Rogue Fitness

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Thursday, December 15, 2011


I. 1500m Row

II. Push Press
3 x empty bar
3 x 50% (65#)
3 x 75% (85#)
3 x 85 - 90% (100#)

3-3-3-1-1-1 (110#)

III. Partner Ladder 10 - 1
Push ups
Weighted Sit ups

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I. 1500m Row

II. Hang Clean
3 x empty bar
3 x 50% (65#)
3 x 75% (75#)
3 x 85 - 90% (85#)

3-3-3-1-1-1 (90#)

1 Pull up, 2 pull ups, 3 pull ups ...

Monday, December 12, 2011


I. 1500m Row

II. Push Press
5 x empty bar
5 x 50%
5 x 75%
5 x 85 - 90%
5-5-5-3-3-3 (110#)

III. 3 Rounds
5 Push Press (85#)
20 V-ups

Monday, December 5, 2011


I. 500m Row
30:15 x 10
Plank Holds
Sit ups

II. Shoulder Press 5 x 3

III. Skill Work
Muscle up progression

Friday, December 2, 2011


I. 8 min Spin/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 5 x
5 Pull ups
10 Ring Rows
5 Ring Push ups
10 KB Sit ups

Well, with my hamstring being jacked it looks like my upper body will be getting some work.  Trying to find enough variety is a struggle. 

III. Stretch

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I. 8 min. Spin

II. Ladders
10 - 1 Ring Push ups
10 - 1 KB Sit ups
10 - 1 Shoulder Press (55#)
10 - 1 KB Sit ups
10 - 1 Shoulder Press (65#)

III. Light Stretching - Hamstring is getting better but still very sore.  Sitting is the hardest and not being able to Crossfit.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


It looks like I have injured (possible tear) my hamstring.  I will be significantly modifying my wods until it heals, which it appears may be awhile.

I. 8 min Spin

II. 20:10 x 20
Plank Holds
Sit ups

III. 5 Dead Hang Pull ups
50 Ring Rows
15 Ring Push ups

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I. 12 minute AMRAP
500m Row/25 KB Swings/25 Squats/25 Sit ups

II. 3 minutes AMRAP x 5
6 Thrusters
6 Push ups
6 V-ups
1 minute REST between rounds

I felt like crap today. A cold and it has taken up residence in my chest making the thrusters even more painful then usual.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I. 1000m Row/30 Squats/20 Sit ups/10 PVC Rollout/3 Dead Hang Pull ups/10 PVC Rollouts

II. AMRAP 10 minutes
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
1 minute REST
AMRAP 10 Minutes
10 Deadlifts
10 Cleans
Using one bar (100#)

III. Tabata 20:10 x 4
Flutter Kicks/Sit ups

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I. 500m Row/30 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. Deadlifts 3-2-1-1-1 (205#)

III. 5 Rounds (using one bar 65#/95#)
5 Deadlifts
15 Hang Power Cleans
20 Push Presses
Time: 18:28

My goal today was to beat my time of 21:19 for this WOD.  It felt good to be able to beat it.

Monday, November 14, 2011


I. 600m Row/30 Squats/20 Sit ups/10 PVC Rollout/5 Dead Hang Pull ups/400m Row

II. AMRAP 3:00 on:1:00 Rest
2 Rounds at each Station
5 OHS (50#)
10 Lateral Jumps over the Bar
Station 2
5 Wall Balls (20#)
10 Box Jumps

III. 5 Wall Climbs

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I. 3 Rounds
500m Row/30 Squats/20 Sit ups/10 PVC Rollouts

II. EMOTM 15 minutes
2 Power Cleans (75/85/100#)
8 Box Jumps
5 minutes on: 2 minutes rest to add weight

III. Stretch

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I. 500m Row

II. Rowing Pyramid
1:00 Row:1:00 Rest
2:00 Row:2:00 Rest
3:00 Row:3:00 Rest
4:00 Row:4:00 Rest
3:00 Row:3:00 Rest
2:00 Row:2:00 Rest
1:00 Row:1:00 Rest

Friday, November 11, 2011


I. 8 minute AMRAP
200m Row/10 Squats/10 Lunges/10 Push ups/5 Dead Hang Pull ups/5 PVC Rollouts

II. 5 x 5 Deadlifts

III. 5 x
10 one-arm DB Snatch
50 Sit ups
Time: 12:32

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I. 1000m Row/30 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts
200m Row/30 Squats/10 PVC Rollout

II. Front Squats 3-3-1-1-2-1 (115#)

III. 21-15-9
Wall Balls (20#)
Weighted Sit ups (25# plate)
Box Jumps
Time: 8:03

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I. 750m Row 2 x 10 PVC Rollouts/10 Squats/10 Push ups/10 Lunges/5 Dead Hang Pull ups

II. Tabata 20:10 x 8
Pull ups/Push ups/Sit ups/Squats/Handstand Holds/Flutter Kicks

III. 500m Row

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I. 3 x 500m Row/30 Squats/20 Sit ups/10 PVC Rollouts

II. Shoulder Press 3-3-3-1-1-1 (100#)

III. 15-12-9-6-3
Front Squats (75#)
Toes to Bar
Time: 10:31

800m Run

Friday, November 4, 2011


I. 500m Row/30 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. 10 - 1
Manmakers/Badass Bitchmakers (Grab yourself 2 dumbells, drop down and do a push up while holding the DBs, crank out a row with each arm, squat clean the DBs into a thruster...that's 1 rep)
Rocking chairs
Time: 19:24

III. 500m Row

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I. 2,000m Row/30 Squats/20 Sit ups/10 Push ups

II. Back Squats 3-3-2-1-1-1 (140#)

III. 50-40-30-20-10
Wall Balls
Ab Ball Tosses
Time: 17:10

I have been recording my workouts for the past three years.  It is always fun to go back and revisit a WOD.  I did this WOD two years ago and it took me 18:00 minutes.  So I was pretty pleased that I was able to shave off almost a minute from my previous time.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I. 1000m Row
8 minutes AMRAP
200m Run/10 Squats/10 PVC Rollout/10 Push ups/10 Lunges/5 Dead Hang Pull ups

II. EMOTM for 20 minutes
6 Push ups
9 Sit ups

III. Tabata 20:10 x 8
Wall Sits/Wall Climbs

Monday, October 31, 2011


I. 8 minute AMRAP
200m Row/10 Squats/10 Push ups/10 Lunges/5 Pull up/5 PVC Rollouts

II. "Halloween" 31 reps of each
Hang Power Cleans
Air Squats
Leg Lifts
O- Bar Rollouts
Wall Balls
kEttlebell Swings
Nobody Likes BURPEES!
This WOD should take between 12 - 20 minutes

III. Stretch

Teaching sometimes gets in the way of being able to workout.  Today I did the following so I could get a workout in:

1000m Row
10 - 1 Push ups
1 - 10 Squats

Sunday, October 30, 2011


I. 8 Minute AMRAP
250m Row/10 Squats/10 Lunges/10 PVC Rollouts/5 Ring Rows

II. Partner WOD
Run together. While one partner is working, the other is holding a plank
400m Run
20 Burpees
40 Wall Balls
50 Box Jumps
60 KB Swings (16kg)
400m Run
60 KB Swing
50 Box Jumps
40 Wall Balls
20 Burpees
400m Run
The plank hold is deceiving.  You think you are going to get a rest, but think again.

III. Stretch

Saturday, October 29, 2011


REST DAY!!!! More like active rest.
60 minute Spin Class

What is active rest?
The term “active rest” or “active recovery” applies to training schedules used by athletes. In the recent past, athletes were encouraged to rest completely after a competition or on a day off. But newer research shows that engaging in low-intensity exercise during “rest” is better for maintaining fitness levels. Low-intensity exercise flushes out lactic acid and delivers healing oxygen to the muscles. Any activity that keeps the target heart rate in the 60 – 65% range is low-intensity exercise. Active rest activities are easy recreational movements like going for a bike ride or a hike. Read about active rest from the Guide to Sports Medicine at

Friday, October 28, 2011


I. 8 minutes AMRAP
250m Row/10 Squats/10 Push ups/10 Lunges Steps/5 Pull ups/5 PVC Rollouts

II. 5 Rounds
200mRun or 250m Row
20 Pull ups or Ring Rows
200m Run or 250m Row
20 Push ups
200m Run or 250m Row
20 Sit ups
200m Run or 250m Row
20 Squats
Time: 46:16

III. Stretch

Thursday, October 27, 2011


I. 500m Row
8 minute AMRAP
200m Row/10Squats/10 PVC Rollout/10 Lunges/10 Push ups/5 Ring Rows

II. BAck Squats 3-2-1-1-1 (135#)

III. 30-20-10 (use one bar)
OH Walking Lunges (45#)
Push Presses
Time: 6:57

Practiced Wall Climbs (walks)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I. 1000m Row
8 minute AMRAP
200m Row/10 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10 Lunges/10 Push ups/5 Ring Rows
20:10 x 8 Supermans

II. 21-15-9
Deadlifts (135#)
Bar Facing Burpees
Time: 9:35
20:10 x 8 O-bar Rollouts

III. Stretch

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


The Squat


I. 8 minute AMRAP
250m Row/10 Squats/10 Push ups/10 Lunges/10 PVC Rollouts/5 Pull ups

II. Front Squats 3-3-3-1-1-1 (125#)

III. 5 Rounds
7 Squat Cleans (65#)
14 KB Swings (16 kg)
Time: 9:55

I was not feeling up to this today.  My knee and lower back were sore and I just wanted to go back to bed.  But as always I am glad I did this even if I wasn't at my best.

Monday, October 24, 2011


The Back Squat


I. AMRAP 8 minutes
250m Row/10 Squats/10 Push ups/10 Lunges/10 PVC Rollouts/5 Pull ups

II. Tabata 20:10
Jumping Jacks/Mountain Climbers

III. Every 30 seconds for 8 Rounds
100m Row
7 Ring Rows
3 DB Snatches (each arm)
3 Double KB Squats/RDL

The faster you go the more rest you have.  I have to say the hardest was the row, I may have gotten a 5 - 8 second rest between rounds.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I. 2 x 500m Row/10 Squats/10 Push ups/10 PVC Rollovers

II. In Teams of 3, Row 10,000m.  Each person rows 250m before switching.  This is a 250m sprint, trying to maintain your pace throughout.

Average Pace: 1:45/500m  Total Time for Team: 40:22

III. 1 mile Run


It is sometimes really hard to take a rest day.  However, when you do the next day you feel amazing in the gym.  Refreshed and ready to tackle whatever is thrown you way. 

Friday, October 21, 2011


I. Tabata 20:10 x 8

II. "Sissy Test"
25 -1 Burpees
1 - 25 KB Swings

This is a brutual WOD.  It is long and takes a bit of mental fortitude to complete.

III. Stretch

Thursday, October 20, 2011


I. 1500m Row
AMRAP 8 minutes
15 Squats/10 Lunges/5 PVC Rollouts

II. Deadlifts 3-3-3-1-1-1 (205#)

III. AMRAP 15 Minutes
10 Wall Balls
10 Push ups
10 Box Jumps

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I. 2000m Row/20 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. Skill: Pistol

III. 21-15-9
Front Squats (75#)
Pull ups
Ring Dips
AMRAP (is as long as it takes second group to complete first part of this WOD)
250m Row
15 Leg Levers
20 Plank Jacks
25 KB Sit ups

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I. 3 Rounds
250m Row/15 Squats/20 Sit ups/10 PVC Rollouts

II. Shoulder Press 3-3-3-1-1-1 (95#)

III. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
Power Clean (65#)
KB Swings (16kg)
Box Jumps

Instruction Video on techniques for the Kettlebell Swing:

Monday, October 17, 2011


I. 1000m Row/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts
Tabata Crab Walk/Bear Crawl

II. Death by Burpee
20 minutes, minute one, complete one burpee, minute two, complete two burpees. Keep going until you can't finish the burpees in the minute.  Then do box jumps in the same manner until 20 minutes is up.
Completed: 15

III. Stretch

Sunday, October 16, 2011


I. 3 Rounds
250m Row/20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/20 Squats

II. Back Squats 3-3-3-1-1-1 (135#)

III. EMOTM 20 Minutes
5 Goblet Squats (35#)
3 Pull ups
5 Hand release Push ups

Saturday, October 15, 2011


60 minutes of Spin.

Felt good to sweat on the bike. 

Friday, October 14, 2011


I. Tabata Warm up 20:10 x 8
Bear Crawls/PVC Rollouts/Lunges

Bear Crawl fun!

II. Partner WOD
30 Med Ball Cleans, partner holds med ball overhead
30 Squats, partner holds the bottom of the squat
30 Abmat Sit ups, partner holds V- up
30 Wall Balls, partner holds the bottom of the front squat
30 Burpees, partner holds the push up position

This is a partner WOD.  While you do med ball cleans, your partner holds the med ball overhead until you are done.  Then your partner will perform med ball cleans while you hold the med ball over your head.  When both have finished this exercise, you move on to the net one.  If at any time your partner can't hold the waiting position, you both must stop working until both can continue.

III. Stretch

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I. 400m Run/30 Squats/25 Lunges/20 PVC Rollouts/15 Sit ups/10 Push ups/5 Pull ups

II. 5 Rounds
Using one bar, choose a weight that is challenging
6 Deadlifts
6 Hang Power Cleans
6 Thrusters
6 Push ups (hands on the bar)

Did this without a clock on, emphasis was on using good form for all movements.

III. Partner Ladder 5 - 1 Paralette Shoot Throughs

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I. 1000m Row/30 Squats
Bear Crawls/Crab Walks/Lizard crawl

II. "Chipper"
77 Double Unders/300 Singles
66 Hand Release Push ups
55 Sit ups
44 KB Swings
33 Toes to Bars
22 Box Jumps
11 Burpees

III. 100 Sit ups

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I was in NYC for the weekend, what a gorgeous weekend!  I am so glad that I Crossfit and am in decent shape, otherwise I don't think I would have enjoyed myself as much.  Walking all day, going from 10 am to 10 pm, is rough.  Like I said it's a good thing I Crossfit!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thanks Mr. B for sharing your life with us.

"The Last Battle" Author Unknown
If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this -- the last battle -- can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close -- we two -- these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.


I. 400m Run/Bear Crawls and other fun stuff!

II. 500m Row
25 Toes to Bar/50 Push ups/75 Squats
25 Sit ups/50 Pull ups/75 Squat Jumps
25 Hollow Rocks/50 Burpees/75 Flutter Kicks
500m Row

This was a nice little grinder that worked the upper body and abs.  It took about 30 - 35 minutes.

III. Stretch

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I. 400m Run/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/30 OHS

II. I forgot my WOD today, so I used the old standby WOD
"Deck of Card"
Hearts = Hollow Rocks
Diamonds = Pull ups
Spades = Burpees
Clubs = Wall Balls

This is a great WOD and can be used with any 4 movements so it is always different. Just pick a card and do the corresponding movement and number of reps.  Work your way through the deck. It tends to be a long WOD but also a lot of fun because of the randomness.

III. Stretch

Monday, October 3, 2011


Taught again.  This is the WOD that was posted in the gym today:

I. 400m Run 30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/30 OHS

II. 5 Rounds
35 Double Unders or 175 single
200m Run
Tabata 20:10 x 8
L- Holds/Superman Holds

III. Stretch

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I. Tabata Warm up 20:10 x 8
Jump Rope/Squats/Mt. Climbers/Sit ups

II. Partner "Santiago"
Work w/partner, 1 person working @ a time
400m Run Together
7 Rounds
18 Hang Squat Clean (65#)
18 Pull ups
10 Power Cleans (95#)
400m Run Together

This was a tough wod.  I was glad I had a partner to work with, it definitely motivated me to keep going.

III. Stretch


90 Minutes of Bikram Yoga

Today was a rest day and going to yoga for the first time in months felt great.My flexibility sucks and anything I can do to improve it helps with the muscle and joint soreness. An added benefit for me is that it is nice and warm in the studio.  That in itself is enough to make me feel better especially as the temperature starts to drop and we begin our long cold descent into winter.

26 Bikram Yoga Poses

Friday, September 30, 2011


Friday is my rest day and day to teach. I enjoy teaching Crossfit, mostly because I enjoy Crossfit and want to be able to share my passion with others.

I. 400m Run
30 Squats/20PVC Rollouts/30 OHS

II. 21 - 15 - 9
Push Press
Toes to Bar
Rocking Chairs
Building Run

III. 5 minutes Agility - Box Jumping and Paralette Shoot throughs

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I. 500m Row/Tabata 20:10 x 4
Row/Jump Rope/Squats/Sit ups

II. 1500m Row
21 KB Swings (16k)
21 Deadlifts (135#)
1000m Row
15 KB Swings
15 Deadlifts
500m Row
9 KB Swings
9 Deadlifts

This was a good WOD after yesterdays killer Back Squats WOD.  It allowed me to loosen up before lifting some weight and was more cardio than strength.

III. Stretch

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Happy Birthday to my wonderful daughter! 28 years ago today she came into my life and I have valued everyday.

I. 1000m Row/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 3 Rounds
30 Back Squats (75#)/30 KB Swings (16k)

III. Tabata 20:10 x 8
Wipers/Boat hold/Plank Hold

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I. 500m Row
Squats/Sit ups/Push ups
500m Row

II. "Melissa"
5 x 20 Burpees/10 Pull ups
Time: 15:15

III. 100 20# Partner Med Ball Sit ups

Monday, September 26, 2011

What is CrossFit?

What is CrossFit? CrossFit is an effective way to get fit. Anyone can do it. It is a fitness program that combines a wide variety of functional movements into a timed or scored workout. We do pull-ups, squats, push-ups, weightlifting, gymnastics, running, rowing, and a host of other movements. Always varied, always changing, always producing results. Kids, cops, firefighters, soccer moms, Navy SEALS, and grandmas all do CrossFit. In fact, hundreds of thousands worldwide have followed our workouts and distinguished themselves in combat, the streets, the ring, stadiums, gyms and homes. .


I. 1000m Row
2 x 1:00 each station
Squat/Sit up/Burpee/Row

II. 25 Lunge Steps
50 Ab Ball tosses/25 Lunge Steps
50 Step ups/25 Lunge Steps
50 Box Dips/25 Lunge Steps
50 Ring Rows
Time: 12:36

III. 10 -1 Partner Ladders
DB Thrusters
Sit ups

My legs were sore, especially right IT Band, from running 12.5 miles (3 legs) at Dances with Dirt.  It felt good to get moving and the lunge steps helped to stretch out the IT Band.  If I am going to do something like that again I am definitely going to have to do more running beforehand.  It is so much more fun if you are not in pain during and after the event.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


I. 1 mile walk to Joust

II. 5 Minute AMRAP
100 Jump Ropes/25 Flutter Kicks/25 Squats
10 Minute AMRAP
20KB Swings/20 Push Press/20 Situps
5 Minute AMRAP
10 Push ups/10 Lunges/10 Ring Dips
10 Minute AMRAP
20 Cleans/20 O-Bar Rollouts/20 Front Squats
5 Minute AMRAP
10 Goblet Squats/10 KB Sit ups/10 Snatches

III. Stretch


Dances with Dirt - 100K Team Relay (5 per team)
 12 Hours of trail running in the mud, river and woods with 400 teams.

Friday, September 23, 2011


I. 1:00 minute each of:
Jump Ropes/Mt. Climbers/Squats/Sit ups

II. Shorts and Shawls Rx 65#/95#
75 Push Press/25 Box Jumps
50 Push Press/50 Box Jumps
25 Push Press/75 Box Jumps

This is a mentally tough WOD.  It can get a bit monotonous and you have to power through to get it done. It took people between 20 - 28 minutes to complete.

III. Stretch

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I. 800m Run/30 Lunges/20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. 15-12-9-6-3
Power Clean (75#)
Bar Facing Burpees
Time: 9:40

III. AMRAP 10 minutes
10 KB Sit ups

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I. 400M Run/150 Jump Ropes/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

3 - 3- 2- 2- 1-1 Split Jerk (115#)

3 - 2 - 2 - 2- 1- 1 Deadlift (210#)

III. Bottom to bottom Tabata 20:10 x 8
Tabata Burpees 20:10 x 8

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I. 400m Run/10 Push ups/Pull ups/Squats/Burpees
30 PVC OHS/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 10,000m Partner Row
In Teams of 2 or 3 each partner rows either 400m or 250m before switching.
Time: 40:12 (Partner with Mandie, we each rowed 400m)

Proper rowing techniques helped to get through this workout.  The ability to maximize each stroke reduces the number of stroke you need to do.  Check out this video on rowing techniques.

III. Stretch

Monday, September 19, 2011


I. 500m Row/25 Sit ups
7 minute AMRAP
150m Row/Sit ups/Burpees/Goblet Squats

II. 7 minute AMRAP
7 Sandbag ground to shoulder/30 Squats
1:00 Minute REST
7 Minute AMRAP
7 Pull ups/7 Ring Dips
1:00 minute REST
7 minute AMRAP
7 Med Ball Thrusters/7 Ball Slams/7 Med Ball Sit ups

III. Stretch

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I. 500m Row/25 Sit ups/500m Row
800m Run/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups/5 Pull ups

II. Partner "DT"
Partner 1 100m sprints until Partner 2 completes round of DT.  Both Partners complete 5 rounds of DT:
12 Deadlifts
9 Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
(rx 135#/95#)
This was a pretty challenging WOD. The sprint (slow) was the rest.

III. Stretch

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Today across the nation, Crossfit boxes participated in Fight Gone Bad to raise money for the Wounded Warriors Fund.  Almost $2M was raised by athletes completed the Fight Gone Bad WOD:
3 Rounds/1 minute at each station
Wall Balls
Box Jumps
Push Press
Row (calories)

Having done this workout the other day, I went to the gym to cheer on the other athletes.

Afterwards I did the following WOD:

500m ROW
10 x 1:00 minute Row/1:00 minute Rest

Friday, September 16, 2011


I. 1000m Row/10 PVC Rollouts/15 OHS/10 PVC Rollout/15 OHS

II. OHS (85#)

III. AMRAP 20 minutes
Max Sit ups
1:00 minute Row Sprint
Score = total # sit ups + calories = 512

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Fight Gone Bad

I do not like FGB but did it to support the other athletes in the gym and the bigger cause the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. In this video Greg Glassman explains the development of Fight Gone Bad.

3 X 1:00 minute at each station , 1:00 minute REST

Wall Ball/SDLHP/Box Jump/Push Press/Row (calories)
Rx = 55#/75#

Score = total # of Reps = today 269

Wednesday, September 14, 2011



This is a good article in Rest and Training.  It looks at all aspects of rest, which includes sleep, days off, and nutrition.  I find taking a day off allows me to come back stronger, refreshed and motivated.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I. 400m Run/30 Squats/20 PVC rollouts/30 Squats

II.  Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 (110#)

III. Partner Ladder
3 x 1:00 minute Row
5 - 1 Paralette Shoot Through (I love these!)
15 - 1 Sit ups
5 -1 Pull ups

Nice little WOD to get the blood flowing.  Working with a partner seems to always make the WOD more enjoyable.  Great group of CFers this morning to workout with.

Monday, September 12, 2011


I. 400m Run
2 x 30 Lunges/20PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups/5 Pull ups

II. 21-15-9
Wall Balls
SDLHP (65#)
Box Jump
Push Press (65#)
Row (calories)
Time: 16:09

III. 50 Abmat Sit ups
Great Fight Gone Bad warm up.  I actually liked this WOD, given that I don't particularly care for FGB and was somewhat dreading this WOD, it is one I would do again.  Not anytime soon but will definitely revisit in the future. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I. 7 x
Row 1:00/Rest 2:00

II. 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Deadlifts
135#/155#/175/175#/185#/195#/205#/failed 210#

I thought I would be able to do better on this WOD.  But for some reason I could not move the 210#.  I have to say I was a bit disappointed but will definitely try this again.


I. 1200m Run/30 Lunges/25 Sit ups/20Squats/15 PVC Rollouts/10 Push Ups/5 Pull ups

II. Crossfit Baseball (AMRAP in 20 minutes)
Batter's Box - 10 Sit ups
1st Base - 10  Push ups
2nd Base - 10 Squats
3rd Base - 10 Burpees
Home Plate - 10 Jumping Lunges
Lunge between bases
This is a nice way to mix up a 20 minute AMRAP and no equipment is needed.  And we got an awesome work out. You can also divide the group into teams and see who gets the most runs in 20 minutes.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Friday morning I instruct at the box I train.  This morning I got in a bit early and completed a 1500m Row and 100 sit ups before folks started trickling in. 

Today's WOD:
I. 400m Run/2 x 30 Squats/20 Lunges/10 PVC Rollout/5 Pull ups

II.  Partner WOD - one person working at a time, run is together
30 Deadlifts (rx 95/155#)
30 Box Jumps
30 Hand Release Push ups
200m Run with 25 or 45# plate

This took folks anywhere from 30 - 40 minutes to complete.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I. Tabata Warm up 20:10 x 8
Row/Lunges/PVC Rollouts/Squats

II. 5 -3- 2- 1- 1 Back Squats (145#)

10 Burpees/20 Pull ups/30 Box Jumps/40 Sit ups
50 Double Unders
40 Sit ups/30 Box Jumps/20 Pull ups/10 Burpees
Time: 14:30

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I. 400m Run/30 Lunges/20PVC Rollouts/10 Squats/5 Push ups

II. Tabata Weighted Squats 20:10 x 8

III. AMRAP 20 Minutes
5 Burpees
10 Toes to Bar
15 Squats

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I. 400m Run
2 x 30 Lunges/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Squats/5 Pull ups

II. 21-15-9
OHS (50#)
Hand Release Push ups
Building Run

III. 3 Rounds
500m Row
2 Minute Rest

Monday, September 5, 2011


I. 2K row/30 Lunge Steps/20 PVC Rollouts

II. Master's WOD #16
77 Double Unders (my nemeis, but I am determined to conquer)
66 Push ups (Hand Release)
55 Abmat Sit ups
44 American KB Swings (16kg)
33 Toes to Bar
22 Box Jumps
11 Burpees
Time: 22:04

III. 500m Row/20 PVC Rollouts

Toes to bar probably one of my favorite movements.  Here is an instructional video on knees to elbow, couldn't find one for Toes to Bar, but the movement is similar and gives the basic concept.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I. 1K Row/25 Sit ups/500m Row
400m Run/2 x 30 Lunges/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups/5 Pull ups

II. OHS 5 -5 - 4 - 3 - 3 - 1 (80#)

III. AMRAP 20 minutes
2 KB Goblet Squats
3 KB Sit ups
Add 1 rep after each round completed.

This is a great way to mix up an AMRAP.  You have to think about what you are doing and while at first it doesn't seem very challenging it quickly becomes challenging.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


45 Minutes Spin

I went to check out the Real Ryder Spinning Studio.  It wasn't bad but really no different than any other spin studio. Loud music, dim lights and the instructor yelling commands.  The bike is suppose to simulate an outdoor ride.  I can't say that's how it felt, however, in order to keep the bike steady, while standing, you are forced to engage your core. I purchased a Group On deal so I will go back a couple more times but am not convinced it is any better than your standard spin class.

2K Row
100 Sit ups
2K Row

Friday, September 2, 2011


I didn't do this work out but rather taught the class.  The WOD was challenging both physically and mentally.  And to top it off it was a hot, humid morning.  All agreed they were glad they came at 6:00 am as the heat and humidity were definitely a factor. 

WOD: 10 Rounds
100m Run
10 Pull ups
10 Burpees, Yay Burpees!

This is one of those workout that is sometimes more of a mental challenge.  I am not saying it is not physically challenging but it is one that you can easily talk yourself out of completing.  But you have to focus on that little voice in your head whispering, you can do it! Sometimes it hard to hear, but if you listen, YOU CAN DO IT! This is one of the most important lessons I have learned from doing Crossfit over the years, you can overcome any challenge, whether it is in the gym, workplace or home, if you put your mind in the right place and listen to that tiny voice.  And the more you listen, that tiny voice becomes louder and easier to hear.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Rock Taping

I have been wondering about all the taping I have been seeing on CrossFit athletes. What is the purpose and benefits of all this taping? This short video gives a brief explanation and the possible benefits.


I. 800m Run/500m Row/30 Lunges/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Squats

II. Front Squats 5 -3- 2- 1- 1 (130#)

III. 10 Rounds
5 Power Cleans (75#)
10 Hand release Push ups
5 Toes to Bars

In order to avoid a mutiny, modified the number of Toes to Bar from 10 to 5.  And added a 20 minute cap, which was enough time to complete the WOD.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I. 400m Row/100 Jump Ropes/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. "Nancy"
5 Rounds
400m Run
15 OHS
Time: 16:10

I really don't like Nancy.  It's not so much the Overhead Squat but the 400m run for 5 rounds really slows me down.

III. Stretch

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I. 400m Run
2 x 30 Lunges Steps/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Squats/5 Toes to Bar

II. Dead Lifts 5 -3- 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 (205#)

III. 10 - 1
KB Swings (16kg)
Hand release Push ups
Weighted Sit ups (25#)
100m Run
Time: 14:50

10 - 1 WOD are challenging but easy to construct. You can take any two, three or more movements and create a challenging work out.

Monday, August 29, 2011


I. 400m Run/150 Jump Ropes/200 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. Tabata Morning
20:10 x 8
Squats/Pullups/Pushups/Situps/Burpees/Box Jumps
Bonus Rounds
Boat Holds/Flutter Kicks

I love Tabatas! It is amazing at the kind of work out you can get by repeatedly doing 20 seconds of work.  
III. Stretch

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I. 400m Run
Tabata 20:10 x 4
Jump Ropes/Squat/Sit up/Lunge Step

II.  Sunday Partner WOD
One person working, other holds a plank. Run Together.
400m Run
200 Squats
400m Run
150 Push Press (55#)
400m Run
100 Pull ups
400m Run
50 Burpees

This was an ass kicker.  Holding a plank is no rest at all! It took between 30 - 40 minutes for the teams. All agreed it was a challenging work out.

Friday, August 26, 2011


I. 400m Run/150 Jump Ropes/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

During this short 400m run, I have been working on my running form.  I notice that I am able  to run faster with less effort.  Also, running in NB minimus shoes I have found that striking the ground hard impacts my heels, and calves so improving my running form helps to reduce the impact.

II. Tabata Gone Bad
20:10 x 8
Row/Wall Balls/SDLHP/Box Jumps/Push Press

III. Stretch

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I. 400m Run/100 jump ropes/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 21-15-9
Burpee Box Jumps
Shoulder Press (65#)
Romainian Deadlifts
Building Run
Time: 16:27

III. Tabata 20:10 x 8
Bottom to bottom Squat
Flutter Kicks

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I. 800m Run
30 Squats/25 Sit ups/20 Lunge Steps/15 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups/5 Pull ups

25 Deadlifts (135#)
50 Pull ups
25 Deadlifts

III. 2 x 1:00/30 sec rest
Sit ups/Plank Holds/Paralette Shoot Throughs (I love these! They are a great total body mini-WOD.)

Monday, August 22, 2011


I. 400m run/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. AMRAP 8 minutes
3 SDLHP (65#)
6 Box Jumps
9 Wall Balls
2 minute REST
AMRAP 8 minutes
3 Push Press (65#)
6 Pull ups
9 American KB Swings (16kg)

III. Tabata 20:10 x 8
KB Sit ups/Flutter Kicks

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I. 400m Run
2 x 30 Lunge Steps/20 PVC Rollout/10 Push ups/5 Pull ups

II. Back Squats 5 - 3 - 2 - 1- 1 (135#)

III. With a Partner 10 Rounds
10 KB Swings
10 Sit ups
10 Burpees
100m Run
Partner 1 starts and complete a round before Partner two starts



20 minutes on Elliptical Runner

10 - 1
Leg Lifts

Friday, August 19, 2011


I. 400m Run/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. EMOTM 20 Minutes
Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes. You should strive to consistently get the work done in the same amount of time each round. You also want to move fast enough so that you get a rest of 15 - 30 seconds each round.
5 Thrusters
4 Sit ups
3 Pull ups

III. 1 mile Run

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I. 400m Run/30 PVC rollouts/20 Lunge Steps/10 Push ups

II. 800m Run
20 Manmakers
40 Pull ups
80 Push ups
160 Squats
800m Run
This was a great total body WOD requiring minimal equipment.

III. Stretch

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Gym is Different Than Other Gyms


I. 400m Run/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. AMRAP 12 minutes
400m Run/5 Deadlifts (155#)
Rounds Completed 3 + 400m

III. EMOTM 5 minutes
20 Push Press (completed 4 rounds 20 and 1 round 16)
20 SDLHP (completed 10 reps for each round)

10 minues of work and I was spent.  This is the beauty of Crossfit.  You can get an incredible workout in a short period of time.  You are still building strength, flexibility and aerobic capacity without having to spend hours in the gym.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I. 1200m Run
2 Rounds
20 Squats/15 PVC Rollout/10 Push ups/5 Pull ups

II. 5 - 3 - 1 - 1
Front Squats (110#)

III. 4 Rounds
10 Power Cleans (75#)
15 Burpees
20 KB Swings (16kg)
Time: 11:54

Monday, August 15, 2011


I. 400m Run/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 1 mile Run
30 front Squats (85#)
Time: 16:45

III. AMRAP 10 Minutes
100m Sprint
10 Weighted Sit ups
5 Parallette Shoot Through

These are an awesome total body movement.  Five reps are definitely challenging!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I. 2 Rounds
150 Jump Ropes/30 Lunge Steps/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups
20 OHS/30 Situps

This is a fun WOD. You can use any lift as well as any complimentary movements to develop a WOD. It's short and sweet and you can impress your friends and family by telling them you lifted 5000lbs today :). 

II. Deadlift 5000lbs
Box Jumps
KB Swings (16kg)
# of reps is determined by # of Deadlifts
(135# = 38 Reps)
Time: 6:54

III. 1200m Run
Tabata Abs 20:10 x 8
Sit ups
Plank Holds


Lisbeth's posts are always dead on.  This one "The Barbell Hates Skinny" pretty much sums up how I felt when I started Crossfit.  Overtime and with a lot of hard work I have gotten the results I wanted and learned to love the barbell.  I also know that with continued effort, I will continue to see improvement. Sometimes it is just a few pounds added or a few seconds shaved off a previous time, nonetheless it feels like a great accomplishment.  This is why I Crossfit!

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Rest Day!

And boy do I need it.  After yesterday's 100 Pull ups and 100 Jumping Back Squats my body is tired, a day of recovery is definitely in order. A day off allows me to come back the next day rejuvenated and ready for anything that is thrown my way.  I also find this is when I can usually PR.

Friday, August 12, 2011


I. 400m Run/30 OHS/30 PVC Rollouts

II. 40-30-20-10
Pull ups/Jumping Back Squats (45#)
Time: 19:32

I am just not that fast with pull ups.  I have been working on the butterfly pull ups, which seems to be easier on my shoulders and a bit faster than the kipping pull up.  Check out this video comparing the two. Tearing the callus on my hands is another concern when doing this many pull ups.  I haven't tried taping but CF Los Angeles posted this video on "How To Tape Your Hands for Pull Ups."

III. AMRAP 8 minutes
200m Sprint/20 Sit ups
4 rounds + 200m Sprint

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I like working out at 6 am, it's a great way to start the day. I find that due to the early hour my performance is not always the best usually because my muscles are not warmed up.  A good warm up is essential but I also have to recognize that my performance, whether it be the amount of weight I lift or the speed I go, may not be as good as when I workout later in the day.

I. 1200m Run/30 OHS/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 5 x 5 Deadlifts (185# last Sunday @ 10:30 when I did these I was able to use 190#.  This morning I struggled with 185#)

III. EMOTM 20 minutes
3 Pull ups/6 Push ups/3 Squats

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I. 400m Run/30 DU/30 OHS/20 PVC Rollouts

II. EMOTM 20 Minutes
5 SDLHP (65#)
5 Burpees

III. 20:10 x 4
GHD Back Extensions/Plank Holds/Lunges Steps/O-Bar rollouts/Siy ups

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I. Tabata Warm up
20:10 x 8
Jump Ropes/Squats/Sit ups

II. 5 x 5 Shoulder Press (85#)

III, 3 Rounds
9 Squat Cleans

Monday, August 8, 2011


I. 400m Run/150 Jump Ropes/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. "Fight Gone Bad"
3 Rounds 1 minute at each station, 1 minute rest
Wall Balls
SDLHP (55#)
Box Jumps
Push Press
I worked on maintaining the same # of reps each round.  Next time will bump up the # of reps.

III. 50 Sit ups

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I. 800m Run
Wall Balls/Burpees

II. 5 x 5 front Squats (95#)

III. Death by Tabata 20:10 x 8
Deadlifts (135#)/Burpees
800m Run

MasterWOD is up and running again.  Check out the site and the WODs!


1500 yd. Swim
I felt great today.  The swim is getting easier as I improve my technique.  It helps to not over think, makes the swim much more enjoyable.

Friday, August 5, 2011


I. 400m Run/150 jump ropess/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups

II. "Chipper"
10 HSPU (take a look at this program for getting Handstand Pushups)
20 Wall Balls
30 Toes to Bar
40 Cleans (75#)
50 Burpees
60 SDLHP (55#)
Time: 20:39

III. Stretch

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Competition Mindset by Robert Hartgrove

I think Robert Hartgrove nailed the true essence of Crossfit when he wrote this:

I think it needs to be said...

Competition is a good thing. It pushes you past comfortable. It allows you to know where you stand.

However, let it be clear who you are competing with every day when you step into the box. If you are competing against the times written down on the whiteboard, or those that will later in the day, then you are selling yourself short. Remember, there are now thousands of whiteboards around the world with times you can't compete with every day.
There is really only one person you should be trying to beat every WOD... yourself. That little voice in your head that keeps demanding that you: slow down, stop and breathe, count that Double Under even though it got caught on your shoes, count that Overhead Squat when you know you didn't go below parallel, or quit the WOD because you just met pukie (nice push through today Jimmy).
You see, being the fastest time or heaviest weight on the whiteboard doesn't make you a better person. Being able to hear that little voice, give it the finger, and get back to work does. One of Crossfit's principals is to provide you with the ability to handle anything that life can throw at you to impede your progress. It was not designed as a daily competition between athletes, that's what the Games are for.
Take today's WOD for example. I am sure that someone will get a faster time today, but even if it stands on top after the last class, I won't think I won. There were too many times during the DUs that the little voice was too convincing, and I listened. Even the last 2 rounds of push ups had me spending long enough on the ground that if someone would have walked into the box, they would have thought it was nap time. I got beat today. I can do better. Not for the whiteboard, but so that I am a better me than when I arrived.
Therefore, use the whiteboard as a useful tool. Just remember it is like the scale or caliper, a medium to measure YOUR progress against yourself. I am not railing on the friendly competition during the WOD to keep focused on why you are pushing through the pain, it is always welcomed. Just make sure that it isn't the goal to beat everyone, because there will always be someone better(minus maybe a Rich Froning or Annie T, this year).

If you can consistently keep beating yourself, you have won everything.


I. 400m Run/100 jump ropes/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups

II. 5 x 5 Back Squats (115#)

III. 5 Rounds
10 Push ups
20 KB Swings (16kg)
30 Box Jumps
Time: 17:10

This article is inspirational! Gary Player's lifestyle focuses on fitness.  Here is a man who at 75 looks to be in phenomonal shape. Check out this article on Gary Player's fitness routine or I should say lifestyle.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I. 400m Run/150 Jump Ropes/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 5 x 5 Deadlifts (190#)

III. 20 minute AMRAP
5 Burpees/10 Toes to Bar/15 Air Squats
Rounds: 8 + 5 burpees + 8 Toes to Bar

Evening Swim 1400yds.
I did not enjoy this swim.  Not sure why, perhaps I was tired or perhaps swimming in the lane next to the wall where the water was slushing around made it more difficult.  Maybe this is just an excuse.  But I must say I quite enjoyed my time in the hot tub.

Monday, August 1, 2011


I. 400m Run/150 Jump Ropes/30Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/5 Push ups

II. 21-15-9
Overhead Squats (65#)
Hand Release Push up
100m Run

III. Tabata Abs 20:10 x 8
O-bar Rollouts/Sit ups/Plank Holds/Leg Levers

Sunday, July 31, 2011


I. 800m Run/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 5 minutes Box Jump Agility Drill

III.  20 Minute AMRAP
In Teams of 3 - One person @ a time doing Man-Makers
the others complete 50m Sandbag relay.
Score = Total # of Man Makers = 85


3.0 mile Run

1450m Swim
I worked on my stroke trying to be more efficient.  Today went from 27 strokes per 25m to 22 strokes.  It definitely felt smoother and more efficient.

Friday, July 29, 2011


I. Tabata Warm up 20:10 x 8
Jump Ropes/Squats/Sit ups

KB Swings

III. Tabata Cool Down 20:10 x 8
O-Bar Rollouts/KB Plank Holds/GHD Sit ups/Leg Levers

Thursday, July 28, 2011


This guys is awesome to watch. Lots of energy and fun!


I. Tabata Warm up 20:10 x 8
Jumps Ropes/Squats/Sit ups/Step ups

II. 7 Rounds
15 Box Jumps
10 Deadlifts (95#)
5 Pull ups
Time: 13:10

III. 20:10 x 8 Plank Hold

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I. 400m Run/150 jump Ropes/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups

II. AMRAP 12 minutes
Max. Push ups
Building Run

III. Tabata 20:10 x 8
Leg Levers
Back Extensions

Agility Drills

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I. 400m Run/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/30 Squats

II. 5 x 5 OHS (60#)
Limited by shoulder flexibility.  I have been doing lots of stretches to increase mobility in my shoulder. MobilityWOD is an awesome site that provides several ways to increase mobility.
Resetting Shoulder
Shoulder Range

III. 4 Rounds
15 Cleans (65#)
10 Toes to Bar
15 Push Presses
100m Sprint

Monday, July 25, 2011


3 mile Run
Time: 31:05

This was my first run of greater than a mile in forever.  I can't say I felt great but it didn't feel bad either.  I definitely need to build my endurance and stamia in regards to running.  And also speed. My pace wasn't horrible but it wasn't great either.  I have until September to prepare for Dances with Dirt in Hell, Michigan, a 100K team relay in the Pinkney Rec Center.  In past years I was much better prepared, but I still have time. 


Crossfit - It's a Way of Life!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


I. 400m Run/30 Squats/20 PVC Rolloouts/10 Push ups

II. 5 x 3 front Squats (105#)

III. Partner WOD
800m Run then
KB Snatch (35#)
Goblet Squat
KB Sit up
KB Swings ... then
800m Run
Time: 34:00


1300m Swim

The swimming feels great! With the heat in the 90s,  it is the one workout that feels refreshing, instead of draining. I am continuing to improve my freestyle stroke and increase the distance I swim.    

Faster Freestyle Swimming

Friday, July 22, 2011


I. 400m Run/150 Jump Ropes/30 Squats/20PVC Rollouts

II. 5 Rounds
400m Rum
15 OHS (45#)
Time: 18:52

III. 100 Sit ups/400m Run

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I. 400m Run
Tabata Warm up 20:10 x 8
KB Swings/Squats/Sit ups

II. 5 x 3 Shoulder Press (85#)

III. AMRAP 20 Minutes
3 Deadlifts (155#)
9 Toes to Bar

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I. 400m Run/150 Jump Ropes/30 Squats/10 Push ups

II. 3 x 5 Squat Clean and Jerk (70#)

III. 10 -20-30-20-10
Weighted Sit up (25#)
Weighted Lunge Steps (25#)
Elevated Push ups

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I. 400m Run/20:10 x 8 Squats/Sit ups

II. 5 x 5 Back Squats (115#)

III. 4 Rounds
15 Pull ups
15 Box Jumps
15 KB Swings
400m Run

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I. 3 Rounds
2 minutes Jump Ropes
1 minute REST
20:10 x 8

II. 5 x 3 Deadlifts (185#)

III. Deck of Cards
Hearts = Push ups
Diamonds = Squats
Spades = Weighted Sit ups
Clubs = Wall Balls


4.0 Mile Run/Walk

Friday, July 15, 2011


I. 200 Jump Ropes/400m Run/100 Jump Ropes/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups

II. 4 Rounds
10 KB Manmakers (25#)
400M Run
Time: 23:22

III. 50 KB Sit ups

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I. 250 Jumps Ropes/400m Run
3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. Barbell Complex - 5 x 5
Deadlift/Squat Clean/Push Press/Back Squat

Add 5# after each round - started @ 55# - 75#

III. 3 Rounds
12 OH Weighted Lunge Steps (35#)
21 American KB Swings (16kg)
400m Run

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I. 1250 Jump Ropes/1000m Run/20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/5 Push ups

II.  With a partner AMRAP 25 minutes
10 x Cindy (5 Pullups, 10 Push ups, 15 Squats)
200 American KB Swings (35#)
As many 100m Seld Runs as possible (35#)

III. Tabata Abs
20:10 x 10
Alternating Sit ups and Plank Holds

Monday, July 11, 2011


I. 400m Run/100 Jumps Ropes/20 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 5 Rounds
400m Run
10 RDL/10 Push ups
20 Goblet Squats/20 Sit ups

III. 50 Leg Lifts

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I. 1 mile Run/150 Jump Ropes/1000m Run/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups

II. 5 x 3 Shoulder Press (85#)

III. 4 Rounds
400m Run
20 Deadlifts (105#)/20 Push ups
10 Deadlifts/10 Push ups
Time: 28:49

Saturday, July 9, 2011


I. I mile Run/200 Jump Ropes/20 Squats

II. 5 x 5 Deadlifts (175#)

III. 5 Rounds
5 Power Cleans (65#)
6 Front Squats
7 Push Press
Time: 5:15

IV. O-Lifting Snatch (55#)

V. 1 Mile Run

Friday, July 8, 2011


I. 200 Jump Ropes/400 Run/150 Jumps Ropes

II. "Karen"
150 Wall Balls
Time: 6:10

III. 4 x 100m Sled Pull
100 Push ups


I. 1000m Run/30 Lunge Steps/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups

II. 5 x 5 Front Squats (85#)

10 - 1 Manmakers
1 - 10 Pull ups

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I. 400m Run/200 Jumps Ropes/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups/5 Pull ups

II. 5 x 5 Shoulder Press (80#)

III. 5000lbs Ground to Overhead
75# x 67
Time: 9:15

IV. 150 Sit ups


I. 1 Mile Run/200 Jump Ropes/30 Lunge Steps/20 PVC Roll outs

II. "Blake"
4 x
50m Weight Overhead Lunge Steps (35#)
30 Box Jumps
20 Wall Balls
Time: 36:15


I. 1 mile run/400m Run/200 Jump Ropes/30 Lunge Steps/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 5 x 5 OHS (70#)

III. Tabata Gone Bad 20:10 x 5
Wall Balls
SDLHP (65#)
Box Jumps
Push Press

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I. 1 mile/2 x 50 Jump Ropes/10 front Squats/
10 PVC Rollouts/PVC Drops/Drops from High Hang

II. Clean and Jerk

I got up to 110# today.  Continue to work on my form with little progress, still pulling wih my arms. I am totally frustrated in my inability to master this lift, but will continue to work on developing this skill.

Here are several videos that may help with technique:

Mike Burgener: Coaching the Power Clean

Mark Rippetoe: Coaching rhe Power Clean

Clean and Jerks are essential Crossfit

Clean and Jerk 212Kg

Friday, July 1, 2011


I. 400m Run/100 Jump Ropes/30 Squats

21 Deadlifts (135#)/50 Squats/21 Push Presses (65#)/50 Squats
15 Deadlifts/50 Squats/15 Push Presses/50 Squats
9 Deadlifts/50 Squats/9 Push Presses

III. 50 Sit ups
20:10 x 8 L-sits

Thursday, June 30, 2011


I. 400m Run
Tabata 20:10 x 4
Jump Ropes/Squats/Push up/Pull ups

II. 5 x 5 front Squats (80#)

III. 800m Run
30 Clean and Jerks (75#)
800m Run
Feeling a bit under the weather, so went light on the weighs today.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I. 400m Run/100 Jump Ropes/30 Squats/15 PVC Rollouts/5 Pull ups

II. 5 x 5 Deadlifts (170#)

III. 10-15-20-15-10
Box Jumps
Wall Balls
Push Press (65#)
Time: 13:02

IV. 20:10 x 8 Plank Holds

Monday, June 27, 2011


I. 150 Jump Ropes/400m Run/30 Squats/20 PVc Rollouts

II. Back Squat (135#)

III. 10 -1
Burpee Pull ups/HSPU

Sunday, June 26, 2011


I. 1 mile Run
3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollout/5 Pull ups

II. 5 x 5 Overhead Squat (75#)

III.  3 x 1 min @ each
SDLHP (65#)
Push Press
Box Jump
Wall Ball
Score: 233
Double Unders my nemesis.  I know it takes practice, although, Buddy Lee makes it look so easy. I think one of the deteriants to practice is the whip marks on your arms and legs from missing. Anyway check out these video, maybe one of them will click:

Friday, June 24, 2011


I. 200 Jump Ropes/400m Run/20 PVC Rollouts/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 3 x 5 Squat Clean and Jerk (115#)

III. AMRAP 7 Minutes
5 Cleans (75#)
10 Front Squats
15 Push Ups


I. 400m Run
AMRAP 10 minutes
25 American KB Swings/25 KB Sit ups/25 Squats

II. 5 x 5 Back Squats (105#)

III. 10 -1
Cleans/Box Jumps
Even Round - 10 Push ups
Odd Rounds - 10 Sit ups
Time: 12:22

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I. 400m Run/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups

II. 21-15-9
Row (calories)
Wall Balls
Building Run
Time: 24:05

III. 30 O-bar Rollouts


Rest day

GHD Sit ups

Tai Chi

Monday, June 20, 2011


I. 1 Mile Run/150 Jump Ropes/400m Run
75 Push ups/150 Sit ups

II.  5 x 5 Shoulder Press (80#)

III. 3 Rounds
100m Overhead Sandbag Carry (37#)
30 Squats
30 American KB Swings (16kg)

25 Mile Bike Ride

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I. 1 mile Run/150 Sit ups/75 Push ups

II. O- Lifting Clean & Jerk

III. 1 mile Run

Butterfly Pull up

Friday, June 17, 2011


I. 125 Sit ups/400m Run/30 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups

II. 1 Mile Run 8:08

III. AMRAP 15 minutes
5 KB Sotts Press
10 Jumping Lunges
15 American KB Swings
Rounds = 8

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I. Tabata Warm up 20:10 x 8
Jump Rope/Squat/KB Swings/KB Sit ups

II. 5 x 5 Back Squats (100#)

III. Partner WOD
5 minute Ring Plank Hold
Partner 1  - Hold Plank
Partner 2 - Squats
Penalty for changing/dropping 30 Wall Balls

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Are We Built to Run Barefoot? Check out this New York Times article on this latest craze.

I just purchased a pair of New Balance Minimus Trail Running shoes for Crossfit training.  I love them but can totally identify with this article.  I only run short distances (1 mile or less) in my training and have had to definitely be more conscious of my running form. It is recommended to take it easy at first, so your body (mostly feet and calves) get used to the difference. However, I find them great for all other aspects of my Crossfit training (weight lifting, box jumps, pull ups, squats, etc.) 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I. 150 Jump Ropes/5x10 push ups/20 sit ups
400m run/2 x 20 squats/10 PVC rollouts/5 pull ups

II. 5 x 5 Front Squats (75#)

III. 21 Deadlifts (155#) 50 Sit ups 21 Push Presses (65#)
      15 Deadlifts, 50 Sit ups, 15 Push Presses
        9 Deadlifts, 50 Sit ups, 9 Push Presses

Monday, June 13, 2011


I. 150 Jump Ropes/20 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 3 Rounds
500m Row
25 Burpees
25 Box Jumps
400m Run

III. 3 x 5 Shoulder Press (75#)

I was not in the best  of moods today.  Overslept so I wasn't able to get my usual warm up in and my legs were fried from all the "playing" over the weekend. Oh well, got it done and now off for a busy day of meetings.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


I. 1.75 mile Run
5 x 10 Push ups/20 Situps

II. 5 x 5 deadlifts (165#)

III. AMRAP 20 Minutes
10 SDLHP (65#)
10 Push Press
10 Box Jump
Rounds: 8

20.7 mile Bike Ride with MXP.  Great ride through the Metro Parks but it was a bit chilly

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Rx Jump Ropes

Check at the jump ropes from Rx Jump Ropes.  Not only are they great jump ropes to meet the needs of the various skills of the person but they have incredible customer service.  Customize your rope and it will be delivered within days to your doorstep.


I. 3 mile walk with weighted vest

II. 100 Jump Ropes
     5 Rounds
     10 Push ups
     20 Sit ups
     100 Jump Ropes

III. Swim 1500m

Friday, June 10, 2011


I. 100 Sit ups/400m Run/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 5 Rounds
30 Wall Balls (14#)
15 Pull ups

III. AMRAP 10 Minutes
200m Run
10 Good Mornings

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I. 1 Mile Run
3 x 20 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/5 Push ups

II. "Grace"
30 Clean and Jerks (95#)
Time: 4:41

III. 15 - 10 - 5
Box Jumps
KB Swings
Buliding Run between rounds


I. 1 mile run
Tabata 20:10 x 8
KB Swings
Sit ups

II. 5 x 5 Back Squats (95#)

III. 3 x
20 OH Walking Lunges with 25# plate
20 CF Push ups

Monday, June 6, 2011


I. 400m Run/100 sit ups/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. AMRAP 15 minutes
15 Snatches (55#)
5 Dead Hang Pull ups (Blue Band)

III. 20:10 x 8 Flutter Kicks
100 Sit ups


I. 2 mile Run/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Pull ups

II. 5 x 5 Shoulder Press (75#)

III. Teams of Three
3,600m Row
300 Ring Dips
150 V - ups


I. 1 mile run/ 100 sit ups
O - Lifting - Squat Clean and Jerk

II. 400m Run/30 Squats/20 Push ups

III. "Nancy"
5 x 400m Run/15 OHS (65#)
Time: 24:17

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I. AMRAP 10 minutes
100 Jump Ropes
10 Lunge Steps
10 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

II. 15 minutes Skill: Squat Clean and Jerk (110#)

1000m Row
20 Wall Balls
20 O/H Lunge Steps (45#)
20 Push ups
1000m Row

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I. 10 minutes AMRAP
250m Row/10 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts/10 Situps

II. 15 minutes - Front Squat (120#)

III. 12 Minute AMRAP
2 Deadlifts (155#)
4 SDLHP (65#)
8 Box Jumps
Rounds = 12

Saturday, April 16, 2011


I. 2 X 100 Jump Ropes/20 Lunges/20 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

Skill: OHS (85#)

II. 1 -10 Partner Ladder
Push up
Pull up
Burpee Box Jump
Sit up
O-bar jumping squats

III. Partner WOD 2 rounds
Partner 1 does:
Without putting the bar down
5 Thrusters/Bar on back walk length of gym
5 Back Squats/Bar on back walk length of gym
5 Front Squats/Lunge length of gym/Walk back

Partner 2
Bar facing burpees

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I. 2 x 500m Row/30 Lunge Steps/20 PVC Rollouts/10 Push ups

II. Skill: 15 minute Push Press (105#)

III. 100 Sit ups

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I. 1000m Row/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 10-20-30-20-10
Deck Squats
Tricep Push ups
Time: 13:40

III. Stretch

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I. 2000M Row/10 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. Skill: 15 Minutes Deadlift (195#)

III. 5 X
1 min max rep Burpee Wall Balls
1 min max rep Sit ups

Monday, April 11, 2011


I. 1000m Row/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts

II. "Annie"
Double Unders
Sit ups

III. Dead Hang Pull ups 10 of each
alternate grip L/R

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I. 400m run
2 x 10 Push ups/10 Sit ups/10 Squats

II. 15 minute Skill: Overhead Squat (65#)

III. 4 Rounds, 1 minute rest between rounds
7 -5- 3
SDLHP (65#)
Pull ups
Push Press
Time: 15:40


I. 1000m Row/20 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts
Skill: Squat Clean and Jerk (110#)

II. 1 mile run
AMRAP 5 minutes
Squat Clean and Jerk (75#)
AMRAP 15 minutes
9 Deadlifts (115#)
12 Push ups
15 Box Jumps

III. Skill: Snatch
With partner complete 120 reps of:
Push ups
Sit ups
Double Unders

Friday, April 8, 2011


I. 200 Jump Ropes
    3 x 10 Squats/10 PVC Rollouts

II. Skill (15 minutes): Snatch (60#)

III. 21-15-9
Deadlifts (135#)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I. 200 jump Rops
   30 Squats
   20 PVC Rollouts

II. Deadlifts 3x3 (135#)

III. 5 Rounds
15 Med Ball cleans
15 Wall Balls
 1 Deadlift (135#)
Time: 9:30

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I. 3 x 200 Jump ropes/20 Lunge Steps/20 Situps/20 PVC Rollouts

II. 10 - 1
Curtis P's (Power Clean, lunge steps each leg, Push Press) 65#
O-bar Rollouts

III. Stretch

Monday, April 4, 2011


70 Burpees
60 Sit ups
50 KB Swings
40 DB Thrusters
30 Pull ups

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I. " Annie"
Double Unders

II. AMRAP 15 Minutes
9 Deadlifts (100#)
12 Push ups
15 Box Jumps

III. Stretch

Saturday, April 2, 2011


O-lifting (Clean and Jerk)

EMOTM 10 minutes
5 Tuck Jumps
10 Mt. Climbers
6 Push ups
2 Minute REST
EMOTM 10 minutes
5 DB Push Press
5 DB Front Squat
1 DB Burpee

10 - 1
Push ups
10 - 1
Pull ups

Thursday, March 31, 2011


I. AMRAP 10 Minutes
10 Squats
  5 Push ups
15 Sit ups
250m Row

II. 10 x 10
Wall Balls (14#)
Push ups
Time: 28:00

III. Stretch

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I. AMRAP 10 Minutes
   20 Squats
   20 GHD Sit ups
   20 Mt. Climbers
   10 PVC Rollouts

II. For Time
30 Walls Balls
 5 Shoulder Presses (55#)
30 Double Unders
 5 Shoulder Presses
30 Wall Balls
 5 Shoulder Presses
30 Double Unders

III. Tabata 30:15 x 4
Plank Hold
Flutter Kicks
Sit ups
Handstand Holds


I. 1000m Row
    25 GHD Sit ups
    20 Squats
    Double unders

II. EMOTM 25 minutes
     5 OHS (40#)
     5 Push ups

III. Stretch

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Filthy Fifty
50 of each movement
Box Jumps
Jumping Pull ups
KB Swings
Push Presses
GHD Back Extensions
Lunge Steps
Wall Balls
Double Unders
Time: 28:20

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I. 1500m Row/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts
   1250m Row/20 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts
   25 Burpees

II. 21-15-9
Deck Squats
KB Swings
Time: 10:10

III. EMOTM for 10 minutes
5 DB Thruster (25#)
5 Sit ups

Thursday, March 3, 2011


2000m Row/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/20 OHS
1000m Row/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/20 OHS
500m Row/30 Squats/20 PVC Rollouts/10 OHS

100 Sit ups
Tabata 20:10 x 8
Plank Hold
Leg Lifts


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


2K Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
30 OHS

400m DB Farmers carry and thruster
Every 10m complete 1 thruster
Rx = 30# DB
Time: 8:59

100 Situps

Monday, February 28, 2011


1000m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
10 OHS
10 Push ups

3 x
20 Full Squat Clean to Thruster (2 x 45#, 1 x 65#)
20 Pull ups

100 Sit ups
20:10 x 8 KB Lifts

Sunday, February 27, 2011


3 x 500m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

AMRAP 20 minutes
4 Deadlifts
3 Hang Power Cleans
2 Front Squats
1 Shoulder to Overhead
Total Reps = 284



2K Row
3 Mile Run

Friday, February 25, 2011


1500m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
10 CF Push ups

9 Deadlifts (115#)
12 Burpees
15 Wall Balls (14#/8')
Time: 5:54

100 Sit ups

Thursday, February 24, 2011


3 x
500m Row
30 Lunge Steps
20 PVC Rollouts
10 OHS

II. 5 x 5 Back Squats (125#)

Push Press (65#)
Wall Balls
Push ups

100 Sit ups

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


1000m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
30 OHS

AMRAP 20 minutes
15 Box Jumps
15 Cleans (65#)
15 GHD
15 Ring Dips (red)

100 Sit ups
25 Push ups


I. 3 x
500m Row
30 Lunge Steps
20 PVC Rollouts
30 OHS

5 x 5 Deadlifts (195#)

100 Situps
35 Push ups

2000m Row
2.5 mile Run

Monday, February 21, 2011


500 m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
30 OHS

Tabata 20:10 x 8
KB Lifts
Plank Hold
Wall Sit
Double Unders

15 odd object Cleans


1000m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
30 OHS

10 Kb Swings (35#)
40 Air Squats
20 KB Swings
30 Push ups
30 KB Swings
20 Burpees

20:10 x 8
Partner Ball Tosses

Saturday, February 19, 2011


1000m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
30 OHS

2K Row
Each row 500m, other does burpees
score = total burpees = 49
(10 minutes limit)

5 x 5 Back Squats (125#)

AMRAP 10 minutes
8 Thrusters (65#)
10 Ring Push ups
REST 3 minutes
5 Clean and Jerks (85#)
7 Ring Dips


90 Minutes Bikram Yoga

Thursday, February 17, 2011


1500m Row
30 Lunge Steps
20 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups
500m Row
30 Lunge Steps

20 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

II. 5 x 5 Shoulder Press (75#)

Shoulder Press (65#)
Pull up
Push up
O - Bar Rollout
Time: 19:11

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


750m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
30 OHS

10 - 1
Front Squats (70#)
Push Presses
Time: 9:04

Every 20 seconds for 5 minutes
Dead Hang Pull ups

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011


500m Row
100 Jump Ropes
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

Clean and Jerk
3-3-2-2-1-1 (110#)

Tabata 20:10 x 8 GHD Sit ups
50 Sit ups

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Tabata 20:10 x 8
Jump Rope
Jumping Jacks
Sit ups

II. 5 x 5 Back Squats (115#)

On a 2 minute running clock:
3 x 30 Wall Balls
3 x 50 Squats
3 x 30 KB Sit ups
1 x Plank Hold

Saturday, February 12, 2011


1000m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
30 OHS

10 - 1
Deadlifts (135#)
St ups

"The Chief"
5 x 3 min max reps, 1 min rest
3 Cleans (95#)
6 Push ups
9 Squats

Friday, February 11, 2011


500m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
10 OHS

EMOTM 25 minutes
5 DB Push Presses (20#)
5 DB Front Squats
5 DB Romanian Deadlifts

25 Chest Press Wipers

Thursday, February 10, 2011


1000m Row, 10 Manmakers
  900m Row,   9 Manmakers
  800m Row,   8 Manmakers
  700m Row,   7 Manmakers
  600m Row,   6 Manmakers
  500m Row,   5 Manmakers
  400m Row,   4 Manmakers
  300m Row,   3 Manmakers
  200m Row,   2 Manmakers
  100m Row,   1 Manmaker

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


500M Row
2 Rounds
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
10 Pushups

10 - 1
Pull ups

AMRAP 20 minutes
500m Row
Frog Complex = Squat Clean + Thruster + Back Squat + Push Press

Monday, February 7, 2011


1500m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

150 Wall Balls

50 of Each
R Pistol
Ring Rows
L Pistols
Ring Dips

2000m Row
2.5 mile Run (intervals)

Sunday, February 6, 2011


1500m Row
3 Rounds
30 Lunge Steps (15# KB)
20 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

5 x 5 Front Squats (100#)

20 min AMRAP
In teams of 4, each member spends one minute @ each station then rotates:
1) Power Cleans (65#)
2) O-bar Rollouts
3) Burpees

Saturday, February 5, 2011


2 x 500m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
30 OHS

5 x 5 Deadlifts (185#)

15 min. AMRAP
KB Swings (53#)
Row (Calories)
You and your partner can either row or do swings, only score points when someone is rowing.
Score= calories + swings


90 minutes Bikram Yoga

2K Row
3 Mile Run

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


500m Row
30 KB Swings
30 Figure 8
30 Halo
30 Hot Potatoes

3 Rounds
20 Flip Squats
15 KB Cleans (R/L)
15 KB Snatches (R/L)
20 Deck Squats
20 Push Presses
1 lap KB Swings
Time: 28:42


Tuesday, February 1, 2011


1500m Row
2 rounds
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
30 OHS

5 x 5 Shoulder Press (75#)

SDLHP (65#)
Sit ups
KB Swings (35#)
1 Clean and Jerk between each movement

Monday, January 31, 2011


500m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
30 OHS

50 PVC Rollouts
Skills - OHS and SNATCH

AMRAP 25 Minutes
10 OHS
10 Snatches
10 O-Bar Rollouts
10 Pull ups


1000m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC rollouts
30 OHS
500m Row
30 Squats, 20 PVC Rollouuts, 30 OHS

Teams of 2 (one person works while other "RESTS")
Sit ups
Push Ups
Ring Dips
REST = Plank Hold

REST = Wall Sit


Sunday, January 30, 2011


500M Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
30 OHS

5 x 5 Back Squats (120#)

50 SDLHP, 10 Wipers (65#)
40 SDLHP, 20 Wipers
30 SDLHP, 30 Wipers
20 SDLHP, 40 Wipers
10 SDLHP, 50 Wiper

Thursday, January 27, 2011


3 Rounds
500m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

5 x 5 Deadlifts (175#)

III. Teams of 2
1 person works other "rests"
SDLHP (44#)
KB Swings (44#)
Pull ups
REST = Hold Push up position

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


1000m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

DB Cleans (25#)
DB Push Press
DB Snatch (L/R)

20 OHS (15#)
50 Overhead Lunge Steps (15#)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


2000m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
30 OHS

5 x 5 Back Squats (115#)

Tabata 20:10 x 8
Sit ups
Push Press (DB 20#)
Weighted Step ups

90 minutes Bikram Yoga


2K Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
20 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
10 squats
PVC Rollouts

4 rounds
20 Pull ups
20 Good Morning (45#)
20 Back Squats (75#)

10 - 1
Toes to Bar
50 Ball Toss Sit ups

Saturday, January 22, 2011


1000m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

5 x 5 Front Squats (95#)

Partner WOD
2 Rounds
50 Box Jumps
50 Wall Ball (14#)
50 DB Cleans (20#)
50 Deadlifts (95#)
500m Row


1500m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
30 OHS

5 x 5 Deadlifts (155#)

3 Rounds
50 Squats
20 SDLHP (65#)
Time: 9:36


1500m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

5 x 5 Back Squats

5 Rounds
10 Thrusters (65#)
90 Jump Ropes
Time: 12:40

5 minutes Lunge Steps

Monday, January 17, 2011


1250m Row
30 Squats
20 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

Squat Clean (65#)
Ring Dips (purple band)
Time: 11:42

25 O-Bar Rollouts
25 Windshield Wipers
50 Sit ups

Sunday, January 16, 2011


3 Rounds
500m Row
30 Lunge Steps
20 PVC Rollouts
10 Push ups

5 x 5 Back Squats (115#)

AMRAP 4 min. REST 1 min 6 min REST 1 min 8 Min
6 Push ups
6 Push Presses
6 Box Jumps

90 minutes Bikram Yoga

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I. 3 Rounds
    500m Row
    30 Lunge Steps
    20 PVC Roll outs
    10 Push ups

2000m Row (8:30)
Rest 4 minutes
1000m Row (4:08)
Rest 2 mnutes
500m Row (1:58)
Rest 1 minute

100 Sit ups (3:00)

Friday, January 14, 2011


I. 1250m Row
    30 Squats
    20 PVC Rollouts

II.  EMOTM for 20 Minutes
      2 Manmakers (20#DB)
      5 Box Jumps

III. 2 x 1 minute at each station
      Flutter Kicks
      Sit ups

90 Minutes Bikram Yoga

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I. 3 Rounds
    500m Row
    30 Squats
    20 PVC Rollouts
    10 Push ups

II. 5 x 5 Back Squats (75# - 105#)

III. 50-40-30-20-10
      KB Swings
      Sit ups
      Time: 10:16


I. 1000m Row
   30 Squats
   20 PVC Rollouts
   10 Push ups

II. AMRAP 20 Minutes
    200m Row
    6 Deadlifts (125#)
    7 Burpee Pull ups
    10 KB Swings

III. 10 - 1
      O-bar Rollouts (95#)

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I. 3 Rounds
   500m Row
   30 Lunge Steps
   20 PVC Rollouts
   10 Push ups

II. 100 Curtis P's (Partner WOD)
     1 = Power Clean
           Lunge Step on each leg
           Push Press
One person is working @ a time.

III. Stretch


90 minutes Bikram Yoga

Friday, January 7, 2011


I. 1000m Row
    30 Squats
    10 Push ups

II. 2K Row
     60 Flip Squats (30#)
     60 GHD Sit ups
     60 Pull ups (blue band)

Time: 21:56

III. Tabata 20:10 x 8
      Paralete Push ups
      Paralete L-sits

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I. 2000m Row
   30 Squats
   20 PVC Rollouts
   10 Push ups

II. 10 - 1
     Burpee Box Jumps (these are killers)
     Ring Rows
     Pull ups
     DB Front Squats (25#)
     Time: 23:52

III. 3 x 3 Deadlift (155#)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I. 1500m Row
   30 Squats
   20 PVC Rollouts
   30 OHS

II. 5 x 5 Shoulder Press (75#)

III. 3 Rounds
      5 Dead Hang Pull ups
      10 Burpees
      15 Thrusters (45#)
      20 Sit ups
      200 Jump Ropes

III. 1500m Row


A.M. P90X Chest and Back

P.M. 90 minutes Bikram Yoga

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I. 500m Row
   30 Squats
   20 PVC Rollouts
   10 Push ups

II. "2010 Revisited" - Partner WOD

300 Squats
100 Wall Balls
300 Situps
100 Push Presses (65#)
250 Jump Ropes
100 Cleans (65#)
200 Box Jumps
100 Thrusters (65#)
200 Push ups
100 KB Swings (44#)
75 Burpees
100 Lunge Steps
75 Pull ups
10 Deadlifts (135#)

III. Stretch


90 minutes Bikram Yoga

Felt great!