12,439

II. 10 - 1
Air Squats
DB Push Press (20#)
DB Step ups (20#)
DB Renegade Rows

III. Tired!!!


I. Partner WOD for AARC
400m Row
20 Jumping Squats
40 Wall Balls
60 Box Jumps
80 KB Swings (16kg)
400m Row
80 KB Swings
60 Box Jumps
40 Wall Balls
20 Jumping Squats
400m Row
One person working at a time, partner holds a plank

II. Partner WOD
50 Wall Balls
50 Push ups
50 Sit ups
40 Wall Balls
40 Push ups
40 Sit ups
30 Wall Balls
30 Push ups
30 Sit ups
20 Wall Balls
20 Push ups
20 Sit ups
10 Wall Balls
10 Push ups
10  Sit ups
One person working at a time

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Marathon session at the gym this morning

I. 500m Row
3 x 10 squats, PVC Rollout, Push ups

II. 20 min AMRAP
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
Rounds = 10+

III. O - Lifting

IV. Row
750m x 6
4 min Rest
1) 2:59.8 1:59.8/500m
2) 2:56.3 1:57.5/500m
3) 2:55.6 1:57.0/500m
4) 2:59.7 1:59.8/500m
5) 2:59.8 1:59.8/500m
6) 2:56.5 1:57.6/500m

Friday, January 31, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x
10 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

II. EMOTM 6 min
3 Power Cleans (85#)
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks
REST 1 min
5 minutes to complete
50 Burpees
REST 1 min
EMOTM 6 min
3 Power Cleans (65#)
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks
Killer WOD, didn't feel good while I was doing it but definitely feel great now :)

III. 100 sit ups

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I. Row
1000m warm up
3 x 3000m
6 min Rest
1) 2:08.2/12:49.4
2) 2:08.1/12:48.7
3) 2:10:0/13:00.2

II. Tabata 20:10 x 8
Pull ups
Sit ups

3 @ 35#
3 @ 45#
3 @ 55#
3 @ 65#


I had every intention to get to the gym today but life, specifically work, got in the way.  I did however run up and down the stairs I don't know how many times carrying bags of food.



1 min Row
1 min Rest/Paddle
2 min Row
1 min Rest/Paddle
3 min Row
1 min Rest/Paddle
4 min Row
1 min Rest/Paddle
5 min Row
1 min Rest/Paddle
6 min Row
1 min Rest/Paddle
6 min Row
1 min Rest/Paddle
5 min Row
1 min Rest/Paddle
4 min Row
1 min Rest/Paddle
3 min Row
1 min Rest/Paddle
2 min Row
1 min Rest/Paddle
1 min Row
Total = 10,162m

Monday, January 27, 2014


I. 1000m Row
3 x 10 Squats, 10 PVC Rollouts, 10 Push ups

II.  Deck of Card WOD
Diamond = push ups
Spades = Sit ups
Clubs = Dead Hang Pull up (used a band)
Hearts = Squats
This is a great random wod! You complete the movement and number of reps that corresponds with the card.

III. Snow Shoveling - I am getting really tired of all this snow and cold weather.  Although yesterday it was finally warm enough to take the pups for a romp in the snow.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Winter Thaw Competition at Joust Strength and Fitness

Partner Competition
2000m Row
Thrusters 55#
Jumping Pull ups
Break up row any way you choose; both partners must complete all the thrusters and pull ups; while one partner is working the other hold a plank
Time: 17:34
150 Burpees wall balls
Break up any way you chose
Snatch Balance Ladder
You and your partner must complete the lift in 60 sec until one fails.
Completed 25#, 45#, 65# and 95#

30 min AMRAP
Alternating both partners complete
10 box step ups
10 hand release push ups
10 ball toss sit ups
10 deadlifts 115#
Rounds: 8+

Finished in 5th place overall. Pleased with performance as both my partner and I were the oldest competitors.

Friday, January 24, 2014



1000m Warm up

6 x 1000m
4 minute rest

Best 1000m = 3:58.2

Wednesday, January 22, 2014



4 x 15 min.
3 min rest between
5 min @ 18 s/m
4 min @ 20 s/m
3 min @ 22 s/m
2 min @ 24 s/m
1 min @ 26 s/m

Avg. watts = 130
Avg. 500 = 2:18.9
Total meters = 12,955

100 sit ups

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I. 300m Row
20 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

II. Partner WOD
2000m Row broken up anyway
Thrusters (55#)
Jumping Pull ups

Both must complete 21-15-9 while one is working on thruster partner holds a plank;
while one is doing jumping pull ups partner is doing a farmers hold (20# DB)

Time: 19:17

Evening Strength WOD

I. 3 x 10 Good Morning (35#)

II. Back Squats
5 @ 75#
5 @ 95#
5 @ 105#
5 @ 120#

III. 5 x
5 Power Clean + Front Squat (75#)
5 Over the bar Burpees
90 Jump Ropes
Time: 11:56


In NYC for a conference on Children, Poverty and Homelessness. Wonderful learning experience and opportunity to hear several excellent keynote speeches.

In three days I walked a marathon 26.2 miles.  I will say it was easier and more enjoyable to walk the marathon over three days then to run in in under 5 hours.

I did get a couple of WODs over the weekend as well.

20 x
5 Squats
5 Push ups
5 Sit ups


100 sit ups
60 push ups

and then Monday evening back to the gym for:

2 x 5000m Row with 3 minute rest in between
Time: 44:36:00

and then

100 sit ups
100 squats

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


50 minutes
9:00 min on 1:00 min Rest
Total meters 9954

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I. 1000m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts

II. "Crossfit Total"
Back Squat 150#
Shoulder Press 110#
Deadlift 205#
Total = 465#
I have mixed feelings about my performance.  I improved on the back squat by 15# and shoulder press by 5# but did 10# less on the deadlift. 

Monday, January 13, 2014


I. 8 min warm up
2000m Row @ 85% 2k pace
1500m Row @ 95% 2k pace
1000m Row @ 2k pace
500m Row all out (1:55.7)
then Plank Holds and Bicycles

II. Partner WOD
Each partner completes
1500m Row (switch every 300m)
100 Burpees (switch every 10)
100 Ball Slams (switch every 10)

III. Stretch

Sunday, January 12, 2014


I. Conditioning workout with the Ann Arbor Rowing Club
2 x
15 reps
Row Sprint (45 sec)
Russian Twist (15# KB)
Burpee Box Jumps
Tricep Press (15# DB)
Bicep Curl to Press (15# DB)
Wall Balls
Agility hurdles
Pull ups

Kicked my butt!

20 min AMRAP
with partner alternate rounds
7 KB Swings (16kg)
7 Burpees
7 Wall Balls (14#)

And then
20 x
5 Squats
5 Push ups
5 Sit ups

And now I am ready for bed!

Saturday, January 11, 2014


I.2:00 min Row
20 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups
1:00 min Row
10 PVC Rollouts
20 Squats
10 Push ups

II. "Wittman"
7 x
15 KB Swings (16kg)
15 Power Cleans (65#)
15 Box Jumps
Time: 21:15

III. O - Lifting

In the evening
20 x
5 squats
5 Push ups
5 Sit ups


5 x
5:00 row
5:00 rest
Stroke rate = 28
Average = 2:01.5/500m

Thursday, January 9, 2014


I. 2:00 min Row
30 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups
1:30 min Row
30 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups
1:00 min Row
30 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

No time to WOD so in the evening did this again:
20 x
5 Squats
5 Push ups
5 Sit ups

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I. 2:00 min Row
20 Squats
10 Push ups
10 PVS Rollouts
1:00 min Row
20 Squats
10 Push ups
10 PVS Rollouts

II. 10 - 1
Push Jerk (75#)
KB Swings (16kg)
Time: 12:40

III. 20 x
5 Squats
5 Push ups
5 Sit ups
This is a great way to get 100 done!


I. 3 x
2:00 min Row
20 squats
10 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

II. Push Jerk
7 x 1 (115#)

III. Skill - Muscle up

Then stayed another hour for O-lifting

I. 10 minute warm up

II. Kang Squat (65#) Good Morning to Squat to Good Morning
Loved this movement!

III. Squat Clean

IV. 5 x Power Clean - Squat Clean - Split Jerk (85#)

Monday, January 6, 2014


I. 2 x
2:00 min Row
20 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

II. AMRAP 20 min
20 Squats
20 Push ups
20 Sit ups
20 Double Unders

I hate double unders.  Totally frustrated this morning with my inability to string them together.

III.  Stretch


I. 2 x
2:00 min Row
20 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
5 Push ups

II. Partner WOD
100 Pull ups
100 Push ups
100 Clean and Jerks (75#)
Break it up however you choose

III. Foam Rolling

Saturday, January 4, 2014


I. 3x
2 min Row
20 Squats
10 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

II. "Coe"
10 x
10 Thrusters (45#)
10 Ring Push ups
Time: 16:40
Going light on the thrusters, while challenging made this doable. 

III. O-Lifting
Squat Snatch (60#)
Front Squat 3 x 3 (95#)

Friday, January 3, 2014


Happy New Year!

1. Row
4 x 10 minutes
2 minute Rest

1) 2:11.2/500m
2) 2:08.5/500m
3) 2:09.9/500m
4) 2:11.7/500m

My rowing technique is getting better and while these rows are challenging in some ways it is getting easier.

II. Stretch/AB work (planks, etc)

III. 10 x 10
Push ups


Drove to Traverse City for New Years. To kick things off went Cross Country Skiing at Crystal Mountain.  Beautiful trails and ended up doing 7.09 miles.